
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 22:56, 19 May 2014 by Nad (talk | contribs) (Blacknerries ripe)
Info.svg This page is a month of the year and is used to record useful information about each month relating to living on the land such as what plants are in season, what things we should be doing and what to expect from the weather and river etc.

There's not much heavy rain in April, but the weather's starting to cool down with a lot of overcast drizzly ten degree days, but also some very hot sunny days. There's pumpkins, tomatoes and capsicums in season, and many plants are in flower such as the Chia and Basil which are filled with all types of bees and butterflies.

Red butterflies on chia 2.jpg Blue bee 1.jpg

It's time to start collecting Pinhão this month. It's best to do it early so they're still fresh and the worms haven't gotten to them. See May for more details about Pinhão.

Pinhão harvest.jpg


  • Blacknerries ripe
