Is 2012 the beginning of the Great Tribulation?

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Video: Astrophysicists: 2012 - The End of Civilization?

Note: this interview is between two Christians comparing the similarities between what the book of Revelation describes as the "Day of the Lord" and the predictions of a team of astrophysicists about the ongoing Earth changes (Sun changes) that will usher in a new era in human history. Naturally, the speakers use language and concepts that are consistent with their Christian world view - caveat emptor.

From what I know, the astrophysics are correct and the meteorological, geological, social, political and economic consequences thereof, as well. The scriptural interpretations are internally consistent in light of the best scholarship on the subject.

That being said, I also know that the prophetic warnings in Revelation, when properly understood, have a very strong correlation with the prophetic literature in the Quran and the essential teachings of Islam, the World Age doctrine of the Hindu Vedas, Egyptians, Mayans, the Hopi, the Inca, and other ancient peoples.

There are also strong parallels in the mythology passed to us from the ancient Greeks, Babylonians, Chinese, and many other cultures around the world. Also, let's not neglect the very purposeful message encoded by the mysterious megalithic structures all around the world left by unknown, lost civilizations who were obviously compelled to try to leave a warning that would survive and be understood by a future unknown civilization (us, right now). Read any book by Graham Hancock for exhaustive proof. His books are typically 800 pages long, fully footnoted. If you want to know, I recommend starting with Fingerprints of the Gods.

I have absolutely no doubt these various channels are all indicating the same warning about our time in history. They pretty much all agree that there is a great astronomical cycle that is responsible for essentially limiting civilization to about 5000 years, and that the end of one cycle and the beginning of another is happening in our time.

Summary from the video page:

"Astrophysicists: Best case scenario is the end of Western civilization as we know it.

Fascinating interview with Benjamin Baruch, who interviewed two expert astrophysicists. They confirmed that a neutron star companion to our sun exists, that has an elliptical orbit with our Sun with an orbital period of approximately 24,000 years."

According to Binary Star - Research Findings:

"It is estimated that approximately 1/3 of the star systems in the Milky Way are binary or multiple, with the remaining 2/3 consisting of single stars."

Counting stars instead of star systems, that means one half or more of all stars are members of binary or multiple star systems - so binary systems are not all that unusual. Moreover, most binary star systems have one bright, easily visible star with the other member being very dim or practically invisible (this phenomenon is thought to be the result of a previous supernova, producing two new stars of different character). Given this, and the very long cycles of time and the astronomical orbital distances in which they interact, it is not surprising that it would take "modern" man so long to recognize that we indeed live in a binary star system.

Don't like the negative "doom and gloom" Christian apocalyptic spin? Graham Hancock, in my opinion, one of the most brilliant scholars of our time on this subject, has a more optimistic point of view (but it's the same thing):

Lost Civilizations and the Supernatural (Part 1 of 11)

Graham Hancock - Supernatural (Part 1 of 12)

The two interviews are fascinating, and in my opinion, Hancock's conclusions about 2012 are the best researched and logically thought out, of any researcher on the topic. That is not to minimize the work of John Major Jenkins, who has an even more optimistic point of view that is essential to know about.

2012: Science or Superstition?

You can hear both Hancock and Jenkins together - with some other notable scholars on the subject, in the best documentary on 2012 made to date - an excellent film production by [ The Disinformation Company] that I think correctly explains what 2012 is all about, to the limits of what is currently known. It's called 2012: Science or Superstition?

A dvd can be purchased here:

It can be viewed online here: (Never mind the Bulgarian subtitles, you can't find it on youtube because of US copyright laws)


(DVD quality):

If you feel guilty about downloading a pirated copy, send money. It's worth every penny.