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Current Loop

In Nodal Reduction, a node's current focus is a node from it's current loop which is reached by following the node's current-loop-asociation. In the nodeSpace.c source, the current-loop-association is reffered to by a constant called nodeLOOP. Structurally, nodal loops are circularly linked lists formed from nodal associations. In graph theory a loop is called a Cycle.

Loops in general

A Loop is formed when all nexts form a complete loop in one direction and all prevs link up in exactly the opposite direction. A Loop does not distinguish any List-Item as being the start or finish.

Loops are structurally identical to Queues, but are treated differently by the contexts that use them.

This has important implications when it comes to structures composed of nodes which can be Loops. Since none of the nodes is the start or finish, a Loop can be referenced by any of its items.