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Revision as of 16:33, 15 December 2006 by Phalseid (talk | contribs) (pda workflow)

Thanks Peder. I need to go over with you the ways we can accept payment when we get this set up. I am talking with companies that offer credit card services this week so please get back to me soon. Thanks,


meeting: Oct. 24th, 10:00 AM 4:00 PM, to go over mockups in sugar/workflow of workorder --Phalseid 21:07, 22 Oct 2006 (NZDT)

project specific discussion

  • Customer Call
  • Dispatch
  • Work Notes

get paid to talk and our product is documentation.

3 tools

  • linear time line
  • bubble diagram
    • relationships between oranization roles/dependancies
  • generic workflow



Here's how the new system works:

  • A client calls the ITG service desk with a service request.
  • An electronic service order form is drafted and e-mailed to a tech's PDA.

The form answers who, what, when, why and where. Client information fields are populated automatically from Goldmine,

  • The service technician visits the client site and performs the requested service.
  • The tech enters a description of actual service performed on the Palm service order form along with hours worked and any materials or supplies used to complete the work.
  • The client electronically signs the service order on the tech's Palm confirming services were performed.

Are you still with me? Here's where it really gets good!

  • The tech e-mails the signed service order form back to the main office where:
  • The signed service order is faxed automatically to the client;
  • A new service order is generated automatically for any remaining work;
  • A call is placed automatically on the calendar of the quality control coordinator; and Time and billing information is entered automatically into our internal program for subsequent billing.

The system works on any Palm operating system-based handheld that has wireless Internet capabilities. Most likely you could create your own workflow system using handhelds and software as we did.


The benefits to my firm and our clients have been numerous:

  • Internally, everyone on our network has access to see the status of service orders.
  • Work assignments are received remotely, eliminating the need for techs to travel into the office to receive marching orders.
  • Technical documents are placed on the tech's handheld units, reducing their dependency on vendor technical support.