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Revision as of 03:08, 10 April 2006 by Nad (talk | contribs)

I think i'm on the right track. Seems there is some scope or nesting problem. I have successfully created a prototype movie clip but it will not show on the stage.--Rob 14:49, 10 Apr 2006 (NZST)

You can't create a movieclip as a child of a non-movieclip because createEmptyMovieClip is only a method of the MovieClip class. So you can't make a new movieclip with new(), it has to be one of the movieclips own methods.
But the movieclip object does come with a method to inherit from other objects which is the registerClass method, but you have to associate it with another movieclip object or it will no longer be one itself (although, you could use a normal object if it inherited the movieclip properties with obj.prototype=new movieclip). --Nad 15:07, 10 Apr 2006 (NZST)