
From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 11:40, 26 February 2009 by Nad (talk | contribs) (all done except article title)
  1. !/usr/bin/perl
  2. Imports rows from an OpenOffice spreadsheet file (*.ods) into wiki record articlesOur Perl scripts.
  3. - processes only the first sheet
  4. - ignores empty rows

use strict; require('xml.pl'); require('wiki.pl');

  1. The details of the wiki to add the records to

my $wiki = 'http://svn.localhost/wiki/index.php'; my $user = 'foo'; my $pass = 'bar';

  1. The name of the record template

my $tmpl = 'Activity';

  1. Whether to append or prepend new records to existing articles

my $append = 0;

  1. Column names and regex to determine rows to extract (case insensitive)

my %filter = ( 'type' => 'hours' );

  1. Specify the column headers or leave empty to use data from first row

my @columns = ();

  1. Log in to the wiki

wikiLogin($wiki, $user, $pass) or exit;

  1. Extract the content.xml file from the .ods archive

my $xml = $ARGV[0] or die "Please specify a .ods file to import rows from";

  1. Convert the XML to a hash tree (see http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/xml.pl)

$xml = xmlParse(join(, qx( unzip -p $xml content.xml )));

  1. Sort out column names and order

my %cols = (); $cols{lc $columns[$_]} = $_ for 0..$#columns; if ($#columns < 0) { @columns = keys %cols; while (my($k, $v) = each(%cols)) { $columns[$v] = $k } }

  1. Extract the data from the hash tree and add to the wiki

for (@{$$xml{-content}}) { for (@{$$_{-content}}) { if ($$_{-name} eq 'office:body') { for (@{$$_{-content}}) { my $done = 0; for (@{$$_{-content}}) {

# Only process rows for the first sheet if ($$_{-name} eq 'table:table' && $done == 0) { $done++;

# Loop through the rows of this sheet for (@{$$_{-content}}) { my @row = (); for (@{$$_{-content}}) {

# Add this cell's content to the row my $cell = ; $cell = $$_{-content}[0] for @{$$_{-content}}; push @row, $cell;

# Handle the table:number-columns-repeated attribute if (defined $$_{'table:number-columns-repeated'} && $$_{'table:number-columns-repeated'} < 100) { push @row, $cell while --$$_{'table:number-columns-repeated'}; } }

# Process this row (unless empty) if (join(, @row)) {

# Process this data row (or define cols if first row) my @kc = keys %cols; if ($#kc < 0) { for (0..$#row) { $cols{lc $row[$_]} = $_ if $row[$_]; } } else {

# Check if it passes through the filter my $fail = 0; while (my($col, $pat) = each(%filter)) { $fail = 1 unless $row[$cols{lc $col}] =~ /$pat/i; }

# Process this row if it passed unless ($fail) {

# Create record article title <---------------------------- todo my $title = ;

# Get the current text of the article to be created/updated if any my $text = wikiRawPage($wiki, $title, 0); my $action = $text ? 'updated' : 'created';

# Build the record as wikitext template syntax my $record = "{{$tmpl\n"; $record .= "|$_ = ".$row[$cols{lc $_}]."\n" foreach @columns; $record .= "}}";

# Replace, prepend or append the template into the current text my ($pos, $len) = (0, 0); for (wikiExamineBraces($text)) { ($pos, $len) = ($_->{OFFSET}, $_->{LENGTH}) if $_->{NAME} eq $tmpl } if ($pos) { $text = substr $text, $pos, $len, $record } else { $text = $append ? "$text\n$record" : "$record\n$text" }

# Update the article if (0) { $done = wikiEdit( $wiki, $title, $text, "$tmpl record $action by ods2wiki.pl" ); }

print "$record\n\n";

} } } } } } } } } }