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"BiplotC" <- structure(function(xx, comps = c(1, 2), cex = c(.8, .4), pchs = 0:6,

          colour.c = c("black"), colour.v = c("blue"), scale = 1,
          clust = 1, no.clust = 3, lab.cex = 1.2, ax.cex  = 0.9,
          xylab = "PC", expand = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, 
          main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL)


 ## Purpose: Adds more options to BiplotB
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: BiplotB
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments:
 ##     colour.c:  colour vector for cases
 ##     colour.v:  colour vector for variables
 ##     clust:     are we clustering cases (1) or variables (2)?
 ##                If no clustering is wanted, use BiplotB2
 ##     no.clust   number of clusters
 ##     xylab:     Prefix to x- and y-labels
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author:  Zaphod Beeblebrox, Date: 16 Aug 2006, 09:49 
 if(class(xx) == "princomp"){
   scores <- xx$scores[, paste("Comp", comps, sep = ".")]
   loadings <- xx$loadings[, paste("Comp", comps, sep = ".")]
 if(class(xx) == "prcomp"){
   scores <- xx$x[, paste("PC", comps, sep = "")]
   loadings <- xx$rotation[, paste("PC", comps, sep = "")]
 importance <- round(100*xx$sdev/max(cumsum(xx$sdev)), 1) # Variation attributed
 import.lab <- importance[comps]
 x <- scores
 y <- loadings
 n <- nrow(scores)
 p <- nrow(loadings)
    1. Copy in lam stuff from the default (omit n.obs stuff)
 lam <- xx$sdev[comps]
 lam <- lam * sqrt(n)
 if (scale < 0 || scale > 1) 
   warning("'scale' is outside [0, 1]")
 if (scale != 0) 
   lam <- lam^scale
 else lam <- 1
 x <- t(t(scores)/lam) 
 y <- t(t(loadings)*lam)
 unsigned.range <- function(x) c(-abs(min(x)), abs(max(x)))
 rangx1 <- unsigned.range(x[, 1])
 rangx2 <- unsigned.range(x[, 2])
 rangy1 <- unsigned.range(y[, 1])
 rangy2 <- unsigned.range(y[, 2])
      1. fix up xlim and ylim
 if (missing(xlim) && missing(ylim)) 
   xlim <- ylim <- rangx1 <- rangx2 <- range(rangx1, rangx2)
 else if (missing(xlim)) 
   xlim <- rangx1
 else if (missing(ylim)) 
   ylim <- rangx2
      1. Ratio of variable sclae to cases scale
 ratio <- max(rangy1/rangx1, rangy2/rangx2)/expand
 blank.plot(range(x), range(x), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
 ## work out scaling factor for the loadings
 xax.tik <- pretty(range(xlim)) <- xax.tik 
 yax.tik <- pretty(range(ylim)) <- yax.tik 
 abline(v = 0, col = "grey")
 abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
      1. Decide on what clustering is to happen
 if(clust == 1 | clust == "case"){ # We're clustering cases
   if(length(colour.c) < no.clust)
       colour.pal.c <- brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")[1:no.clust]
   else colour.pal.c <- colour.c
   case.cluster <- pam(x, no.clust)
   colour.c <- colour.pal.c[case.cluster$clustering]
 if(clust == 2 | clust == "variable"){ # We're clustering variables
    if(length(colour.v) < no.clust)
      colour.pal.v <- brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")[1:no.clust]
    else colour.pal.v <- colour.v
    variable.cluster <- pam(y, no.clust)
    colour.v <- colour.pal.v[variable.cluster$clustering]

 items <- rownames(scores) # can stay non-generic for now
 ## Get same letters into groups
 ## regions <- gsub("[0-9]", "", items)
 text(x[,1], x[,2], items, cex = cex[1], col = colour.c)
 axis(2, cex.axis = ax.cex, mgp = c(1, .8, 0), at =,
      labels = yax.tik)
 axis(1, cex.axis = ax.cex, mgp = c(1, .8, 0), at =,
      labels = xax.tik)
   xlab <- ppaste(xylab, comps[1], " (",import.lab[1], "%)")
   ylab <- ppaste(xylab, comps[2], " (",import.lab[2], "%)")
 mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = 2.2, cex = lab.cex)
 mtext(ylab, side = 2, line = 2.5, cex = lab.cex)
   text(y[, 1]/ratio, y[, 2]/ratio,
        rownames(loadings), cex = cex[2], col = colour.v)

} , comment = "18/08/2006") "JIM" <- structure(function() {

 ## Purpose: Loads Jim Lindsay's libraries for gnlm
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments:
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Zaphod Beeblebrox, Date:  4 Feb 2002, 07:57
 library(rmutil, lib.loc = "/home/hrapgc/Rstuff/library/")
 library(gnlm, lib.loc = "/home/hrapgc/Rstuff/library/")

} , comment = "01/07/2002") "MAP" <- structure(function()

      1. Installs maps library
   library(maps, lib.loc = "/home/pat/Rstuff/library/")

, comment = "06/06/2001") "MASS" <- structure(function()

                                       # Installs MASS library
   library(MASS, lib.loc = "/home/hrapgc/Rstuff/library")

, comment = "03/10/2001") "PLS" <- structure(function()

      1. Installs Partial Least Squares library
   library(pls, lib.loc = "/home/hrapgc/patrick/library")

, comment = "09/05/2001") "Plot.rpart" <- structure(function(x, uniform=FALSE, branch=1, compress=FALSE,

                      nspace, margin=0, minbranch=.3, col = "turquoise",...)


 ## Purpose: Allows different colours for lines in plot.rpart
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 26 Jan 2005, 09:54
   if(!inherits(x, "rpart"))

stop("Not an rpart object")

   if (!is.null(x$frame$splits)) x <- rpconvert(x)  #help for old objects
   if (compress & missing(nspace)) nspace <- branch
   if (!compress) nspace <- -1     #means no compression
   dev <- dev.cur()
   if (dev == 1) dev <- 2
   assign(paste(".rpart.parms", dev, sep = "."),
           list(uniform=uniform, branch=branch, nspace=nspace,

minbranch=minbranch), envir=.GlobalEnv)

   #define the plot region
   temp <- rpart:::rpartco(x)
   xx <- temp$x
   yy <- temp$y
   temp1 <- range(xx) + diff(range(xx))*c(-margin, margin)
   temp2 <- range(yy) + diff(range(yy))*c(-margin, margin)
   plot(temp1, temp2, type='n', axes=FALSE, xlab=, ylab=, ...)
   # Draw a series of horseshoes or V's, left son, up, down to right son
   #   NA's in the vector cause lines() to "lift the pen"
   node <- as.numeric(row.names(x$frame))
   temp <- rpart:::rpart.branch(xx, yy, node, branch)
   if (branch>0) text(xx[1], yy[1], '|')
   lines(c(temp$x), c(temp$y), col = col)
   invisible(list(x=xx, y=yy))

, comment = "26/01/2005") "SURV" <- structure(function() library(survival5, lib.loc = "/home/hrapgc/patrick/library") , comment = "27/04/2001") "Text.rpart" <- structure(function(x, splits = TRUE, label = "yval", FUN = text, all=FALSE,

            pretty = NULL, digits = getOption("digits") - 3,
            use.n=FALSE, fancy=FALSE, fwidth=.8, fheight =.8,
                      leaf.col = "darkorange",...)


 ## Purpose: Modifies text.rpart to position text better
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: text.rpart in the basic distribution
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 21 Jan 2005, 16:39
   if(!inherits(x, "rpart")) stop("Not legitimate rpart")
   if(!is.null(x$frame$splits)) x <- rpconvert(x)#Backwards compatability
   frame <- x$frame
   col <- names(frame)
   ylevels <- attr(x,'ylevels')
   if(!is.null(ylevels <- attr(x, "ylevels")))
       col <- c(col, ylevels)
   if(, col)))
       stop("Label must be a column label of the frame component of the tree"
   cxy <- par("cxy")                   #character width and height
   if(!is.null(srt <- list(...)$srt) && srt == 90)
       cxy <- rev(cxy)
   xy <- rpart:::rpartco(x)
   node <- as.numeric(row.names(x$frame))
   is.left <- (node%%2 ==0)            #left hand sons
   node.left <- node[is.left]
   parent <- match(node.left/2, node)
   ##Put left splits at the parent node
   if(splits) {
       left.child <- match(2 * node, node)
       right.child <- match(node * 2 + 1, node)
       rows <- labels(x, pretty = pretty)
       if(fancy) {
           ## put split labels on branches instead of nodes
           xytmp <- rpart.branch(x=xy$x,y=xy$y,node=node)
           leftptx <- (xytmp$x[2,]+xytmp$x[1,])/2
           leftpty <- (xytmp$y[2,]+xytmp$y[1,])/2
           rightptx <- (xytmp$x[3,]+xytmp$x[4,])/2
           rightpty <- (xytmp$y[3,]+xytmp$y[4,])/2
       else FUN(xy$x, xy$y + 0.5 * cxy[2], rows[left.child], ...)
   leaves <- if(all) rep(TRUE, nrow(frame)) else frame$var == "<leaf>"
   if (is.null(frame$yval2))
       stat <- x$functions$text(yval=frame$yval[leaves],
                                ylevel=ylevels, digits=digits,
                                n=frame$n[leaves], use.n=use.n)
       stat <- x$functions$text(yval=frame$yval2[leaves,],
                                ylevel=ylevels, digits=digits,
                                n=frame$n[leaves], use.n=use.n)

   oval <- function(middlex,middley,a,b) {
       theta <- seq(0,2*pi,pi/30)
       newx <- middlex + a*cos(theta)
       newy <- middley + b*sin(theta)
       ##	     polygon(newx,newy,border=T)
   rectangle <- function(middlex, middley,a,b) {
       newx <- middlex + c(a,a,-a,-a)
       newy <- middley + c(b,-b,-b,b)
       ##	  polygon(newx,newy,border=T)
   if(fancy) {
       ## find maximum length of stat
       maxlen <- max($columns) + 1
       maxht <- max($rows) +1
       if(fwidth<1)  a.length <- fwidth*cxy[1]*maxlen
       else a.length <- fwidth*cxy[1]
       if(fheight<1) b.length <- fheight*cxy[2]*maxht
       else b.length <- fheight*cxy[2]
      1. create ovals and rectangles here
       ## sqrt(2) creates the smallest oval that fits around the
       ## best fitting rectangle
       for(i in parent) oval(xy$x[i],xy$y[i],
                             a=sqrt(2)*a.length/2, b=sqrt(2)*b.length/2)
       child <- match(node[frame$var=="<leaf>"],node)
       for(i in child) rectangle(xy$x[i],xy$y[i],
   ##if FUN=text then adj=1 puts the split label to the left of the
   ##    split rather than centered
   ##Allow labels at all or just leaf nodes
   ## stick values on nodes
   if(fancy) FUN(xy$x[leaves], xy$y[leaves] + .5 * cxy[2], stat, ...)
   else FUN(xy$x[leaves], xy$y[leaves] -0.9 * cxy[2], stat, adj=.5,
            col = leaf.col, ...)

, comment = "09/02/2005") "Updown" <- structure(function(cv) {

 ## Bill Venables's function (adjusted) to make uppercase first
 ##  letters, and lower the rest.
 cv <- casefold(cv)
 first <- substring(cv, 1, 1)
 FIRST <- casefold(first, upper = T)
 paste(FIRST, substring(cv, 2), sep = "")

} , comment = "05/04/2002") "add.text" <- structure(function(xp = 0.5, yp = 0.5, tex = NULL, ygap = 0.05, cex = 0.8, adj = 0,

          adj.y = 0, font = 1, col = "black", srt = 0, ...)


      1. Cut down from bar.legs: used only for text; can also be rotated
      2. labels is character vector of legend text
      3. the length of tex sets the length of other vectors
      4. Establish positions in page co-ordinates [0,1] then use regular text function
      5. From Splus a/c began 11/07/1997
      6. Added vertical adj bit 17/6/04
 uu <- par()$usr
 xd <- diff(uu[1:2])
 yd <- diff(uu[3:4])
 yp <- yp - (seq(along = tex) - 1) * ygap
 if(length(xp) == 1)
   xp <- rep(xp, length(tex))
 if(length(cex) == 1)
   cex <- rep(cex, length(xp))
 if(length(adj) == 1)
   adj <- rep(adj, length(xp))
 if(length(font) == 1)
   font <- rep(font, length(xp))
 if(length(col) == 1)
   col <- rep(col, length(xp))
 xh <- uu[1] + xd * xp
 yh <- uu[3] + yd * yp
 for(i in 1:length(tex)) {
   text(xh[i], yh[i], tex[i], adj = c(adj[i], adj.y), cex = cex[i],
        font = font[i], srt = srt, col = col[i], ...)

} , comment = "25/10/2006") "agg" <- structure(function(data, by, FUNS) {

  1. DATE WRITTEN: 14 May 1998
  2. AUTHOR: John R. Wallace (
   out <-, by, eval(parse(text = FUNS[1])))
   for(i in 2:length(FUNS)) {
      tmp <-, by, eval(parse(text = FUNS[i])))
      tmp <- tmp[, ncol(tmp)]
      out <- cbind(out, tmp)
   dimnames(out)2[ - (1:length(by))] <- FUNS

} , comment = "15/09/1998") "allfit" <- structure(function(choice = 1, mn = NULL, xfun = function(x) x, xfun.inv = NULL, datafun = glean.ramp, link = "cloglog", interval = T, pc =

   c(50, 95, 99), pc.monotone = c(loess = 50, loess = 99), plot.monotone = 
   NULL, cutoff.mono = 0, span.mono = 1, pc.spline = NULL, plot.spline = F, 
   p.min = NULL, printdat = F, save.resid = F, cm.strategy = "adjust.later", 
   ext = "", cm.code = NULL, print.plot = F, full.robust = F, ...)


 ## Purpose: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: John Maindonald, Creation date:  7 Sep 1994 (about)
  1. Changed May 1999 to make pc = 95 part of the default
   xtra <- list(...) <- T
   if(!is.null(names(xtra))) {
      h <- xtra$h
      ri <- xtra$ri
      cj <- xtra$cj
      if(any(, c("h", "ri", "cj")))))
         cat("\n*** There are one or more illegal parameters to allfit()\n", 
            "from among the names:", names(xtra), "***\n")
   else {
      ri <- 3
      cj <- 4
      h <- NULL
   if((!is.null(plot.monotone)) | plot.spline) {
      oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(ri, cj), oma = c(0, 1, 5, 0))
   cat("   ", date(), fill = T)
   cat("** Link =", link, "**  x-transformation =", as.character(substitute(
      xfun)), "**", fill = T)
      u <- datafun(choice = choice, h = h)
   else u <- datafun(choice = choice)
      cm.code <- u$cm.code
      cm.code <- 0
   cm.allcodes <- u$cm.allcodes
   temp <- u$temp
   stage <- u$stage
   if(all(xfun(exp(1:5)) == (1:5)))
      takelog <- T
   else takelog <- F
   idset <- u$id
   uset <- u$
      uset <- unique(idset)
      mn <- 1:length(uset)
   if(max(mn) > length(uset)) {
      maxj <- length(uset)
      cat("You have specified a final dataset no.", max(mn), "\nwhereas", maxj,
         "datasets only are available\n")
      keep <- mn <= maxj
      if(sum(keep) > 0)
         mn <- mn[keep]
      else stop(paste("Dataset(s)", mn, "not found."))
   alltimes <- u$times
   alltot <- u$total
   alldead <- u$dead
   cm <- u$cm
   cmtot <- u$cmtot
   cutx <- u$cutx
   offset <- u$offset
   xaxtitle <- u$xaxtitle
   treat <- u$treat
   maint <- u$maint
   add.main <- u$add.main
   legend <- u$legend
   leg.brief <- u$leg.brief
   xxlabels <- u$xlabels
   here <- ! & ! & !
   if(!is.null(pc)) {
      ltmat <- matrix(, nrow = length(mn), ncol = length(pc))
      semat <- matrix(, nrow = length(mn), ncol = length(pc))
      dimnames(ltmat) <- list(NULL, paste(pc))
   else {
      ltmat <- NULL
      semat <- NULL
   if(!is.null(pc.spline)) {
      ltmat.spline <- matrix(, nrow = length(mn), ncol = length(pc.spline))
      dimnames(ltmat.spline) <- list(NULL, paste(pc.spline))
   else ltmat.spline <- NULL
   if(!is.null(pc.monotone)) {
      ltmat.monotone <- matrix(, nrow = length(mn), ncol = length(pc.monotone)
      dimnames(ltmat.monotone) <- list(NULL, paste(pc.monotone))
   else ltmat.monotone <- NULL
   dimnames(ltmat) <- list(NULL, paste(pc))
   dimnames(semat) <- list(NULL, paste(pc))
   b0 <- array(, length(mn))
   b1 <- array(, length(mn))
   cm.est <- array(, length(mn))
   dev <- array(, length(mn))
   df <- array(, length(mn))
   dev.robust <- array(, length(mn))
   df.robust <- array(, length(mn))
   times.list <- vector("list", length(mn))
   total.list <- vector("list", length(mn))
   resid.list <- vector("list", length(mn)) <- vector("list", length(mn))
   leg.allfit <- array(, length(mn))
   i <- 0
   for(j in mn) {
      i <- i + 1
      idj <- uset[j]
      here.j <- idset == idj & here
      leg <- legend[j]
      leg.allfit[i] <- leg
      dead <- alldead[here.j]
      tot <- alltot[here.j]
      mins <- alltimes[here.j]
         cutoff <- cutx[j]
      else cutoff <- NULL
         cmj <- cm[j]
      else cmj <- NULL
      uu <- fitconf(link = link, mins, dead, tot, cutoff, offset, j, leg = leg,
         interval = interval, pc = pc, pc.spline = pc.spline, pc.monotone = 
         pc.monotone, plot.spline = plot.spline, plot.monotone = plot.monotone,
         cutoff.mono = cutoff.mono, span.mono = span.mono, xfun = xfun, cm = 
         cmj, numcm = cmtot[j], p.min = p.min, printdat = F, save.resid = 
         save.resid, cm.strategy = cm.strategy, cm.code = cm.code, cm.allcodes
          = cm.allcodes, xfun.inv = xfun.inv, full.robust = full.robust)
      if((!is.null(plot.monotone)) && prod(par()$mfg[1:2]) == 1) { <- T
         mtext(paste(maint, add.main), 3, line = 2.75, outer = T, cex = 1)
         mtext("Curves & LT's are from smooths following monotone regression",
            3, line = -0.75, outer = T, cex = 0.80000000000000004)
      if((!is.null(plot.monotone)) && prod(par()$mfg[1:2]) == prod(par()$mfg[3:
         4]) && print.plot && {
         dev.print(device = pscript, horiz = T) <- F
      if(printdat) {
         print(cbind(mins, dead, tot))
      ltmat[i,  ] <- uu$lt
         ltmat.spline[i,  ] <- uu$lt.spline
         ltmat.monotone[i,  ] <- uu$lt.monotone
      semat[i,  ] <- uu$se
      b0[i] <- uu$b0
      b1[i] <- uu$b1
      dev[i] <- uu$dev
      df[i] <- uu$df
      cm.est[i] <- uu$cm
      dev.robust[i] <- uu$dev.robust
      df.robust[i] <- uu$df.robust
      resid.listi <- uu$resid <- uu$
      times.listi <- uu$times
      total.listi <- uu$total
   if((!is.null(plot.monotone)) && print.plot &&
      dev.print(device = pscript, horiz = T)    #
   invisible(list(lt50 = NULL, lt99 = NULL, se50 = NULL, se99 = NULL, 
      intercept = b0, slope = b1, lt = ltmat, se = semat, lt.spline = 
      ltmat.spline, lt.monotone = ltmat.monotone, span.mono = span.mono, cutx
       = cutx, dev = dev, df = df, cm.strategy = cm.strategy, cm = cm.est, 
      cm.code = cm.code, dev.robust = dev.robust, df.robust = df.robust, 
      takelog = takelog, total = total.list, resid = resid.list, =, times = times.list, datafun = as.character(substitute(
      datafun)), choice = choice, temp = temp, stage = stage, add.main = 
      add.main, legend = leg.allfit, leg.brief = leg.brief))

, comment = "08/09/2004") "ang" <- structure(function(u) {

   (180 * asin(sqrt(u)))/atan(1)/4

} , comment = "26/09/2001") "" <- structure(function(y) {

   100 * (sin(pi/180 * y))^2 

} , comment = "16/02/2005") "append.cols" <- structure(function(data = natural.df, repeat.cols = 1:4, collapse.cols = 5:6, =

   "", out.col = "Response")


  1. By default repeats the first four columns twice and
  2. makes columns 5 and 6 into one
   data <-
      repeat.cols <- names(data)[repeat.cols]
      collapse.cols <- names(data)[collapse.cols]
   repeat.df <-[, repeat.cols])
   collapse.df <- data[, collapse.cols]
   ind <- 1:nrow(repeat.df)
   repeat.times <- ncol(collapse.df)
   repeated.df <-[rep(ind, repeat.times),  ])
   names(repeated.df) <- repeat.cols    # if only one column
   repeated.df[,] <- rep(collapse.cols, rep(max(ind), repeat.times))
   right <- unlist(collapse.df)
   repeated.dfout.col <- right

} , comment = "30/04/2001") "append.rows" <- structure(function(x, id.cols = 1, spread.col = 3, = 2,

                       new.cols = NULL)


      1. Purpose: Unstacks dataframe -- converse of append.cols
      2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. Modified from: append.cols (a bit)
      4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. Arguments: new.cols: names of new columns
      6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      7. Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 20 Feb 2003, 09:28
 x <-
      1. more useful in character form
   spread.col <- names(x)[spread.col]
 if(is.numeric( <- names(x)[] # column identifier to get new names
   id.cols <- names(x)[id.cols] # rows that identify general groups
   new.cols <- unique(x[,])
 nrow.out <- nrow(x)/length(new.cols)
      1. set up dataframe and then add columns to it from rows of original
 x <- df.sort(x, # make sure it's ordered
 out.df <-[seq(nrow.out), id.cols])
 row.names(out.df) <- seq(nrow(out.df))
 names(out.df) <- id.cols
 spread.mat <- matrix(x[, spread.col], ncol = length(new.cols))
 dimnames(spread.mat) <- list(NULL,new.cols)
 cbind(out.df, spread.mat)

} , comment = "20/02/2003") "average.down" <- structure(function(x) {

  1. uses fill.down() to average the missing values with ones present
   y <- fill.down(x)
   z <- rev(fill.down(rev(x)))
   xx <- (y + z)/2

} , comment = "10/08/1999") "axis.fudge" <- structure(function(ax.cex = .8, las = 2, y.tix, mgp = c(2, .7, 0), fudge = 0) {

 ## Purpose: Fudges y-axis labels (if the default is too low)
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments: is the amount to bump up the position of
 ##            ytick labels 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 17 Jun 2004, 13:44
 axis(2, cex.axis = ax.cex, mgp = mgp, at = y.tix, labels = FALSE)
 axis(2, cex.axis = ax.cex, las = 2, mgp = mgp,
      at = y.tix + fudge, labels = paste(y.tix), tick = FALSE)

} , comment = "18/06/2004") "bar.legs" <- structure(function(xp = 0.5, yp = 0.5, ebv = NULL, labs = NULL, colour = F, pchs = 0:10,

          ltys = 1:9, line.break = 0,
          cols = rep(1, 20), wid = 0.007, = T,
          ygap = ifelse(, 0.05, 0.02), xgap = 0.01, leg.cex = 0.6,
          point.cex = 0.8, adj = 0, hershey = F, font = 1, line.leng = ifelse(is.null(pchs),
                                                             0.03, 0.05), mixed = F, bar.lwd = par()$lwd, line.lwd = par()$lwd,
          pt.lwd = bar.lwd, pt.lty = 1)


      1. For placing legends with error bars and adjusting the spaces between lines
      2. xp and yp are x & y positions to begin
      3. ebv is vector of errorbars widths: or a list of two vectors (max and min)
      4. labels is character vector of legend text
      5. wid is "width" of errorbars: adjusts eps in errorbars function called from this one
      6. ygap space between elements of legend
      7. pchs is vector of plotting characters
      8. mixed is T when mixed.text is to be used for mixing characters in labs
      9. font is becomes vfont if herschey fonts are to be used, in which case, it is a
      10. vector of two elements: otherwise a numeric single value.
 uu <- par()$usr
 xd <- diff(uu[1:2])
 yd <- diff(uu[3:4])
 xh <- uu[1] + xd * xp
 yh <- uu[3] + yd * yp
   labs <- as.list(labs)
 hershey <- is.character(font)
 if(is.null(ebv)) xh <- xh - xgap * xd
 if(length(point.cex) < length(pchs))
   point.cex <- rep(point.cex, length(pchs))
 if(length(line.lwd) < length(ltys))
   line.lwd <- rep(line.lwd, length.out = length(ltys))
 if(length(cols) < length(ltys))
   cols <- rep(cols, length.out = length(ltys))
      1. puts lines() back to xp
 if(!is.list(ebv)) {
      1. If ebv is a single vector, only one lot of error bars:
   for(i in 1:length(labs)) {
      1. If space between errorbars is to be made equal, start top of first error bar
      2. at beginning of legend. Otherwise, the legend text is at that position.
      3. If errorbar spaces are to be equal, half adjustment is done before drawing one,
      4. otherwise, all adjustment happens after drawing each one.
     if(! yh <- yh - ebv[i]    ### 
       errorbars(xh, yh, ebv[i], eps = wid * xd, lwd = bar.lwd)
       points(xh + (line.leng/2 + xgap) * xd, yh, pch = pchs[i], cex = 
              point.cex[i], col = cols[i], lwd = pt.lwd, lty = pt.lty)
       if(line.break > 0) {
           lines(xh + (c(0, line.leng/2 - line.break) + xgap) * xd,
                 rep(yh, 2), lty = ltys[i], col = cols[i], lwd = line.lwd[i])
           lines(xh + (c(line.leng/2 + line.break, line.leng) + xgap) * 
                 xd, rep(yh, 2), lty = ltys[i], col = cols[i], lwd = 
       else lines(xh + (c(0, line.leng) + xgap) * xd, rep(yh, 2), lty = 
                  ltys[i], col = cols[i], lwd = line.lwd[i])
     if(!is.null(labs)) {
       if(is.expression(labsi) & hershey) stop(
           "Hershey fonts cannot be used with expressions\n")    
      1. Use herschey fonts, font becomes vfont: adj is a bit different too
         text(xh + (line.leng + xgap * 2) * xd, yh, labels = labsi, 
              adj = c(adj, 0.5), cex = leg.cex, vfont = font)
       else text(xh + (line.leng + xgap * 2) * xd, yh, labels = labsi,
                 adj = c(adj, 0.5), cex = leg.cex, font = font)
      1. Move down the appropriate amount for the next one:
     yh <- yh - ifelse(, 0, ebv[i]) - ygap * yd
 else {
      1. Two error bars, maximums and minimums are drawn
      2. Move starting point to allow for extra errorbar
   xh <- xh + (xgap + wid) * xd
   ebv1 <- ebv$max
   ebv2 <- ebv$min
   for(i in 1:length(labs)) {
       yh <- yh - ebv1[i]
     errorbars(xh - (xgap + wid) * xd, yh, ebv1[i], eps = wid * xd, lwd = 
     errorbars(xh, yh, ebv2[i], eps = wid * xd, lwd = bar.lwd)
       points(xh + (line.leng/2 + xgap) * xd, yh, pch = pchs[i], cex = 
              point.cex[i], col = cols[i], lwd = pt.lwd)
     if(line.break > 0) {
         lines(xh + (c(0, line.leng/2 - line.break) + xgap) * xd,
               rep(yh, 2), lty = ltys[i], col = cols[i], lwd = line.lwd[i])
         lines(xh + (c(line.leng/2 + line.break, line.leng) + xgap) * xd,
               rep(yh, 2), lty = ltys[i], col = cols[i], lwd = line.lwd[i])
     else lines(xh + (c(0, line.leng) + xgap) * xd, rep(yh, 2),
                lty = ltys[i], col = cols[i], lwd = line.lwd[i])
     if(!is.null(labels)) {
         mixed.text(xh + (line.leng + xgap * 2) * xd, yh, labsi, adj
                    = adj, cex = leg.cex, vfont = vfont)
       else text(xh + (line.leng + xgap * 2) * xd, yh, labsi, adj = 
                 adj, cex = leg.cex, vfont = vfont)
     yh <- yh - ebv1[i] - ygap * yd

} , comment = "13/08/2003") "blank.plot" <- structure(function(x = 0, y = 0, ...) {

  1. Does a blank plot.
  2. Useful if you want to change the axes on the current plot (in which case specify
  3. par(new=F))
  4. Sometimes you might want to prevent plotting in one part of a multiplot page.
   plot(x, y, xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", pch = " ", bty = 
      "n", ...)

} , comment = "06/05/1997") "boxplot.fn" <- structure(function(x = delbbd.datf, floop = NULL, rloop = NULL, trans = function(z) z, mod1 = 1, mod2 = 0, notch = F, subset = NULL, paste.cols = NULL) {

  1. 1a) Adding Paste Columns
   if(!is.null(paste.cols) & !is.logical(paste.cols)) {
      indc <- apply(x[paste.cols], 1, paste, collapse = ":")    
   #ind <- match(indc, unique(indc))
      x <- cbind(indc, x)
      dimnames(x)2[1] <- paste("treat", paste(paste.cols, collapse = ""), 
         sep = "")
      if(is.null(floop)) {
         floop <- 1
      else {
         floop <- c(1, floop + 1)
  1. 1b) For loop for Responses
   for(j in rloop) {
      response.names <- dimnames(x)2[j]
      response <- x[, j]
      if(!is.null(subset)) {
         response[response > subset] <- NA
      yval <- trans(response/mod1 + mod2)    # 2) For loop for factors
      for(i in floop) {
         factors <- factor(x[, i])
         factor.names <- dimnames(x)2[i]    # 3) Boxplot function
         plot.factor(factors, yval, xlab = factor.names, ylab = response.names,
            notch = notch, boxmeans = T, style.bxp = "old")
         if(i == floop[1] & j == rloop[1])
            mtext(paste(as.character(substitute(trans)), " ", as.character(
               substitute(x))), 3, cex = 1, line = 1.3999999999999999)

} , comment = "06/12/1996") "catalogue" <- structure(function(x = NULL, outfile = "", new = TRUE, remove = FALSE) {

      1. by default, adds today's date as a comment on any object that has none.
      2. new: delete any previous src file?
      3. delete any previous src file?
      4. remove: delete this src file?
   del.comm <- paste("rm", outfile)    # deleting previous src file
   src.comm <- ppaste("source('", outfile, "')")    # to use src file
      x <- ls(pos = 1)
   new.obj <- 0
   today <- system("date +%d/%m/%Y", TRUE)
   for(i in x) {
      source.line <- ppaste("comment(", i, ") <- '", today, "'")
      if(is.null(comment(get(i)))) {
         write(source.line, file = outfile, append = TRUE)
         new.obj <- new.obj + 1
   if(new.obj > 0)
      cat(paste("Now you can add the date comments to", new.obj, ifelse(
         new.obj > 1, "objects", "object"), "using:\n", src.comm, "\n"))
   else cat(paste("No objects need updating:\n"))

} , comment = "02/04/2001") "catalogue.gems" <- structure(function(x = NULL, outfile = "", new = TRUE, remove = FALSE) {

      1. modifies catalogue() to incorporate dates in Gems functions from Splus
      2. x is character string of object names of interest. All if not specified <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", 
      "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec") <- 1:12
   names( <-
   del.comm <- paste("rm", outfile)    # deleting previous src file
   src.comm <- ppaste("source('", outfile, "')")    # to use src file
      x <- ls(pos = 1)
   today <- system("date +%d/%m/%Y", TRUE)
   new.obj <- 0
   for(i in x) {
      yr.i <- Year[Object == i]
      dy.i <- Dy[Object == i]
      mo.i <-[Mo[Object == i]]
      if(length(yr.i) > 0) {
         dy.j <- substring(ppaste("0", dy.i), nchar(dy.i))
         mo.j <- substring(ppaste("0", mo.i), nchar(mo.i))
         today.i <- paste(dy.j, mo.j, yr.i, sep = "/")
         source.line <- ppaste("comment(", i, ") <- '", ifelse(today.i == "", 
            today, today.i), "'")
         if(is.null(comment(get(i)))) {
            write(source.line, file = outfile, append = TRUE)
            new.obj <- new.obj + 1
 if(new.obj > 0)
      cat(paste("Now you can add the date comments to", new.obj, ifelse(
         new.obj > 1, "object", "objects"), "using:\n", src.comm, "\n"))
   else cat(paste("No objects need updating:\n"))

, comment = "04/04/2001") "" <- structure(function(x = NULL, outfile = "", new = TRUE) {

      1. modifies catalogue() to incorporate dates in Gems functions from Splus
      2. x is character string of object names of interest. All if not specified
 del.comm <- paste("rm", outfile)    # deleting previous src file
 src.comm <- ppaste("source('", outfile, "')")    # to use src file
   x <- ls(pos = 1)
 today <- system("date +%d/%m/%Y", TRUE)
 new.obj <- 0
 for(i in x) {
   date.i <- Date[Object == i]

source.line <- ppaste("comment(", i, ") <- '", date.i, "'")

     if(is.null(comment(get(i)))) {
       write(source.line, file = outfile, append = TRUE)
       new.obj <- new.obj + 1
 if(new.obj > 0)
   cat(paste("Now you can add the date comments to", new.obj, ifelse(
                                                                     new.obj > 1, "object", "objects"), "using:\n", src.comm, "\n"))
 else cat(paste("No objects need updating:\n"))

} , comment = "31/05/2001") "check.fact" <- structure(function(df) {

  1. Checks if columns of dataframes are factors:
   sapply(df, is.factor)

} , comment = "30/04/2001") "" <- structure(function(df) {

  1. Returns the number of NAs in any column of a dataframe
   sapply(df, function(x)

} , comment = "21/09/1997") "circ.boxplot" <- structure(function(x, rad, fat = .1, col = "blue", rad.lim = 1,

          pch = 16, cex = .8, seg = 600, test = FALSE)


 ## Purpose: Curved boxplots
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments: x- vector of values (in degrees),
 ##            rad- how far from centre to draw
 ##            fat- how thick the boxes are to be
 ##            rad.lim- max radial length on plot
 ##            test(mark individual values to test the box position)
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 29 Mar 2006, 13:20
 deg <- boxplot(x, plot = FALSE)
 box.stats <- deg$stats[,1]
 names(box.stats) <- c("beginWhisker", "beginBox", "Median", "endBox", "endWhisker")
 rad <- rad/rad.lim
 fat <- fat/rad.lim # get to unit scale if not already
      1. draw inner and outer sides of boxes and the whiskers
 circle(,, rad + fat/2, box.stats["beginBox"], box.stats["endBox"], col = col, seg = seg)
 circle(,, rad - fat/2, box.stats["beginBox"], box.stats["endBox"], col = col, seg = seg)
 circle(,, rad , box.stats["beginWhisker"], box.stats["beginBox"], col = col, seg = seg)
 circle(,, rad , box.stats["endBox"], box.stats["endWhisker"], col = col, seg = seg)
      1. co-ordinates for box edges <- (rad - fat/2)* cos(box.stats * pi/180)[c("beginBox", "endBox")] <- (rad - fat/2) * sin(box.stats * pi/180)[c("beginBox", "endBox")] <- (rad + fat/2)* cos(box.stats * pi/180)[c("beginBox", "endBox")] <- (rad + fat/2) * sin(box.stats * pi/180)[c("beginBox", "endBox")]
 ## draw two radial lines for ends of boxes
       c(["beginBox"],["beginBox"]), col = col)
       c(["endBox"],["endBox"]), col = col)
      1. co-ordinates for whisker edges
 x.whisker.i <- (rad - fat/4)*
   cos(box.stats * pi/180)[c("beginWhisker", "endWhisker")]
 y.whisker.i <- (rad - fat/4) *
   sin(box.stats * pi/180)[c("beginWhisker", "endWhisker")]
 x.whisker.o <- (rad + fat/4)*
   cos(box.stats * pi/180)[c("beginWhisker", "endWhisker")]
 y.whisker.o <- (rad + fat/4) *
   sin(box.stats * pi/180)[c("beginWhisker", "endWhisker")]
 ## draw two radial lines for ends of whiskers
 lines(c(x.whisker.i["beginWhisker"], x.whisker.o["beginWhisker"]),
       c(y.whisker.i["beginWhisker"], y.whisker.o["beginWhisker"]), col = col)
 lines(c(x.whisker.i["endWhisker"], x.whisker.o["endWhisker"]),
       c(y.whisker.i["endWhisker"], y.whisker.o["endWhisker"]), col = col)
      1. co-ordinates for median edges
 x.median.i <- (rad - fat/2) * cos(box.stats[c("Median")] * pi/180)
 y.median.i <- (rad - fat/2) * sin(box.stats[c("Median")] * pi/180)
 x.median.o <- (rad + fat/2) * cos(box.stats[c("Median")] * pi/180)
 y.median.o <- (rad + fat/2) * sin(box.stats[c("Median")] * pi/180)
 ## draw  radial line for median
 lines(c(x.median.i["Median"], x.median.o["Median"]),
       c(y.median.i["Median"], y.median.o["Median"]), lwd = 3, col = col)
      1. Mark in outliers
 x.out <- rad * cos(deg$out * pi/180)
 y.out <- rad * sin(deg$out * pi/180)
 points(x.out, y.out, pch = pch, cex = cex, col = col)
 if(test){ # if we're testing to see if the box is in the right quadrant
   points(rad * cos(x * pi/180), rad * sin(x * pi/180),
          pch = 1, col = col, cex = cex )

} , comment = "02/11/2006") "circle" <- structure(function(cen.x = 0, cen.y = 0, rad = 1, from = 0, to = 360, seg = 400, ...) {

 ## Purpose: draws a circle (or part thereof) at cen.x, cen.y, with radius rad
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date:  3 Feb 2006, 16:08
 bits <- seq(from, to, length = 400)
 x.coords <- cen.x + rad * cos (bits * pi/180)
 y.coords <- cen.y + rad * sin (bits * pi/180)
 lines(x.coords, y.coords, ...)

} , comment = "29/03/2006") "clg" <- structure(function() {

  1. Clears graphics window
   plot(0, 0, new = T, xaxt = "n", pch = " ", yaxt = "n", bty = "n", xlab = "",
      ylab = "")

} , comment = "09/05/1997") "clipline" <- structure(function(xlim, ylim, a, b, funlog = function(x) x, unlog = function(x) x, lty = 1, lwd = 1, loud = T, ...) {

   x0 <- xlim[1]
   y0 <- a + b * funlog(x0)
   x1 <- xlim[2]
   y1 <- a + b * funlog(x1)
   if(y0 < ylim[1]) {
      y0 <- ylim[1]
      x0 <- unlog((ylim[1] - a)/b)
   else if(y0 > ylim[2]) {
      y0 <- ylim[2]
      x0 <- unlog((ylim[2] - a)/b)
   if(y1 < ylim[1]) {
      y1 <- ylim[1]
      x1 <- unlog((ylim[1] - a)/b)
   else if(y1 > ylim[2]) {
      y1 <- ylim[2]
      x1 <- unlog((ylim[2] - a)/b)
      cat("     Join (", round(x0, 3), round(y0, 3), ") to (", round(x1, 3), 
         round(y1, 3), ")", fill = T)
   lines(c(x0, x1), c(y0, y1), lty = lty, lwd = lwd, ...)

} , comment = "13/09/2002") "cloglog" <- structure(function(pr) {

   log( - log(1 - pr))

} , comment = "16/04/1996") "" <- structure(function(x) {

  1. To calculate the proportion that gives the known complememtary log log value
   1 - exp( - exp(x))

} , comment = "24/11/1997") "cols.for.genstat" <- structure(function(x, num = F) {

  1. Returns a string of the column names to use in genstat
  2. need only to change the opening and closing " and to '
   y <- names(x)
   paste(y, collapse = ", ")

} , comment = "12/04/1999") "comb" <- structure(function(N, x) {

   gamma(N + 1)/gamma(x + 1)/gamma(N - x + 1)

} , comment = "23/07/1997") "complot" <- structure(function(data, xtitle = "Time (Minutes)", main = "", yfun = "cloglog", logx = F,

   plimits = c(0.04, 0.9995), xtix = NULL, ytit = NULL, labp
    = NULL, lty = 1, colours = F, dot.marks = T, xlab.line = 2, x.mgp = 0.2, 
   y.mgp = ifelse(post, 0.5, 0.6), ylab.line = 1.6, pchs = c(0, 1, 2, 5, 6:16),
   id = NULL, ab.lty = 2, lab.cex = 1, ax.cex = 0.8, main.cex = 1.1, point.cex
    = 0.9, mark.control = F, ...)


  1. Modified (very) version of simplot
  2. data is a dataframe of the sets to be plotted on one plot.
  3. with names of columns: Time, Dead, Total, Id
  4. xfun is the function to be applied to the x axis data before plotting it.
  5. It ia a list which will be extended to the same length as the number of sets
  6. of points to be plotted (unless already given as that length).
  7. y.mgp is the second value in an mgp parameter
  8. x.mgp is the amount by which the corresponding x axis parameter is decreased
  9. dot.marks: Mark 100% and 0% points with dots?
   post <- names(dev.cur()) == "postscript"
      f <- log
   else f <- function(x)
         "\ncomplot function needs fixing to do log transformation on x-axis") <- unique(data$Id)
   g <- link.function(yfun)
  1. Identify Control and Treatment data:
      data <- data[data$Time > 0,  ]
   data$Mort <- data$Dead/data$Total
      x.range <- range(data$Time)
   else x.range <- range(xtix)
   p.range <- range(data$Mort)    #
  1. Calculate adjustments for the space on the y-axis:
   ylow <- g(plimits[1])
   yhigh <- g(plimits[2])
   eps <- (yhigh - ylow) * 0.01
   ylow <- ylow - eps
   yhigh <- yhigh + eps
      labp <- c(1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99)
   labp <- labp[labp/100 >= plimits[1] & labp/100 <= plimits[2]]    #
  1. Set up blank plot: (uses blank.plot() in /home/hrapgc/Gems/.Data/ )
   blank.plot(f(x.range), c(ylow, yhigh), ...)
  usr <- par()$usr
   epsx <- 0.0125 * diff(usr[1:2])
   epsy <- 0.0125 * diff(usr[3:4])
   midhigh <- 0.5 * (yhigh + usr[4])
   midlow <- 0.5 * (ylow + usr[3])
   hundred.line <- F
   zero.line <- F
   colour <- is.character(colours)
   for(i in seq( {
      df.i <- data[data$Id ==[i],  ]
      attach(df.i)    #
  1. Plot "normal" points:
      time <- Time[Mort > plimits[1] & Mort < plimits[2]]
      mort <- Mort[Mort > plimits[1] & Mort < plimits[2]]
      points(f(time), g(mort), pch = pchs[i], col = ifelse(colour, colours[i],
         1), cex = point.cex)    #
  1. Plot "high" points (i.e. ones near 100%)
      high.mort <- Mort[Mort > plimits[2]]
      high.time <- Time[Mort > plimits[2]]
      points(f(high.time), rep(midhigh, length(high.time)), pch = pchs[i], cex
          = point.cex, col = ifelse(colour, colours[i], 1))
      if(any(Mort == 1)) {
         hundred.line <- T
         full.mort <- Mort[Mort == 1]
         full.time <- Time[Mort == 1]
            points(f(full.time), rep(midhigh, length(full.time)), pch = ".", 
               cex = point.cex, col = ifelse(colour, colours[i], 1))
  1. Plot "low" points (i.e. ones near 0%)
      low.mort <- Mort[Mort < plimits[1]]
      low.time <- Time[Mort < plimits[1]]
      points(f(low.time), rep(midlow, length(low.time)), pch = pchs[i], cex = 
         point.cex, col = ifelse(colour, colours[i], 1))
      if(any(Mort == 0)) {
         zero.line <- T
         zero.mort <- Mort[Mort == 0]
         zero.time <- Time[Mort == 0]
         if(logx) {
            zero.time <- zero.time[zero.time > 0]
            zero.mort <- zero.mort[zero.time > 0]
            points(f(zero.time), rep(midlow, length(zero.time)), pch = ".", 
               cex = point.cex)
      cont.mort <- Mort[Time == 0]
      if(mark.control) {
  1. Mark control mortalities:
        if(any(cont.mort < plimits[1])) text(0, midlow, "C")
        else text(0, g(cont.mort), "C", cex = point.cex,
                  col = ifelse(colour, colours[i], 1))
  1. Do tricky things to y-axis:
   mgp <- c(3, y.mgp, 0)
   axis(2, at = g(labp/100), labels = paste(labp), adj = 1, mgp = mgp, cex.axis = 
      ax.cex, las = 1)
   axis(2, at = c(ylow + 2 * epsy, yhigh - 2 * epsy), labels = F, tck = 0, las = 1)
   for(k in 1:2) {
      y.end <- c(ylow, yhigh)[k]
      axis(2, at = c(y.end, usr[2 + k]), labels = F, tck = 0, las = 1)
      abline(h = ylow, lty = ab.lty)
      abline(h = yhigh, lty = ab.lty)
   axis(2, at = midlow, tck = 0, labels = "0", adj = 1, mgp = mgp, cex.axis = 
      ax.cex, las = 1)
   lines(usr[1] + c( - epsx, epsx), c(ylow - 1.5 * epsy, ylow + 1.5 * epsy), 
      xpd = T)
   lines(usr[1] + c( - epsx, epsx), c(ylow + 0.5 * epsy, ylow + 3.5 * epsy), 
      lty = lty, xpd = T)
   axis(2, at = midhigh, tck = 0, labels = "100", adj = 1, mgp = mgp, cex.axis = 
      ax.cex, las = 1)
   lines(usr[1] + c( - epsx, epsx), c(yhigh - 1.5 * epsy, yhigh + 1.5 * epsy),
      xpd = T)
   lines(usr[1] + c( - epsx, epsx), c(yhigh - 3.5 * epsy, yhigh - 0.5 * epsy),
      lty = lty, xpd = T)    #
  1. Make x-axis and labels
      xlab.pos <- pretty(range(data$Time))
   else xlab.pos <- xtix
      xlab.pos <- xlab.pos[xlab.pos > 0]
   axis(1, at = f(xlab.pos), labels = paste(xlab.pos), cex.axis = ax.cex, mgp = mgp -
      c(0, x.mgp, 0))
   cat(xlab.pos, "  \n")    # xlab.pos specifies numeric labels
  1. Add break in x-axis if necessary: fill in left space
   if(logx) {
      x.cut1 <- diff(usr[1:2]) * 0.03 + usr[1]
      x.cut2 <- diff(usr[1:2]) * 0.5 + usr[1]
      axis(1, at = c(usr[1], x.cut1), labels = F, tck = 0)
      axis(1, at = c(x.cut2, usr[2]), labels = F, tck = 0)
      lines(x.cut1 + c( - epsx, epsx), usr[3] + 2 * c( - epsy, epsy), xpd = T)
      lines(x.cut2 + c( - epsx, epsx), usr[3] + 2 * c( - epsy, epsy), xpd = T)
   else lines(usr[1:2], usr[c(3, 3)])
   mtext(side = 1, line = xlab.line, text = xtitle, cex = lab.cex)
   mtext(side = 2, line = ylab.line, text = ifelse(is.null(ytit), paste(
      "% Mortality,", yfun, "scale"), ytit), cex = lab.cex)
   mtext(side = 3, text = main, cex = main.cex)
   box(bty = "7")

} , comment = "13/09/2002") "count.nas" <- structure(function(df) {

  1. counts nas in columns of a dataframe have nas.
   sapply(df, function(x)

} , comment = "01/12/1997") "" <- structure(function(ab, use, id = NULL, separate = T) {

      1. To show table of times, dead and total to correspond to selected
      2. parts of ab type list of the form ab$use
      3. If id is not specified, all values will be shown
      4. separate will group each section and names individually, othewise
      5. only one table will be made
      6. WARNING: Will crash if the legends are not unique
 names.ab <- names(ab)
 if(length(use) > 1)
   stop("use can be of length 1 only")
   ab.sub <- (1:length(names.ab))[!, use))]
 else ab.sub <- use
 aab <- abab.sub
 glean <- aab$datafun
 choice <- aab$choice
 glean.fn <- get(glean)
 glean.list <- glean.fn(choice)
 df <- data.frame(id = glean.list$id, time = glean.list$times, dead = 
                  glean.list$dead, total = glean.list$total)
 df$live <- df$total - df$dead
 df <- df[, c("id", "time", "live", "dead", "total")]
 df$mort <- round(df$dead/df$total * 100)
   out.df <- df
 else out.df <- df[!"id", id)),  ]
 out.list <- list()
 if(separate) {
     id <- unique(df$id)
   for(i in id)
     out.list[[glean.list$legend[i]]] <- df[df$id == i,  ]
 else {

} , comment = "18/04/1999") "ddif" <- structure(function(d1, d2) {

      1. Purpose: Finds the number of days between two different dates
      2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. Modified from:
      4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. Arguments: d1 and d2 must be POSIXct objects with tz = "GMT"
      6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      7. Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 20 Feb 2004, 09:09

d1s <- as.numeric(d1) # number of seconds since origin d2s <- as.numeric(d2) # (d1s - d2s)/24/3600

} , comment = "20/02/2004") "df.mat" <- structure(function(df) {

  1. Coerces a dataframe to a matrix, retaining levels instead of codes
  2. for any factors: see unfactor()
   mat <- as.matrix(unfactor(df))

} , comment = "18/10/1996") "df.sort" <- structure(function(dfm, = names(dfm)[1], backwards = F) {

      1. To sort the rows of a dataframe into an order set by vector ""
      2. If is numeric it is the column nos; if character, the column names.
 if(is.character( { <- match(, names(dfm))
   if(any( {
                "is not a recognised name"))
   else <-
 for(i in {
   dfm.i <- dfm[order(dfm[, i]),  ]
     dfm.i <- dfm[(rev(order(dfm[, i]))),  ]
   dfm <- dfm.i

} , comment = "13/11/2002") "df.summary" <- structure(function(data, y.cols = NULL, split.cols = NULL, rep.col = "Rep", decimals = 3,

          stats = "mean", help = F)


      1. cut down and modified from summarize()
      2. Keep Stephen's beginning:
      3. Requires text.bp() and
      4. [anything else will be in /home/hrapgc/Gems/.Data]
 summary.names <- c("N", "Missing", "Mean", "Median", "Trimmed Mean", 
                    "Std. Dev.", "SEM", "Min", "Max", "1st Quartile", "3rd Quartile", "Sum",
 summary.types <- c("num", "missing", "mean", "median", "trm", "stdev", 
                    "sem", "min", "max", "q1", "q3", "sum", "boxplots")
 help.df <- (data.frame("Select one of these" = summary.types, "to get this"
                        = summary.names))
 if(help) {
   cat("\n In the argument \"stats\"\n")
      1. A few error messages:
 if(length(stats) > 1)
        "\n\tOnly one statistic can be calculated at a time:\n\tIf you require multiple stats with only one y.cols, \n\tyou can use summarize() with df.out set to TRUE"
      1. Make special functions to use in apply calls
 q1 <- function(x)
   quantile(x, na.rm = T)[2]
 q3 <- function(x)
   quantile(x, na.rm = T)[4]
 no.missing <- function(x)
 round.mean <- function(x, y = decimals)
   round(mean(x, na.rm = T), y)
 round.sem <- function(x, y = decimals)
   round(sem(x, na.rm = T), y)
 round.sum <- function(x, y = decimals)
   round(sum(x, na.rm = T), y)
 add.boxplot <- function(x, y.range = range.j, width = bp.width)
   text.bp(x, y.range, width)    #
      1. Functions are now set up:
      2. Make named vector of functions to be used:
 use.functions <- c("length", "no.missing", "round.mean", "median", "trm", 
                    "stdev", "round.sem", "min", "max", "q1", "q3", "round.sum", 
 names(use.functions) <- summary.types
 names(summary.names) <- summary.types    #
      1. Use dataframes instead of matrices:
   data <- unfactor(
 else data <- unfactor(data)    # avoid pesky factors
 data <- df.sort(data, rev(split.cols))    #
      1. Make character vectors of y.cols and split.cols if necessary:
   y.cols <- names(data)[y.cols]
 if(is.numeric(split.cols)) split.cols <- names(data)[split.cols]    #
      1. Create index and adjust for single split columns if necessary:
 indx.df <- data.frame(data[, split.cols])
 names(indx.df) <- split.cols    # Necessary for single split.cols
 indx <- NULL
 for(i in split.cols)
   indx <- paste(indx, get(i), sep = ":")
 out.df <- data.frame(indx.df[match(unique(indx), indx), split.cols])
 names(out.df) <- split.cols    # Necessary for single split.cols
 dimnames(out.df) <- list(paste(1:nrow(out.df)), names(out.df))
 for(j in y.cols)
   out.df[, j] <- s.tapply(data[, j], indx, get(use.functions[stats]))

} , comment = "30/04/2001") "" <- structure(function(df = unfactor(junk.df), file = "", pad = "mid", append = F,

          row.nos = F, col.names = T)


      1. To print a data frame to a text file and having names line up with values
      2. underneath, and no need to use tab spacing
      3. Set up some padding functions: Need columns with same number of characters
      4. all the way down.
 pad.char.cols <- function(y)
                                       # For padding character columns
     biggest <- max(nchar(y))
     col.width <- nchar(y)
     padding <- paste(rep(" ", biggest - min(col.width)), collapse = "")
     out <- substring(paste(y, padding, sep = ""), 1, biggest)
 pad.left <- function(z, pads)
     padding <- paste(rep(" ", pads), collapse = "")
     paste(padding, z, sep = "")
 pad.mid <- function(z, pads)
                                       # Centres text in available space
     padding.right <- paste(rep(" ", pads %/% 2), collapse = "")
     padding.left <- paste(rep(" ", pads - pads %/% 2), collapse = "")
     paste(padding.left, z, padding.right, sep = "")
 pad.right <- function(z, pads)
     padding <- paste(rep(" ", pads), collapse = "")
     paste(z, padding, sep = "")
      1. Character columns need different treatment from numeric columns
  1. browser()
 char.cols <- sapply(df, is.character)
 df[char.cols] <- sapply(df[char.cols], pad.char.cols)
 df[!char.cols] <- sapply(df[!char.cols], format)    #
      1. Sometimes the names of columns are wider than the columns they name,
      2. sometimes vice versa.
 names.width <- nchar(names(df))
 row.width <- sapply(df, function(x)
                     max(nchar(x)))    #
  1. browser()
      1. (the width of the characters in the columns (and rows) as distinct
      2. from their names
 name.pads <- row.width - names.width
 row.pads <- name.pads * -1
 name.pads[name.pads < 0] <- 0
 row.pads[row.pads < 0] <- 0
 pad.names <- name.pads > 0
 pad.rows <- row.pads > 0    #
      1. Pad out the column names if necessary:
 pad.funct <- get(paste("pad.", pad, sep = ""))
 if(any(pad.names)) {
   stretch.names <- names(df)[pad.names]
   for(i in stretch.names) {
     names(df)[names(df) == i] <- pad.funct(i, name.pads[i])
      1. likewise for the rows and columns
 if(any(pad.rows)) {
   stretch.rows <- names(df)[pad.rows]
   for(j in stretch.rows)
     df[, j] <- pad.funct(df[, j], row.pads[j])
      1. the write() function doesn't use the names of the matrix, so put them
      2. into it.
 df2 <- df
 if(row.nos) {
   df2 <- cbind(seq(nrow(df)), df)
   no.wid <- nchar(nrow(df)) <- paste(rep(" ", no.wid), collapse = "")
   names(df2) <- c(, names(df))
   df2 <- rbind(names(df2), as.matrix(df2))
 else df2 <- as.matrix(df2)
 write(t(df2), file, ncol(df2), append = append)

} , comment = "24/07/2001") "disp" <- structure(function(x, r = 4) {

      1. Purpose: Estimates dispersion of a glm
      2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. Modified from:
      4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. Arguments: x is a glm object (mabye can be more generic)
      6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      7. Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 8 Aug 2003, 11:21
 dev.x <- deviance(x)
 df.x <- x$df.residual
 round(dev.x/df.x, r)

} , comment = "08/08/2003") "dmodes" <- structure(function(t.ob = NULL, pos = 1, max = NULL, date.sort = TRUE) {

      1. Returns a Data frame showing modes of objects in the stated directory.
      2. Can be sorted by Mode, Length, or Date in addition to default Object
      3. A variation on this one is modes(). Made for lazy typists to sort by object name
      4. max is the maximum number of objects returned; useful if ls() is long and
      5. you're only interested in the first few
      6. browser()
 if(is.null(t.ob)) ls.o <- objects(pos = pos) else ls.o <- objects(pos = pos,
                                     pattern = t.ob)
 if(!is.null(max) && max > length(ls.o))
   print(paste("Only", length(ls.o), "match", t.ob, "in", search()[pos]))
 if(is.null(max) || (max > length(ls.o))) max <- length(ls.o)    #
      1. Rearrange date information
 date.chr <- NULL
 for(i in seq(ls.o)) {
     cat(paste("Got down to", ls.o[i], ":\n")) 
   date.i <- comment(get(ls.o[i], pos = pos))
      1. date.i <- try(comment(get(ls.o[i], pos = pos)))
      2. if(class(date.i) == "try-error")
     date.i <- "NA/NA/NA"
   date.chr[i] <- date.i
 } <- occurrence(date.chr, "/", 1:2)
 if(is.null(dim( <- matrix(, nrow=1)
 first <-[, 1] - 1
 second <-[, 2] - 1
 day <- as.numeric(substring(date.chr, 1, first))
 month <- as.numeric(substring(date.chr, first + 2, second))
 year <- as.numeric(substring(date.chr, second + 2))
 ob.df <- unfactor(data.frame(Object = ls.o, Day = day, Mon = month, Year = 
 ob.df <- df.sort(ob.df, "Object", backwards = TRUE)
   date.sort <- FALSE ## no point trying to sort
 if(date.sort) {
   xx <- df.sort(ob.df, c("Day","Mon"))
   xx <- df.sort(xx, "Year", backwards = TRUE)[seq(max),  ]
 else xx <- df.sort(ob.df, "Object")
 xx$Date <- date.chr[as.numeric(row.names(xx))]
 options(warn = -1)
 on.exit(options(warn = 0))
 out <- list()
 dummy <- matrix(nc = 3, nr = 3)    # a non-null last list element
 out$Object <- c(xx$Object, "dummy")
 objs.mat <- cbind(out$Object)
 out$Mode <- apply(objs.mat, 1, function(X)
                   mode(get(X)))    #
      1. Dimension information of dataframes and matrices
 dimensions <- apply(objs.mat, 1, function(X)
 y <- dimensions
 if(!is.null(y)) {
   if(is.list(y)) {
     y[unlist(lapply(y, is.null))] <- list(c(NA, NA))
     z <- t(matrix(unlist(y), byrow = F, nc = length(y)))
     z[] <- "--"
     out$Rows <- z[, 1]
     out$Cols <- z[, 2]
   else {
      1. otherwise it's a matrix which will work differently (not checked in R version)
     out$Rows <- y[1,  ]
     out$Cols <- y[2,  ]
 else out$Cols <- out$Rows <- rep("--", length(out$Object))    #  
 out$Len <- apply(objs.mat, 1, function(X)
                  length(get(X)))    #  browser()
 out$Date <- xx$Date
 dfobj <- apply(objs.mat, 1, function(X)
 out$Mode[dfobj] <- "dataframe"
 out.df <- unfactor(, function(X)
                                         X[seq(max)])), c("Object", "Mode")), row.nos = T)

} , comment = "25/07/2006") "dmodes.f" <- structure(function(t.ob = NULL, pos = 1, max = NULL, date.sort = TRUE) {

      1. Purpose: lists only the functions
      2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. Modified from: dmodes
      4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. Arguments:
      6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      7. Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 10 Sep 2002, 09:55
      8. Returns a Data frame showing modes of objects in the stated directory.
      9. Can be sorted by Mode, Length, or Date in addition to default Object
      10. A variation on this one is modes(). Made for lazy typists to sort by object name
      11. max is the maximum number of objects returned; useful if ls() is long and
      12. you're only interested in the first few
 if(is.null(t.ob)) ls.o <- objects(pos = pos, all.names =FALSE)
 else ls.o <- objects(pos = pos, pattern = t.ob, all.names =FALSE)
 if(!is.null(max) && max > length(ls.o))
   print(paste("Only", length(ls.o), "match", t.ob, "in", search()[pos]))
 if(is.null(max) || (max > length(ls.o))) max <- length(ls.o)    #
      1. Rearrange date information
 date.chr <- NULL
 for(i in seq(ls.o)) {
   date.i <- comment(get(ls.o[i], pos = pos))
     date.i <- "NA/NA/NA"
   date.chr[i] <- date.i
 } <- occurrence(date.chr, "/", 1:2)
 first <-[, 1] - 1
 second <-[, 2] - 1
 day <- as.numeric(substring(date.chr, 1, first))
 month <- as.numeric(substring(date.chr, first + 2, second))
 year <- as.numeric(substring(date.chr, second + 2))
 ob.df <- unfactor(data.frame(Object = ls.o, Day = day, Mon = month, Year = 
 ob.df <- df.sort(ob.df, "Object", backwards = TRUE)
   date.sort <- FALSE ## no point trying to sort
 if(date.sort) {
   xx <- df.sort(ob.df, c("Day","Mon"))
   xx <- df.sort(xx, "Year", backwards = TRUE)[seq(max),  ]
 else xx <- df.sort(ob.df, "Object")
 xx$Date <- date.chr[as.numeric(row.names(xx))]
 options(warn = -1)
 on.exit(options(warn = 0))
 out <- list()
 dummy <- matrix(nc = 3, nr = 3)    # a non-null last list element
 out$Object <- c(xx$Object, "dummy")
 objs.mat <- cbind(out$Object)
 out$Mode <- apply(objs.mat, 1, function(X)
                   mode(get(X)))    #
      1. Dimension information of dataframes and matrices
 dimensions <- apply(objs.mat, 1, function(X)
 y <- dimensions
 if(!is.null(y)) {
   if(is.list(y)) {
     y[unlist(lapply(y, is.null))] <- list(c(NA, NA))
     z <- t(matrix(unlist(y), byrow = F, nc = length(y)))
     z[] <- "--"
     out$Rows <- z[, 1]
     out$Cols <- z[, 2]
   else {
      1. otherwise it's a matrix which will work differently (not checked in R version)
     out$Rows <- y[1,  ]
     out$Cols <- y[2,  ]
 else out$Cols <- out$Rows <- rep("--", length(out$Object))    #  
 out$Len <- apply(objs.mat, 1, function(X)
                  length(get(X)))    #  browser()
 out$Date <- xx$Date
 dfobj <- apply(objs.mat, 1, function(X)
 out$Mode[dfobj] <- "dataframe"
 out.df <- unfactor(, function(X)
                                         X[seq(max)])), c("Object", "Mode"))
 out.df <- out.df[out.df$Mode == "function", ], row.nos = T)

} , comment = "10/09/2002") "errorbars" <- structure(function(x, y, se, yl = y - se, yu = y + se, eps, ...) {

   if(any( | any(
      text(x[ |], y[ |], "NA", adj = 1)
   segments(x, yl, x, yu, ...)
   segments(x - eps, yl, x + eps, yl, ...)
   segments(x - eps, yu, x + eps, yu, ...)

} , comment = "31/06/1996") "ext.range" <- structure(function(x, a = 5, ...) {

 ## Purpose: Extend the xlim or ylim range of a vector
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments: a is % to extend the range of vector x
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 13 Jan 2006, 09:11

ra <- range(x, ...) interval <- diff(ra) adjustment <- interval * a/100 ra + adjustment * c(-1, 1) } , comment = "13/01/2006") "factorize" <- structure(function(n) {

   p <- n/(z <- 1:ceiling(sqrt(n)))
   z <- z[trunc(p) == p]
   unique(c(z, rev(n/z)))

} , comment = "14/12/1998") "fieller" <- structure(function(phat, a, b, v11, v12, v22, df.t = Inf, link = "logit") {

                                       # fiducial interval calculation from Finney p.78
                                       # a,b    estimated intercept and slope
                                       # v11, v12, v22  variance and covariance of estimates of a and b
                                       # t    t statistic
 if(df.t == Inf) tt <- 1.96 else tt <- qt(0.975, df.t) <- link.function(link)
 a <- - a
 v12 <- v12* -1
 m <- a/b
 g <- (gg <- (tt/b)^2) * v22
 if(g > 0.99 || g < 0) {
   return(list(xhat = m, ci = NULL, lower = 1, upper = -1, g = g))
 xhat0 <- m + g/(1 - g) * m - gg/(1 - g) * v12
 vv <- v11 - 2 * m * v12 + m^2 * v22 - g * v11 + gg * v12^2
 Ix <- tt/b/(1 - g) * sqrt(vv)
 Ix <- abs(Ix)
 list(xhat = m, var = vv, lower = xhat0 - Ix, upper = xhat0 + Ix, g = g)

} , comment = "14/09/2004") "fill.down" <- structure(function(x) {

  1. Replaces NAs in a numeric vector or blanks in a character one
  2. with the value preceding it.
  3. Too lazy to use fill-down in Excel
  4. Warning: Replaces an initial NA with a zero. Might not always be appropriate.
   if([1])) x[1] <- 0
   stillsome <- T
   while(stillsome) { <- iff(is.character(x), x == "",
      na.indx <- seq(along = x)[]
      x[na.indx] <- x[na.indx - 1]
      stillsome <- length(na.indx) > 0

} , comment = "16/08/1999") "find.first" <- structure(function(x, char = " ") {

      1. Finds position of first occurence of a particular character in a character string
   if(!is.character(x)) stop(
         "find.first() applicable only for character strings")
   beg <- NULL
   for(k in 1:length(x)) {
      leg.vec <- paste(substring(x[k], 1:nchar(x[k]), 1:nchar(x[k])), sep = ""
      beg[k] <- match(char, leg.vec)

} , comment = "01/06/1996") "find.pos" <- structure(function(y, inn) {

  1. Finds positions of "y" in a vector "inn"
   x <- match(inn, y)
   seq(along = x)[!]

} , comment = "30/04/2001") "find.pos.mat" <- structure(function(mat = b, test = (b > 1)) {

  1. Finds positions in matrix of elements which meet test
   want <- mat[test]
   if(length(want) == 0)
      cat("No matches\n")
   else pass <- cbind(row(mat)[test], col(mat)[test])
   dimnames(pass) <- list(paste("Soln:", 1:dim(pass)[1], sep = ""), c("Row", 

} , comment = "13/05/1997") "fitconf" <- structure(function(link = "cloglog", mins, dead, tot, cutoff = NULL, offset, j, leg,

          interval = F, pc = c(line = 50, line = 99), pc.spline = NULL, pc.monotone
          = c(line = 50, line = 99), span.mono = 1, plot.spline = F, plot.monotone
          = NULL, cutoff.mono = 0, xfun = function(x)
          x, cm = NULL, numcm = NULL, p.min = NULL, printdat = F, save.resid = F, 
          cm.strategy = "adjust.later", cm.code = 0, cm.allcodes = NULL, xfun.inv = 
          NULL, full.robust = F)


  1. link is link function for binomial model
  2. mins is time of sampling
  3. dead is number of dead
  4. total is total number
  5. cutoff - data at less than this time are not included in the fitting
  6. offset is the amount added to time to improve linearity
  7. j is the dataset index number
  8. log time is used in calculations
  9. calculations are done using mean zero data
  10. nmid is the number of points suitable for fitting
 if(is.null(xfun.inv)) xfun.inv <- function(x)
 if(all(xfun(exp(1:5)) == (1:5))) {
   takelog <- T
   xfun.inv <- exp
 else takelog <- F
  1. browser()
 if(all(xfun(1:8) == (1:8)))
   xfun.inv <- function(x)
 if(all(xfun(1:8) == (1:8)^2)) xfun.inv <- sqrt    
  1. link choices are "identity", "log", "logsurv", "logit", "sqrt",
  2. "inverse", "probit", "cloglog", "loglog" <- link.inverse(link)    # get inverse of link function <- link.function(link)    # get link function
 if(any(dead > tot))
   stop(paste("\none or more totals is less than no of dead\n", "Dead:", 
              paste(dead, collapse = " "), "\nTotal:", paste(tot, collapse = " ")))
 mins <- as.character(mins)
 cmrows <- mins == cm.code[1]
 if(sum(cmrows) == 0 & length(cm.code) > 1) {
   cmrows <- mins == cm.code[2] <- T
 else <- F
 x.all <- array(, length(mins))
 x.all <- array(, length(mins))
 x.all[cmrows] <-  - Inf
 cutit <- !cmrows & tot > 0
 if(!is.null(cm.allcodes)) {
   other.rows <- as.logical(match(mins, cm.allcodes, nomatch = 0))
     cutit[other.rows] <- F
   x.all[!cutit & !cmrows] <- NA <- mins[other.rows] <- dead[other.rows] <- tot[other.rows]
 else <- NULL
 interp.rows <- cutit | mins == "0"
   cutoff.mono <- min(c(0, x.all[cutit]))
 mono.rows <- cutit | mins == "0"
 x.all[mono.rows] <- as.numeric(mins[mono.rows])
   stop(paste("Illegal code", mins[cutit][[cutit])], 
              "has appeared."))
 mono.rows[mono.rows][x.all[mono.rows] < cutoff.mono] <- F
 if(!is.null(pc.monotone) | !is.null(plot.monotone))
   monospeak <- paste("Monotone fit: Include x >= ", cutoff.mono, ":", sep
                      = "")
 else monospeak <- ""
 if(!is.null(cutoff)) {
   cutit[cutit] <- x.all[cutit] >= cutoff
   cutspeak <- paste("Line: Include x >= ", cutoff, ":", sep = "")
 else cutspeak <- ""
 if(!is.null(p.min)) {
   p <- dead/tot
   omitspeak <- paste("Omit until p > ", format(round(p.min, 2)), ":", sep
                      = "")
   testseq <- seq(along = x.all)[p < p.min]
   if(length(testseq) > 0)
     omit <- 1:max(testseq)
   else omit <- 0
 else {
   omit <- 0
   omitspeak <- ""
 cat("\n", j, "  ", leg, fill = T)
 cutit[omit] <- F
 if(is.null(numcm)) numcm <- 0    # numcm may be reset below
 if(!is.null(cm)) {
   if(numcm == 0)
     cmspeak <- paste("   cm (taken as fixed) =")
   else cmspeak <- "  cm (supplied) ="
   cmspeak <- paste(cmspeak, format(round(cm, 3)))
 else {
   if(sum(cmrows) > 0) {
     if(any(x.all[cmrows] !=  - Inf & x.all[cmrows] != 0))
       cat("\n*** Warning: Fault in specification of cm rows ***", "\n")
     dead0 <- sum(dead[cmrows])
     tot0 <- sum(tot[cmrows])
     cm <- dead0/tot0
     numcm <- tot0 <- sum(cmrows)
     cmspeak <- paste("   cm(obs) =", format(round(cm, 3)), "(from",,
                      paste("point", switch(( > 1) + 1,
                                            ), ")", sep = ""))
       cmspeak <- paste(cmspeak, "  cm code (2nd choice) =", cm.code[2])
   else cmspeak <- "No information is available on cm"
 if(!is.null(pc.spline)) {
   pfrac.interp <- pc.spline/100
   yhat.pred <-
   dead.interp <- dead[interp.rows]
   tot.interp <- tot[interp.rows]
   p.obs <- (dead.interp/tot.interp)
   time.interp <- as.numeric(mins[interp.rows])
   time1 <- max(time.interp[p.obs == 0])
     time1 <- min(time.interp)
   time2 <- min(time.interp[p.obs == 1])
     time2 <- max(time.interp) <- (time.interp >= time1) & (time.interp <= time2)
   dead.interp <- dead.interp[]
   tot.interp <- tot.interp[]
   p.interp <- (dead.interp + 1/6)/(tot.interp + 1/3)
   x.interp <- time.interp[]
 if(!is.null(pc.monotone)) { <- as.numeric(mins[mono.rows])
   ord.x <- order( <- (1:length(mono.rows))[mono.rows][ord.x]
   dead.mono <- dead[]
   tot.mono <- tot[]
   p.obs <- (dead.mono/tot.mono)
   time.mono <-[ord.x]
 ld.dp <- 2 - floor(log(max(x.all[cutit], na.rm = T))/log(10))
 ld.dp <- max(0, ld.dp)
   ld.dp <- 1
 if(nchar(monospeak) > 0)
   cat(monospeak, "\n")
 if(nchar(cutspeak) + nchar(omitspeak) > 0)
   cat(cutspeak, " ", omitspeak)
 cat(sum(cutit), "points remain_")
 cat(cmspeak, "\n")
 if(takelog) {
   x.trt <- log(x.all[cutit] + offset)
 else {
   x.trt <- xfun(x.all[cutit] + offset)
 xbar <- mean(x.trt)
 x.explan <- x.trt - xbar
 dead2 <- dead[cutit]
 tot2 <- tot[cutit]
 nmid <- length(x.trt[dead2 < tot2])
 lt <- rep(-999, length(pc))
 b0 <- -999
 b1 <- -999
 selog50 <- -999
 selog99 <- -999
 cept <- NA
 dev <- NA
 df <- NA
 dev.robust <- NA
 df.robust <- NA
 disp <- NA
 resid <- NULL <- NULL <- rep(NA, length(pc))
 cm.est <- cm
 cm.n <- c(cm, numcm)
 if(!is.null(pc.monotone) && (length(time.mono) >= 2)) {
   if(link == "loglog")
     link <- "cloglog"
   lt.monotone <- pool.adj(time.mono, dead.mono, tot.mono, phat = pc.monotone,
                           cm = cm, cm.strategy = cm.strategy, cm.allcodes = 
                           cm.allcodes, plotit = plot.monotone, link = link,
                           xfun = xfun, legend = leg, =,
                  =, =, span = 
   note <- c("( loess)", "( monotone line)")[names(lt.monotone)]
   cat(paste("   LT", pc.monotone, ":", format(round(lt.monotone, ld.dp)), 
             sep = ""), note, "\n")
 else lt.monotone <- NULL
 if(!is.null(pc.spline)) {
   lt.spline <- interp.curve(x.interp, p = p.interp, pval = pfrac.interp, 
                             plot.interp = plot.spline, fun =
   cat(paste("   LT", pc.spline, ":",  , sep = ""),
       format(round(lt.spline, ld.dp)), "(spline)   ", "\n")
 else lt.spline <- NULL
 if(nmid == 2)
   full.robust <- F
      1. browser()
 if(nmid >= 2) {
   u <- = cm.n, x.explan, xbar, dead2, tot2, link = link,
                      xfun.inv = xfun.inv, interval = interval, pc = pc,
                      save.resid = save.resid, cm.strategy = cm.strategy,
                      full.robust = full.robust)
   lt <- u$ld
   ld.dp <- 2 - floor(log(lt[length(lt)])/log(10))
     ld.dp <- 1
   ld.dp <- max(ld.dp, 0)
   b0 <- u$coef[1]
   b1 <- u$coef[2]
   cept <- b0 - b1 * xbar <- u$selog
   resid <- u$resid <- u$
   dev <- u$dev
   df <- u$df
   dev.robust <- u$dev.robust
   df.robust <- u$df.robust
   disp <- u$dispersion
   linpred <- b0 + b1 * x.explan    #  comprob <-
      1. fitr <- (1 - comprob) * tot2
      2. fitc <- comprob * tot2
   if(printdat) print(cbind(x.all[cutit], dead2, tot2))    
      1. print(cbind(x.all[cutit], x.explan, fitr, dead2, tot2))
      2. if(min(fitr) < 1) {
      3. cat("Warning. Some expected numbers 0f dead are < 1",
      4. fill = T)
      5. cat("Exp. No. Dead:", format(round(fitr, 3)), fill = T)
      6. }
      7. if(min(fitc) < 1) {
      8. cat(
      9. "Warning. Some expected numbers of survivors are < 1",
      10. fill = T)
      11. cat("Exp. Survivors  :", format(round(fitc, 3)), fill
      12. = T)
      13. }
 else {
      1. Estimates of LT50 and LT90 when too few data points are available
   if(printdat) print(cbind(x.all, dead, tot, cutit))
   cat(nmid, " data points give mortalities < 1.0:     ")
   lt <- NA
   cat("No estimate is available", "\n")
 if(!save.resid) tot2 <- NULL    
      1. Keep totals only if required along with residual information
 list(lt = lt, se =, b0 = cept, b1 = b1, lt.spline = lt.spline, 
      lt.monotone = lt.monotone, cm = cm.est, dev = dev, df = df, dev.robust
      = dev.robust, df.robust = df.robust, dispersion = disp, total = tot2, 
      resid = resid, =, times = x.trt)

} , comment = "14/09/2004") "flex.contour" <- structure(function(df = cont.test.df[1:273, (1:3)], transpose = F, label.pos = (13:18)/20,

   levs.pc = c(50, 75, 90, 95, 99), lev.cex = 0.6, lev.font = 1, mark = F, 
   alone = F, ztransform = "logit")


  1. Flexibility in positioning the contour-level labels is the name of the game.
  2. df is dataframe such as produced by gee.
  3. Requires also in Gems & make.line.loess()
  4. Not generic yet. Uses only logit transformed % data
   xxs <- unique(df[, 1])
   yys <- unique(df[, 2])
   zzs <- df[, 3]
   zzs.mat <- matrix(zzs, nr = length(
   x.use <- iff(transpose, yys, xxs)
   y.use <- iff(transpose, xxs, yys)
      zzs.mat <- t(zzs.mat)
   ztransform.fn <- get(ztransform)
   lev.pos <- ztransform.fn(levs.pc/100)    # (levs.pc are percentages)
   lev.txt <- paste(levs.pc) <- contour(x.use, y.use, zzs.mat, save = T, levels = lev.pos)
      plot(range(x.use), range(y.use), type = "n")
   if(length(label.pos < length(levs.pc)))
      label.pos <- rep(label.pos, length(levs.pc))
   for(i in 1:length( {
      make.line.loess(cont.fiti, lab = lev.txt[i], mark = mark, label.pos
          = label.pos[i], cex = lev.cex, lev.font = lev.font)

} , comment = "03/06/1998") "flyplot" <- structure(function(mn = 1:12, ri = 3, cj = 4, line = T, cutoff.mono = NULL, data = NULL,

          datafun = NULL, choice = 1, plimits = c(0.1, 0.9995), link = "cloglog", 
          range.strategy = "page", fit.trend = "line", pc = c(line = 50, line = 99), 
          span.mono = 1, n.strategy = "mn", xlabels = NULL, xfun = function(x)
          x, takelog = F, before = NA, = T, mkh = 0.025, cex = NULL, maint.line
          = 1, title.line = 0.25, = 0, xtitle = NULL, ytitle = NULL, ext
          = NULL, lt.ld = "LT", datestamp = T, byrow = T, mtext.line = 2)


      1. Title for data subset j is maint
      2. Prints graphs 4 to a page, starting with graph for data subset j=i
      3. dset holds all the data
      4. values of idset (1, 2, ...) identify subsets of dset
      5. range.strategy may be "individual", or "page", or "all"
      6. fit.trend may be line, or mono(tone), or mono.line
      7. mono.line gives monotone fit, then line
      8. Set pc to decide which LTs will appear on the margin of the plot.
 options(width = 200)
 on.exit(options(width = 80))
 trend.4 <- substring(fit.trend, 1, 4)
 do.abers <- trend.4 == "mono" | trend.4 == "loes"
 oldpar <- par()
 on.exit(par(oldpar), T)    #
      1. Set up different par parameters for postscript and motif devices.
 if(names(dev.cur()) == "postscript") {
   omi <- c(10, 12 +, 12 +, 12 +
   mgp <- c(1.75, 0.7, 0)
   mai <- c(8, 10, 5, 1)/25.4
 else {
   omi <- c(5, 5 +, 7 +, 10 +
   mgp <- c(2.25, 1, 0)
   mai <- c(15, 20, 10, 0)/25.4
 if( & byrow)
   par(mai = mai, mgp = mgp, mfrow = c(ri, cj), omi = omi)
 else if( & !byrow)
   par(mai = mai, mgp = mgp, mfcol = c(ri, cj), omi = omi)
 if(is.null(cex) & (ri * cj == 6))
   cex <- 0.65
   par(cex = cex)
 final.choice <- choice[length(choice)]
 if(!is.null(data)) {
   ab <- datafinal.choice
   leg.ab <- ab$leg.brief
     leg.ab <- ab$legend <- ab$choice
   if(missing(takelog) & missing(xfun)) {
     takelog <- ab$takelog
       xfun <- log
 else {
   ab <- NULL
   leg.ab <- NULL <- choice
 if(missing(datafun) & !is.null(ab))
   datafun <- get(ab$datafun)
   u <- datafun(, ext = ext)
 else u <- datafun(
   leg.ab <- u$leg.brief
 if(!is.null(pc)) {
   lt.txts <- paste(pc)
   lt.prefix <- paste(lt.ld, pc, "=", sep = "")
   lt.strategy <- names(pc)
 else {
   lt.strategy <- NULL
   lt.txts <- NULL
   ext <- NULL
 if(!is.null(ab) & !is.null(lt.strategy)) { <- switch(lt.strategy[1],
                       loess = ,
                       monotone = ,
                       mono = "lt.monotone",
                       line = "lt")
   ltmat.leg <- matrix(, dim([1], length(pc))
   for(k in seq(along = lt.strategy)) { <- switch(lt.strategy[k],
                        loess = ,
                        monotone = ,
                        mono = "lt.monotone",
                        line = "lt")
     ltmat.leg[, k] <-[, lt.txts[k]]
   dp <- max(c(3 - ceiling(log(quantile(, probs = 0.75, 
                                        na.rm = T))/log(10)), 0))
 else ltmat.leg <- NULL
 if(!is.null(ltmat.leg)) {
     leg.ab <- rep("", dim(ltmat.leg)[1]) <- apply(ltmat.leg, 1, function(x, z, u, dp)
                   paste(z, round(x, dp), collapse = "; ", sep = ""),
                   z = lt.prefix, dp = dp)
   legend <- paste(leg.ab, " [",, "]", sep = "")
 else if(!is.null(leg.ab))
   legend <- leg.ab
 else if(length(lt.txts) > 0)
   cat(paste(paste("LT", lt.txts, sep = ""), collapse = ""), 
       "values are not available, perhaps because pc was not given correctly\n"
 cutx <- u$cutx
 offset <- u$offset
 cm <- NULL
 if(!is.null(ab)) {
   cm.code <- ab$cm.code
   cm <- ab$cm
   cm.strategy <- ab$cm.strategy
   cmtot <- u$cmtot
 else {
   cm.code <- u$cm.code
   cm <- u$cm
   cmtot <- u$cmtot
   cm.strategy <- u$cm.strategy
   cm.strategy <- "adjust.later"
   cm.code <- 0
 cm.allcodes <- u$cm.allcodes
   cm.allcodes <- cm.code
 times.all <- as.character(u$time)
 tot.all <- u$tot
 other.rows <- as.logical(match(times.all, cm.allcodes, nomatch = 0))
 keep <- rep(T, length(other.rows))
 if(any([!other.rows])))) {
   cat("\n*** NA(s) appear among non-control times ***\n")
   numit <- times.all[!other.rows]
   look <-
   print(data.frame(times = numit[look], totals = tot.all[!other.rows][look
                                           ], dead = u$dead[!other.rows][look]))
   keep[!other.rows][look] <- F
 if(any( | tot.all == 0)) {
   look <- | tot.all == 0
   cat("\nNAs or zeros appear among totals\n")
   print(data.frame(times = times.all[look], total = tot.all[look], dead = 
   keep[look] <- F
 time.txt <- times.all[keep]
 times <- array( - Inf, length(time.txt))
 use.trt <- !other.rows[keep] | time.txt == "0"
 times[use.trt] <- as.numeric(time.txt[use.trt])
 xmin <- min(times[use.trt])
 idset <- u$id[keep]
 tot <- u$total[keep]
 dead <- u$dead[keep]
   xaxtitle <- u$xaxtitle
 else xaxtitle <- xtitle
 treat <- u$treat
 maint <- u$maint
   xxlabels <- u$xlabels
 else xxlabels <- xlabels
 nu <- unique(idset)
 nn <- match(nu, idset)    # bigstage <- dset[, stagecol]
 n <- ri * cj
 if(max(mn) > length(nu)) {
   maxj <- length(nu)
   cat("You have specified plots up to plot no.", max(mn), 
       "\nwhereas data is available for", maxj, "plots only.\n")
   mn <- mn[mn <= maxj]
 graphnum <- mn
 maxj <- max(mn)
 if(range.strategy != "individual")
   common.range <- switch(range.strategy,
                          page = mn,
                          all = 1:length(nu))
 todo <- length(nu) - maxj
 if(todo > 0)
   cat("Datasets", maxj + 1, "to", length(nu), "will remain after this.", 
       fill = T)
 xmin <- min(times)
   xmin <- min(times[times + offset > 0])
 xrange <- switch(cm.strategy,
                  adjust.later = range(times),
                  abbott = range(times))
 ij <- 0
 if(range.strategy != "individual") {
   xrm <- matrix(, 2, length(common.range))
   for(k in common.range) {
     ij <- ij + 1
     timtim <- times[idset == nu[k]]
     xrm[, ij] <- switch(cm.strategy,
                         adjust.later = range(timtim),
                         abbott = range(timtim))
   xrange <- range(xrm)
   xrange[2] <- before
 ij <- 0
 cmk <- NULL
 for(k in graphnum) {
   leg.k <- legend[k]
   ij <- ij + 1
   j <- nu[k]
   take <- idset == j
   timesj <- times[take]
   deadj <- dead[take]
   totj <- tot[take]
   time.txj <- time.txt[take]
   cmrows <- time.txj == cm.code[1] <- F
   if(sum(cmrows) == 0 & length(cm.code) > 1) {
     cmrows <- time.txj == cm.code[2] <- T
   else <- F
     numcm <- cmtot[k]
   else numcm <- NULL
   if(is.null(numcm)) numcm <- 0    # numcm may be reset below
   if(is.null(cm)) {
     if(sum(cmrows) > 0) {
       if(any(timesj[cmrows] !=  - Inf & timesj[cmrows] != 0))
         cat("\n*** Warning: Fault in specification of cm rows ***", 
       dead0 <- sum(deadj[cmrows])
       tot0 <- sum(totj[cmrows])
       cmk <- dead0/tot0
       numcm <- tot0 <- sum(cmrows)
       cmspeak <- paste("   cm(obs) =", format(round(cm, 3)), "(from", 
              , paste("point", switch(( > 1) + 1,
                                                    ), ")", sep = ""))
         cmspeak <- paste(cmspeak, "  cm code (2nd choice) =", cm.code[2
     else cmspeak <- "No information is available on cm"
   else {
                                       # !is.null(cm)
     cmk <- cm[k]
     if(cm.strategy == "abbott") {
       cat("Take cm =", format(round(cmk, 3)), "\n")
       take <- take & !other.rows
   if(do.abers) {
     use.mono <- use.trt[take]
       use.mono[timesj[use.mono] < cutoff.mono] <- F <- timesj[use.mono]
     ord.x <- order( <- (1:length(use.mono))[use.mono][ord.x]
     dead.mono <- deadj[]
     tot.mono <- totj[]
     p.mono <- (dead.mono/tot.mono)
     time.mono <-[ord.x]
     other.take <- other.rows[take] <- time.txt[take][other.take] <- deadj[other.take] <- totj[other.take]
     if(length(time.mono) < 2)
       do.abers <- F
   if(do.abers) {
     if(link == "loglog")
       link <- "cloglog"
     lt.mono <- pool.adj(time.mono, dead.mono, tot.mono, phat = NULL, cm
                         = cmk, cm.strategy = cm.strategy, cm.allcodes = cm.allcodes, 
                         plimits = plimits, xtit = xaxtitle, plotit = fit.trend, link = 
                         link, xfun = xfun, legend = leg.k, =, =,
                =, span = span.mono)
   if(range.strategy == "individual")
     xrange <- switch(cm.strategy,
                      adjust.later = ,
                      abbott = range(times[take]))
   if(diff(range(xxlabels)) > 0)
     xlabels <- xxlabels
   else xlabels <- pretty(range(times[take]))
   if(line) {
     ltab <- ab
     b <- ltab"slope"[k]
     a <- ltab"intercept"[k]
   else {
     a <- -999
     b <- -999
   startx <- max(xmin, cutx[k])
   jk <- switch(n.strategy,
                id = j,
                mn = k)
   if(!do.abers) {
     simplot(time.txt[take], deadj, totj, link, cm = cmk, cm.strategy = 
             cm.strategy, xtit = xaxtitle, ytit = ytitle,
             main = paste(jk, ": ", "", leg.k, sep = ""), xfun = xfun,
             takelog = takelog, line = line,
             ab = c(a, b), clip = c(startx, max(timesj)), xlimits = xrange, 
             xlabels = xlabels, offset = offset, plimits = plimits, mkh = mkh, 
             title.line = title.line, id = NULL)
      1. if(names(dev.cur()) == "postscript" & nchar(maint) > 0)
      2. mixed.mtext(texts = maint, side = 3, outer = T, cex = 1.25, line =
      3. maint.line, adj = 0.5)
      4. else
   mtext(maint, 3, outer = T, cex = 1.4, font = 2, line = maint.line)
 if(cm.strategy == "abbott")
   mtext("Data is plotted following Abott's adjustment", 3, line = 
         maint.line - 1, outer = T, cex = 0.5)
 lt.leg <- paste(paste("lt", pc, ":", names(pc), sep = ""), collapse = "; ")
 par(cex = 0.4)
 if(datestamp) {
   r.txt <- paste(lt.leg, "   ", system("date +%d/%m/%y'  '%H:%M", TRUE))
   l.txt <- system("pwd", TRUE) ## get call to work sometime, deparse(
   mtext(r.txt, side = 1, adj = 1, outer = T, line = mtext.line, cex = .6)
   mtext(l.txt, side = 1, adj = 0, outer = T, line = mtext.line, cex = .6)

} , comment = "03/04/2006") "formula.variables" <- structure(function(myformula, unwanted = NULL) {

   ops <- c("~", "+", "-", "*", "|", "I", "(", ")", "sqrt", "log", "exp", 
      "logit", "cloglog", "ang", unwanted)
   out <- unlist(myformula)
   out[!(out %in% ops)]

} , comment = "10/10/1997") "gem.df" <- structure(list(Object = structure(as.integer(c(26, 65, 67, 89, 80, 60, 25, 94, 10, 9, 99, 73, 53, 45, 39, 77, 41, 61, 19, 47, 76, 75, 74, 31, 5, 63, 43, 21, 42, 37, 17, 64, 55, 88, 98, 28, 97, 6, 86, 2, 4, 93, 72, 14, 59, 36, 24, 85, 70, 69, 29, 57, 90, 83, 20, 82, 16, 38, 12, 11, 84, 18, 46, 1, 44, 23, 34, 13, 7, 95, 91, 52, 58, 56, 87, 71, 51, 96, 8, 78, 40, 22, 54, 62, 27, 32, 68, 15, 33, 3, 48, 35, 66, 81, 49, 92, 50, 79, 30)), .Label = c("add.text", "agg", "", "append.cols", "average.down", "bar.legs", "blank.plot", "boxplot.fn", "catalogue", "catalogue.gems", "check.fact", "", "clg", "clipline", "cloglog", "", "cols.for.genstat", "comb", "complot", "count.nas", "", "df.mat", "df.sort", "df.summary", "", "dmodes", "errorbars", "factorize", "FF", "fieller", "fill.down", "find.first", "find.pos", "find.pos.mat", "fitconf", "flex.contour", "flyplot", "formula.variables", "gems.df", "gen.write", "get.col.names", "get.formula", "get.mort.tables", "glean.blank", "glm", "junk.df", "levels.for.genstat", "", "link.function", "link.inverse", "list.mat", "", "logit", "", "lookup", "make.df", "make.factors", "", "make.line.loess", "MASS", "", "", "month.length", "occurrence", "pid", "", "PLS", "pool.adj", "ppaste", "pseudo.f", "p.sunflowers", "qik.sum", "read.table", "relevel", "relevel.default", "relevel.factor", "reorder", "rms", "robust.deviance", "", "sem", "set.screens", "show.nas", "simplot", "s.tapply", "stdev", "strip.trail", "summarize", "SURV", "tab.file", "table.all", "tab.mat", "text.bp", "text.lot", "", "tuk.calc", "unfactor", "Updown", "write.function"), class = "factor"), Mode = structure(as.integer(c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)), .Label = c("dataframe", "function", "numeric"), class = "factor"), Rows = structure(as.integer(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), .Label = c("--", "137", "15"), class = "factor"), Cols = structure(as.integer(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), .Label = c("--", "13", "8"), class = "factor"), Len = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 13, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), Date = structure(as.integer(c(85, 66, 18, 76, 76, 53, 48, 10, 10, 6, 81, 78, 78, 78, 75, 30, 33, 61, 60, 50, 8, 8, 8, 41, 22, 82, 32, 47, 44, 28, 28, 71, 71, 65, 46, 36, 64, 9, 59, 37, 74, 49, 34, 77, 7, 7, 4, 26, 43, 25, 16, 11, 70, 5, 5, 80, 67, 23, 58, 58, 55, 63, 29, 27, 19, 45, 31, 17, 12, 69, 52, 52, 14, 2, 62, 35, 1, 68, 13, 83, 38, 51, 57, 54, 86, 3, 84, 40, 24, 39, 79, 79, 15, 21, 20, 73, 42, 72, 56)), .Label = c("01/02/1997", "01/04/1997", "01/06/1996", "01/06/1998", "01/12/1997", "02/04/2001", "03/06/1998", "03/09/1999", "03/10/1998", "04/04/2001", "06/01/1998", "06/05/1997", "06/12/1996", "07/04/1997", "08/10/1995", "09/01/1998", "09/05/1997", "09/05/2001", "09/07/1997", "09/08/1995", "09/09/1995", "10/08/1999", "10/10/1997", "11/01/1996", "11/02/1998", "11/04/1998", "11/07/1997", "12/04/1999", "12/07/1997", "12/07/2000", "13/05/1997", "13/05/1999", "13/06/2000", "13/08/1998", "14/02/1997", "14/12/1998", "15/09/1998", "15/11/1996", "15/12/1995", "16/04/1996", "16/08/1999", "16/10/1994", "17/02/1998", "17/04/1999", "17/05/1997", "17/12/1998", "18/04/1999", "18/04/2001", "18/08/1998", "18/09/1999", "18/10/1996", "19/04/1997", "20/04/2001", "20/08/1996", "20/09/1997", "21/03/1994", "21/08/1996", "21/09/1997", "21/09/1998", "22/04/2000", "22/05/2000", "23/03/1997", "23/07/1997", "23/11/1998", "23/12/1998", "24/05/2001", "24/11/1997", "24/12/1996", "25/04/1997", "25/12/1997", "26/01/1999", "26/06/1994", "26/06/1995", "26/08/1998", "27/03/2001", "27/04/2001", "27/06/1998", "28/03/2001", "29/10/1995", "29/11/1997", "30/03/2001", "30/07/1999", "30/11/1996", "31/05/1996", "31/05/2001", "31/06/1996"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("Object", "Mode", "Rows", "Cols", "Len", "Date"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59", "60", "61", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71", "72", "73", "74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", "80", "81", "82", "83", "84", "85", "86", "87", "88", "89", "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "96", "97", "98", "99"), comment = "31/05/2001") "gems" <- structure(function(ww = "plot", most = 10) {

 ## Purpose: searches Gems for function using dmodes
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 17 Jun 2004, 13:56

gem.pos <- grep("Gems", search()) dmodes(ww, gem.pos, most)

} , comment = "17/06/2004") "gen.write" <- structure(function(df, file) {

  1. To create a file readable by genstat from a dataframe
 write.table(df, file, sep = "  ", na = "*", row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F)

} , comment = "26/03/2003") "get.col.names" <- structure(function(x, patt = ".D") {

  1. Gets the names of x that fit a particular pattern patt
   col.names <- names(x)
   y <- col.names[grep(patt, col.names)]

} , comment = "13/06/2000") "get.formula" <- structure(function(ab.list = ab.second.comb, bit = "cs", link = "cloglog", rnd = 4) {

  1. Gets the formula for lines from ab list
   ab <- ab.listpaste(bit)
   legends <- ab$legend
   glean <- get(ab$datafun)
   out.list <- list()
   for(i in 1:len(legends))
      out.list[[ab$legend[i]]] <- ppaste(link, "(p) = ", round(ab$intercept[i],
         rnd), " + ", round(ab$slope[i], rnd), " * t")

} , comment = "17/04/1999") "get.mort.tables" <- structure(function(ab.list = ab.second.comb, bit = "cs", intervals = NULL, rnd = 4, file

    = "")


  1. Does table of expected mortality for lines from ab list
   ab <- ab.listpaste(bit)
   legends <- ab$legend
   glean <- get(ab$datafun)
   cat(glean(choice = bit)$maint)    # browser()
      intervals <- seq(0, round(max(glean(choice = bit)$time)))
   out.list <- list(times = intervals)
   for(i in 1:len(legends))
      out.list[[ab$legend[i]]] <- round($intercept[i] + ab$slope[
         i] * intervals) * 100, 1)
   out.df <-
   if(file != "") {
      write(glean(choice = bit)$maint, file = file), file = file, append = T)
   else out.df

} , comment = "13/05/1999") "gimp" <- structure(function(file = NULL) {

 ## Purpose:
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments:
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Zaphod Beeblebrox, Date: 15 Apr 2002, 11:26


 system("gimp &")

else system(paste("gimp",file,"&")) } , comment = "15/04/2002") "glean.blank" <- structure(function(choice = 1) {

   blank.df <- df.sort(blank.df, rev(c("Stage", "Position", "Rep")))
   idset <-
   cutx <- NULL
   leg.brief <- unique(paste(Stage, Position, " Rep", Rep, sep = ""))
   maint <- paste(degree(40), "heat treatment of some bug or other")
   xlabels <- c(0, 0)
   xaxtitle <- "Time (minutes)"
   list(id = idset, times = Time, total = Dead + Live, dead = Dead, cutx = 
      cutx, offset = 0, xaxtitle = xaxtitle, maint = maint, legend = leg.brief,
      xlabels = xlabels, takelog = F)

} , comment = "09/07/1997") "gmt" <- structure(function(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d") {

      1. Purpose: Converts a text string of yyyy-mm-dd format to POSIXct at tz = GMT
      2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. Modified from: (useful to use with ddif() to get days difference
      4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. Arguments: modify format for zillions of different date formats
      6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      7. Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 20 Feb 2004, 09:41

x1 <- strptime(x, format = format)

as.POSIXct(x1, tz = "GMT")

} , comment = "05/03/2004") "gnum" <- structure(function(file = NULL) {

 ## Purpose:
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments:
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Zaphod Beeblebrox, Date: 15 Apr 2002, 11:26


 system("gnumeric &")

else system(paste("gnumeric",file,"&")) } , comment = "28/06/2002") "gv" <- structure(function(file = NULL) {

 ## Purpose:  Starts Ghostview in the current directory
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments:
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Zaphod Beeblebrox, Date: 21 Mar 2002, 13:18


 system("gv &")

else system(paste("gv",file,"&"))

} , comment = "28/06/2002") "iff" <- structure(function(test, true.result, false.result) {

   else false.result

} , comment = "15/07/1997") "ipsofactor" <- structure(function(x) {

 ## Purpose:  Makes a factor with levels in the current order
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments:
 ##           x: character vector 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Zaphod Beeblebrox, Date:  6 Mar 2002, 10:47

y <- factor(x, levels = unique(x)) y } , comment = "28/06/2002") "junk.df" <- structure(list(Fruit = c("apple", "pear", "plum", "cherry", "apricot", "apple", "pear", "plum", "cherry", "apricot", "apple", "pear", "plum", "cherry", "apricot"), January = c(4, 15, 10, 11, 14, 5, 8, 18, 11, 15, 18, 14, 11, 5, 14), February = c(8, 13, 6, 5, 13, 12, 14, 9, 7, 13, 11, 9, 11, 14, 5), March = c(11, 15, 11, 13, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 15, 10, 16, 14, 10, 16), April = c(22, 15, 9, 13, 16, 21, 8, 18, 14, 22, 13, 18, 23, 10, 14), May = c(25, 11, 15, 18, 24, 15, 9, 11, 24, 17, 25, 23, 13, 20, 20), Week = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C", "C", "C")), .Names = c("Fruit", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "Week"), row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15"), comment = "31/05/2001", class = "data.frame") "kullas" <- structure(function() {

      1. Purpose: Basic Trellis colours for lattice plots
      2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. Modified from: col.spray in /home/hrapgc/Rstuff/garry/industry
      4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. Arguments:
      6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      7. Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 16 Jan 2004, 13:52
 lab.cex <- 1.2
 list(background = list(col="transparent"),
      bar.fill = list(col="#c8ffc8"),
      box.rectangle = list(col = "darkgreen"),
      box.umbrella = list(col = "darkseagreen", lty = 1), = list(col = "darkorchid", cex = 1),
      dot.line = list(col="#e8e8e8"),
      dot.symbol = list(col="orchid", cex = .8, pch = 1),
      plot.line = list(col="darkgreen"),
      plot.symbol = list(col="orchid", cex = .8, pch = 1),
      plot.polygon = list(alpha = 1, col="darkseagreen", border = "black",
        lty = 1, lwd = 1),       
      par.xlab.text = list(cex = lab.cex),
      par.ylab.text = list(cex = lab.cex),
      axis.components = list(
        left = list(tck = .6, pad1 = .5),
        top = list(tck = .6, pad1 = .65),
        right = list(tck = .6, pad1 = .5),
        bottom = list(tck = .6, pad1 = .65)),
      regions = list(col = heat.colors(100)),
      reference.line = list(col="turquoise", lty = 3),
      superpose.line = list(col = c("darkgreen", "red", "royalblue",
                              "orange", "brown", "turquoise", "orchid"),
        lty = rep(1,7), lwd = rep(1, 7)),
      superpose.symbol = list(pch = c(1:7), cex = rep(.9, 7),
        col = c("darkgreen", "red", "royalblue", "orange", "brown",
          "turquoise", "orchid"))

} , comment = "03/08/2006") "lat.set" <- structure(function(setting = par.xlab.text, subsetting = cex, to = 1.3) {

 ## Purpose: Change trellis settings in one move
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments:
 ##  setting    -- which setting is to be changed
 ##                  (a name of a list from trellis.settings)
 ##  subsetting -- which part of that list
 ##  to         -- what are we changing it to
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Patrick Connolly, Date: 19 Apr 2002, 10:06
 y <- as.character(substitute(setting))
 z <- as.character(substitute(subsetting))
 x <- trellis.par.get(y)
 xz <- to
 trellis.par.set(y, x)

} , comment = "07/06/2002") "lattice" <- structure(function()

      1. Installs grid and lattice library
   library(grid, lib.loc = "/home/hrapgc/Rstuff/library/")
   library(lattice, lib.loc = "/home/hrapgc/Rstuff/library/")

, comment = "02/10/2001") "lerrorbars" <- structure(function(x, y, se, yl = y - se, yu = y + se, eps, ...) {

 ## Purpose: Lattice errorbars
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: errorbar
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Marcus Davy , Creation date: 31 Aug 2005, 10:58
 if(any( | any(
   ltext(x[ |], y[ |], "NA",
         adj = 1)
 lsegments(x, yl, x, yu, ...)
 lsegments(x - eps, yl, x + eps, yl, ...)
 lsegments(x - eps, yu, x + eps, yu, ...)

} , comment = "31/08/2005") "levels.for.genstat" <- structure(function(x, no.quotes = T) {

  1. Returns a string of the factor levels to use in genstat
  2. paste from between " marks
  3. change the opening and closing " to ' if quotes are wanted
 paste(unique(x), collapse = ifelse(no.quotes, ", ", "', '"))

} , comment = "27/03/2003") "" <- structure(function(cm.n = c(0, 0), heatval, xbar, dead, tot, offset = 0, link = "cloglog",

   xfun.inv = exp, interval = T, pc = c(50, 99), dp = 1, save.resid = F, 
   cm.strategy = "adjust.later", full.robust = T)


  1. Uses robust glm
  2. heatval is the x-variable.
  3. xbar is a (usually centred) origin of measurement for heatval
 cm <- cm.n[1]
   numcm <- cm.n[2]
   pfrac <- pc/100
   if(cm.strategy == "adjust.later")
      pval <- cm + (1 - cm) * pfrac
   else pval <- pfrac
   n <- length(heatval)
   xvec <- heatval <- link.function(link)    # <- link.inverse(link)
   resid <- NULL <- NULL
   if(cm.strategy == "adjust.later") {
      p <- dead/tot    #  ymat <- cbind(dead, tot - dead)
      reflect.logsurv <- 1
      if(link == "logsurv") {
         ymat <- cbind(tot - dead, dead)
         reflect.logsurv <- -1
      if(link == "log" | link == "logsurv")
         fam <- quasi(link = log, variance = "mu(1-mu)")
      else fam <- call("quasibinomial", link)
      pnx <- data.frame(p.obs = p, x = heatval) <- call("glm", p.obs ~ x, data = pnx, family = fam, weight = tot)
      u <- eval(
      if(full.robust) {
         r1 <- residuals(u, type = "deviance")
         here.r <- abs(r1) != max(abs(r1)) <- call("glm", p.obs ~ x, family = fam, data = pnx[here.r,  ],
            weight = tot[here.r])
         u2 <- eval(
         assign("startr", predict(u2, newdata = pnx), frame = 1) <- call("glm", p.obs ~ x, family = fam, data = pnx, start = 
            startr, weight = tot)
         u <- eval(
      if(any(abs(u$weights) == Inf)) {
         u$weights[abs(u$weights) == Inf] <- 0    
   # Fudge to ensure calculations continue
      uu <- summary.glm(u, correl = F)
      if(save.resid) { <- residuals(u, type = "deviance") * reflect.logsurv
         resid <- residuals(u, type = "response") * reflect.logsurv
      b0 <- uu$coef[1, 1] * reflect.logsurv
      b1 <- uu$coef[2, 1] * reflect.logsurv
      cm.est <- NULL    # phat <- + b1 * xvec)
      fit.p <- fitted(u)
      if(link == "logsurv")
         fit.p <- 1 - fit.p <- robust.deviance(fit.p, tot, dead)
      dev.robust <- rob.info1
      df.robust <- rob.info2
      dev0 <- uu$deviance
      disp0 <- uu$dispersion
      df0 <- uu$df[2]
   else if(cm.strategy == "abbott") {
      uu <- abbott(cmobs = cm, numcm = numcm, dose = heatval, dead = dead, 
         total = tot, link = link, max.iter = 12, save.resid = save.resid)
      b0 <- uu$coef[1]
      b1 <- uu$coef[2]
      cm.est <- uu$cm
      dev0 <- uu$dev
      df0 <- length(heatval) - 2
      if(df0 > 0)
         disp0 <- dev0/df0
      else disp0 <- NA
      if(save.resid) { <- uu$
         resid <- uu$resid
      dev.robust <- NULL
      df.robust <- NULL
   else stop(paste("Unrecognized cm strategy:", cm.strategy))
   cat("Dev. =", format(round(dev0, 2)), "(df", df0, ")", "  [Disp =", format(
      round(disp0, 3)), "]", "  [Dev =", format(round(dev.robust, 2)), "(df", 
      df.robust, ")]", fill = T)
   if(! {
      if(disp0 < 1)
         het <- 1
      else het <- disp0
   else het <- NA
   if(! {
      if(disp0 > 1)
         df.t <- df0
      else df.t <- Inf
   else df.t <- NA
   v11 <- (uu$cov.un[1, 1]) * het
   v22 <- (uu$cov.un[2, 2]) * het
   v12 <- (uu$cov.un[1, 2]) * het
   ld <- xfun.inv(( - b0)/b1 + xbar) - offset
   dp <- 2 - floor(log(ld[length(ld)])/log(10))
      dp <- 1
   dp <- max(dp, 0)
   selog <- array(, length(pc))
   j <- 0
      for(percent in pval) {
         j <- j + 1
        if(b1/sqrt(v22) > 0.5) {
           ci <- fieller(percent, b0, b1, v11, v12, v22, df.t = df.t, link = 
            ci$var <- NA
            ld[j] <- xfun.inv(ci$xhat + xbar) - offset
            selog[j] <- sqrt(ci$var)
            cat(paste("LT", pc[j], ":", sep = ""), format(round(ld[j], dp)),
               "  ", fill = F)
               if(ci$upper > ci$lower) {
                  cat("95% C.I. is", format(round(xfun.inv(ci$lower + xbar) - 
                     offset, dp)), " to", format(round(xfun.inv(ci$upper + 
                     xbar) - offset, dp)), fill = T)
               else cat("  * CI could not be calculated (g =", paste(round(ci$
                     g, 5), ") *", sep = ""), fill = T)
         else cat(paste("LT", pc[j], ":",  sep = ""), format(round(ld[j], dp
               )), "   ", fill = T)
   else {
      for(i in seq(along = pc))
         cat(paste("   LT", pc[i], ":", sep = ""), format(round(ld[i], dp)))
   cept <- b0 - b1 * xbar
   se0 <- sqrt(v11)
   se1 <- sqrt(v22)
   cept <- b0 - b1 * xbar
   var.cept <- v11 + v22 * xbar^2 - 2 * xbar * v12
   rho.cept.b <- (v12 - xbar * v22)/sqrt(var.cept)/se1
   se <- c(sqrt(var.cept), se1)
   rho <- v12/(se0 * se1)
   cat("   Coeffs:", format(round(c(cept, b1), 4)), "[SE", format(round(se, 3)
      ), " r=", format(round(rho.cept.b, 5)), "]", "\n")
   list(coef = c(b0, b1), selog = selog, vcov = c(v11, v12, v22), df = df0, cm
       = cm.est, dev = dev0, dev.robust = dev.robust, df.robust = df.robust, 
      ld = ld, resid = resid, =

} , comment = "14/12/2004") "link.function" <- structure(function(link) {

 link.options <- c("identity", "log", "logsurv", "logit", "sqrt", "inverse",
                   "probit", "loglog", "cloglog", "help")
 if(link == "help")
   cat("\nOptions are:", paste(link.options, sep = "  "), "\n") <- charmatch(link, link.options)
   stop("Invalid link type")
 else if( == 0)
   stop("Ambiguous link type")
 g <- switch(link,
             identity = function(p)
             log = function(p)
             logsurv = function(p)
             - log(1 - p),
             logit = function(p)
               p <- ifelse(p > 1, NA, ifelse(p < 0, NA, p))
               p1 <- ifelse(p > 1 - 9.9999999999999998e-17, 1 - 
                            9.9999999999999998e-17, ifelse(p < 1.0000000000000001e-16, 
                                                           1.0000000000000001e-16, p))
               log(p1/(1 - p1))
             sqrt = function(p)
             inverse = function(p)
             probit = qnorm,
             loglog = ,
             cloglog = function(p)
               p <- ifelse(p > 1, NA, ifelse(p < 0, NA, p))
               p1 <- ifelse(p > 1 - 9.9999999999999998e-8, 1 - 
                            9.9999999999999998e-8, ifelse(p < 1.0000000000000001e-8, 
                                                           1.0000000000000001e-8, p))
               log((log(1 - p1)*-1))

} , comment = "16/09/2002") "link.inverse" <- structure(function(link = "help") {

   link.options <- c("identity", "log", "logsurv", "logit", "sqrt", "inverse",
      "probit", "loglog", "cloglog", "help")
   if(link == "help")
      cat("\nOptions are:", paste(link.options, sep = "  "), "\n") <- charmatch(link, link.options)
      stop(paste("Invalid link type: \nOptions are:", paste(link.options, 
         collapse = " ")))
   else if( == 0)
      stop("Ambiguous link type")
   f <- switch(link,
      identity = function(x)
      log = function(x)
      logsurv = function(x)
      1 - exp( - x),
      logit = function(x)
         z <- exp(ifelse(x > 80, 80, ifelse(x < -80, -80, x)))
         z/(z + 1)
      sqrt = function(x)
      inverse = function(x)
      probit = pnorm,
      loglog = ,
      cloglog = function(x)
         z <- exp(ifelse(x > 80, 80, ifelse(x < -80, -80, x)))
         1 - exp(.Uminus(z))

} , comment = "16/10/1994") "list.mat" <- structure(function(x) {

  1. To convert a list of vectors into a matrix
  2. x must be a named list of "named vectors"
   rownames <- names(x)
   colnames <- names(x1)
   mat <- matrix(nr = length(rownames), nc = length(colnames), dimnames = list(
      rownames, colnames))
   for(i in rownames)
      mat[i,  ] <- unlist(xi)

} , comment = "01/02/1997") "" <- structure(function(x) {

  1. 1) Test list element lengths are the same
   lengths <- unlist(lapply(x, length))
   len <- mean(lengths)
   if(all(lengths == len)) {
      attr(x, "class") <- "data.frame"
      attr(x, "row.names") <- 1:len
   else {
      stop("list elements are not of same length")

} , comment = "19/04/1997") "logit" <- structure(function(p) {

   pres <- (p > 0) & (p < 1)
   p[pres] <- log(p[pres]/(1 - p[pres]))
   n <- length(p[!pres])
   p[!pres] <- rep(NA, n)

} , comment = "28/03/2001") "" <- structure(function(x) {

 p <- exp(x)/(1 + exp(x))

p } , comment = "04/10/2001") "lookup" <- structure(function(x, y, z = NULL) {

  1. Looks up a legend to find the corresponding elements of the input vector
  2. y has all possible values x could take;
  3. z has all corresponding unabbreviated values of interest
  4. This function returns those bits of z which correspond to the input values x
  5. if z is NULL, y must be a matrix of two columns
   if(is.null(z) && dim(y)[2] != 2) stop("z must be specified OR y a matrix\n"
   if(!is.null(dim(y))) {
      z <- y[, 2]
      y <- y[, 1]
   names(z) <- y

} , comment = "26/01/1999") "make.df" <- structure(function(text.file, ...) {

  1. Making a dataframe from a text file and using tab separators
   read.table(text.file, T, = T, sep = "\t", row.names = NULL, ...)

} , comment = "01/04/1997") "make.factors" <- structure(function(df, fcols = 1, ordered = F, ...) {

      1. To change specified columns into factors. By default levels are reordered
      2. in alphabetical order. Keeping that order makes it an ordered factor (ordered = T)
      3. which does some strange things in glms and the like, but it's useful for ordering
      4. factors for trellis plotting.
      5. Without named columns, will not work unless fcols are sequential (col nos. are used:
      6. somehow that makes a difference)
      7. Vectors can also be used, in which case setting sorted to T is the same
      8. as using factor()
   onecol <- is.null(dim(df))    #
   if(onecol) {
      vec <- unfactor(df)
         df <- factor(vec, ...)
      else df <- ordered(vec, labels = unique(vec, ...))
   else {
         fcols <- find.pos(fcols, names(df))
      for(i in fcols) {
         if(!ordered) {
            dfi <- factor(dfi, ...)
         else dfi <- ordered(dfi, levels = unique(dfi), ...)

} , comment = "06/01/1998") "" <- structure(function(x) {

  1. Creates one id value for each row. Value increases by 1 for each
  2. element where the value of x is less than for the previous element.
   dx <- c(0, diff(x))
   u <- rep(0, length(x))
   u[dx < 0] <- 1
   cumsum(u) + 1

} , comment = "07/04/1997") "make.line.loess" <- structure(function(xy, lab, label.pos = 0.9, cex = par()$cex, lev.font = 1, lty = 1, lwd

    = par()$lwd, inclusion = "ALL", mark = T, mark.extra = "")


   overlap <- function(x, y, xl, yl)
      over <- F
      i <- 1
      while(i <= length(xl)) {
         first.pair.match <- (1:length(xli))[(xli == x[1]) & yli == 
         if((diff(x) == 0) & (diff(y) == 0)) {
            if(length(first.pair.match) > 0)
               over <- T
         else {
            second.pair.match <- (1:length(xli))[(xli == x[2]) & yl[[i
               ]] == y[2]]
            names(first.pair.match) <- rep("f", length(first.pair.match))
            names(second.pair.match) <- rep("s", length(second.pair.match))
            pair.match <- sort(c(first.pair.match, second.pair.match))
            adj.pairs <- (1:(length(pair.match) - 1))[diff(pair.match) == 1]
            adj.pairs <- adj.pairs[!]
            if(length(adj.pairs) > 0)
               if((names(pair.match)[adj.pairs[1]] == "f") & (names(pair.match
                  )[adj.pairs[1] + 1] == "s"))
                  over <- T
         i <- i + 1
   assign("overlap", overlap, 0)
   pos <- function(posn, x, y)
      if(posn == 1)
      else {
         dx <- c(0, diff(x))
         dy <- c(0, diff(y))
         lengths <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
         cum.lengths <- cumsum(lengths)
         full.length <- cum.lengths[length(cum.lengths)]
         main.index <- ((1:length(cum.lengths))[cum.lengths > posn * 
            full.length])[1] - 1
         left.over <- posn * full.length - cum.lengths[main.index]
         main.index + left.over/lengths[main.index + 1]
   assign("pos", pos, 0)
   label.line <- function(label.pos, x, y, lab, cex, i, font)
      if(label.pos >= 0) {
         j <- pos(label.pos, x, y)
         index <- trunc(j)
         if(![index + 0:1])) & ![index + 0:1])))
            if(!overlap(x[index + 0:1], y[index + 0:1], x.keep, y.keep)) {
               j <- j - index
               tx <- x[index] + j * (x[index + 1] - x[index])
               ty <- y[index] + j * (y[index + 1] - y[index])
               text(tx, ty, lab, cex = cex, font = font)
               x.keepi - 1 <- x
               y.keepi - 1 <- y
               assign("x.keep", x.keep, 1)
               assign("y.keep", y.keep, 1)
   plot.line <- function(x, y, lty, lwd, inclusion)
      find.point <- function(inclusion, x, y, start)
         p <- pos(inclusion, x, y)
         index <- trunc(p)
         p <- p - index
         tx <- x[index] + p * (x[index + 1] - x[index])
         ty <- y[index] + p * (y[index + 1] - y[index])
         list(tx = tx, ty = ty, index = index + start)
      if(is.character(inclusion)) {
         lines(x, y, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
      else if(is.null(inclusion))
      else if(inclusion[1] == inclusion[2])
      else {
         if(inclusion[1] > inclusion[2])
            inclusion <- c(inclusion[1], 1, 0, inclusion[2]) <- x <- y
         for(i in 1:(length(inclusion) %/% 2)) {
            x <-
            y <-
            start <- find.point(inclusion[1 + (i - 1) * 2], x, y, T)
            finish <- find.point(inclusion[2 + (i - 1) * 2], x, y, F)
            x <- c(start$tx, x[start$index:finish$index], finish$tx)
            y <- c(start$ty, y[start$index:finish$index], finish$ty)
            lines(x, y, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
    1. Main ##
   xy$x <- c(NA, xy$x, NA)
   na <- (1:length(xy$x))[$x)]
   xy$x <- xy$x[ - (na[diff(na) == 1])]
   xy$y <- c(NA, xy$y, NA)
   xy$y <- xy$y[ - (na[diff(na) == 1])]
   na <- (1:length(xy$x))[$x)]
   x.keep <- list()
   y.keep <- list()
   assign("x.keep", x.keep, 1)
   assign("y.keep", y.keep, 1)
   if(length(label.pos) < length(na) - 1)
      label.pos <- c(label.pos, rep(label.pos[1], length(na) - length(
   cat("Lev ", lab, mark.extra, " Lines ", max(length(na) - 1, 0), "\n", sep
       = "")
   if(length(na) > 0)
      for(i in 2:length(na)) {
         x <- xy$x[(na[i - 1] + 1):(na[i] - 1)]
         y <- xy$y[(na[i - 1] + 1):(na[i] - 1)]
         old.x <- x
         old.y <- y
         x <- x[! & !]
         y <- y[! & !]
         if(length(x) > 0) {
            if(plot.line(x, y, lty, lwd, inclusioni - 1))
               label.line(label.pos[i - 1], x, y, paste(lab, ifelse(mark, 
                  paste(mark.extra, "-", i - 1, sep = ""), ""), sep = ""), cex,
                  i, font = lev.font)

} , comment = "03/06/1998") "" <- structure(function(start.list = ab.soluble, choose = 1, lt = 99, intv = 95, new.order = F,

          leg.beg = NULL, leg.end = 4, insect = "interesting critters", fit = NULL, 
          two.tables = F, borders = F, omit = NULL)


 ## Requires LT data in an ab. type list with sublist names such as "total"
 ## referring to LTs at those locations
 ## LT50s calculated by mono fit: LT99s calculated by line fit
 ## Has to group species to take mean, and then restore to the original
 ##  order of species (otherwise, it's very simple)
 ## The name "species" really refers to location and life stage in 
 ##   some cases: it is what appears on the individual mortality plots
 ## leg.end will usually be used to remove "Rep_" from hames. If there are more than 
 ##  9 reps in the legend name, it won't work.
 ## leg.beg is the number of characters to omit from the legend text in determining what
 ##    groups similar trials 
 ## leg.beg by default is the postion of the first blank in the legend name: That is 
 ##   to allow the practice of having trial numbers in that legend: if there's no space
 ##   in the legend, it won't work.
 ablist <- as.character(substitute(start.list)) <- nchar(ablist)
 interval <- intv/100
 if(is.character(choose)) {
   choose.i <- (1:length(names(start.list)))[names(start.list) == 
 else (choose.i <- choose)
 ab <- start.listchoose.i
 legs <- as.character(ab$legend)    
      1. Seems to be necessary for correct class
 if(is.null(leg.beg)) {
      1. Find the first space in the legend names:
   leg.beg <- NULL
   for(k in 1:length(legs)) {
     leg.vec <- paste(substring(legs[k], 1:nchar(legs[k]), 1:nchar(legs[k]
                                                                   )), sep = "")
     leg.beg[k] <- match(" ", leg.vec)
 spec <- substring(legs, leg.beg + 1, nchar(legs) - leg.end)
 include <- rep(TRUE, length = (length(spec)))    #
      1. Are there any we wish to exclude? (22/1/2001)
   include[grep(omit, spec)] <- FALSE
 spec <- spec[include]
 uniq.spec <- unique(spec)
 sortspec <- sort(spec)
   fit <- ifelse(lt == 50, "monotone", "line")
 if(fit == "line")
   lt.vector <- ab$lt[, paste(lt)]
 else lt.vector <- ab$lt.monotone[, paste(lt)]
 type <- paste(insect, "  [", choose, "] (", fit, " fit)", sep = "")
 lt.vector[lt.vector < 0 | lt.vector == Inf] <- NA    # (22/1/2001)
 lt.vector <- lt.vector[include]    # (22/1/2001)
 lts <- round(as.numeric(lt.vector), 5)
 lt.1 <- matrix(round(lts, 1), ncol = 1, dimnames = list(spec, NULL))
 lt.2 <- NULL    #
      1. Sort to arrange species together
 for(i in uniq.spec) {
   lt.2 <- c(lt.2, lt.1[dimnames(lt.1)1 == i,  ])
      1. Change vector into single column matrix
 lt.3 <- matrix(lt.2, nc = 1, dimnames = list(names(lt.2), NULL))    #
      1. Have vector of grouped lts. Continue finding means, etc. <- tapply(log(lts), spec, mean, na.rm = T)
 my.var <- function(x) var(x, na.rm = T) <- tapply(log(lts), spec, my.var)    #
      1. Replace any missing variances with zero <- ifelse(, 0, <- tapply(log(lts), spec, sem, na.rm = T)
 reps <- tapply(lts, spec, function(x)
 deg.pool <- sum(reps[reps > 0] - 1) <- * (reps - 1) <- sum(
 delta <- qt(1 - (1 - interval)/2, deg.pool) * sqrt(
 log.up <- + delta
 log.low <- - delta
 lt.mean <- round(exp(, 1)
 upper <- round(exp(log.up), 1)
 lower <- round(exp(log.low), 1)
 sem <- round( * lt.mean, 3)    #
      1. Make matrix of means, etc
 y <- cbind(reps, lt.mean, lower, upper, sem)
 x <- y[uniq.spec,  ]    #
      1. Put individual LTs into matrix
 rn <- dimnames(lt.3)1
 urn <- unique(rn)
 cn <- max(table(rn))
 mm <- matrix(rep("---", length(urn) * cn), nc = cn, dimnames = list(urn, 
                                                       paste("Rep", 1:cn, sep = "")))
 for(i in urn) {
      1. Not all rows have same number of reps
   kk <- lt.2[names(lt.2) == i]
   for(k in 1:length(kk))
     mm[i, k] <- kk[k]
      1. If original order of plots is not wanted, sort into new order
 if(new.order) {
   mm <- mm[order(dimnames(mm)1),  ]
   x <- x[order(dimnames(x)1),  ]
      1. Output to screen
 if(two.tables) {
   cat(c(paste("Separate LT", lt, "s for ", type, ":", sep = ""), "\n\n"))
   cat(c(paste("Mean LT", lt, "s and ", intv, "% c.i.:", sep = ""), "\n\n")
 else {
   one.table <- cbind(mm, x)
   cat(c(paste("Separate LT", lt, "s with mean and ", intv, "% c.i. for ", 
               type, ":", sep = ""), "\n\n"))
   print.char.matrix(unfactor(, col.names = T)

} , comment = "14/12/2004") "" <- structure(function(lt.vector, lt = 99, intv = 95) {

  1. Shortened version of
   interval <- intv/100
   lts <- round(as.numeric(lt.vector), 5)
   lts <- lts[!]
   reps <- length(lts)    # Change vector into single column matrix
   lt.3 <- matrix(lts, nc = 1)    #
  1. Have vector of grouped lts. Continue finding means, etc. <- mean(log(lts), na.rm = T) <- my.var(log(lts))    #
  1. Replace any missing variances with zero <- sem(log(lts), na.rm = T)
   deg <- length(lts) - 1
   delta <- qt(1 - (1 - interval)/2, deg) * sqrt(
   log.up <- + delta
   log.low <- - delta
   lt.mean <- round(exp(, 1)
   upper <- round(exp(log.up), 1)
   lower <- round(exp(log.low), 1)
   sem <- round( * lt.mean, 3)    #
  1. Make vector of means, etc
   y <- matrix(c(reps, lt.mean, lower, upper, sem), nr = 1)
   dimnames(y) <- list(NULL, c("reps", "lt.mean", "lower", "upper", " sem"))
       # Put individual LTs into vector
   mm <- matrix(round(lts, 1), nr = 1)
   dimnames(mm) <- list(NULL, paste("Rep", 1:length(mm), sep = ""))    
   # Output to screen
   cat(c(paste("Separate LT", lt, "s ", sep = ""), "\n\n"))
   cat(c(paste("Mean LT", lt, "s and ", intv, "% c.i.:", sep = ""), "\n\n"))
  1. x_matrix(x,nc=5,dimnames=dimnames(y))

} , comment = "20/08/1996") "occurrence" <- structure(function(x, char = " ", positions = 1) {

      1. Finds positions of specified occurrences of a character (char) in a
      2. character string (x), or vector thereof
      1. Default is to find the first occurrence. A vector of occurrences can be given
   if(!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
   z <- as.list(x)
   find.gaps <- function(a, b)
      size <- 1:nchar(a)
      size[substring(a, 1:nchar(a), 1:nchar(a)) == b]
   y <- lapply(z, function(w)
   find.gaps(w, char))
   longest <- max(sapply(y, length))
   names(y) <- paste(1:length(y))    #
  1. if the number of occurrences is not the same for all elenents...
   if(any(diff((sapply(y, length)))) > 0) {
  1. Fix up odd ones
      short.y <- names(y[sapply(y, length) < longest])
      for(i in short.y) {
         short.y.len <- length(unlist(yi))
         yi <- c(unlist(yi), rep(NA, (longest - short.y.len)))
   if(max(positions) > longest) {
      positions <- positions[!(positions > longest)]
      cat(paste("No more than", longest, "of such character in any element\n")
   t(matrix(unlist(y), byrow = F, nc = length(y)))[, positions]

} , comment = "26/01/1999") "p.sunflowers" <- structure(function(x, y, number, size = 0.125, add = FALSE, rotate = F, pch = 16, ...) {

    1. Purpose: Produce a 'sunflower'-Plot
    2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3. Arguments: x,y: coordinates;
    4. number[i] = number of times for (x[i],y[i]) [may be 0]
    5. size: in inches add : Should add to a previous plot ?
    6. rotate: randomly rotate flowers? further args: as for plot(..)
    7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    8. Authors: Andreas Ruckstuhl, Werner Stahel, Martin Maechler, Tim Hesterberg
    9. Date  : Aug 89 / Jan 93, March 92, Jan, Dec 93, Jan 93
    10. Examples: p.sunflowers(x=sort(2*round(rnorm(100))), y=round(rnorm(100),0))
    11. 16:12, 16 Nov 2006 (NZDT)Sven p.sunflowers(rnorm(100),rnorm(100),number=rpois(n=100,lambda=2),
    12. rotate=T, main="Sunflower plot")
   n <- length(x)
   if(length(y) != n)
      stop("x & y must have same length !")
   if(missing(number)) {
      orderxy <- order(x, y)
      x <- x[orderxy]
      y <- y[orderxy]
      first <- c(T, (x[-1] != x[ - n]) | (y[-1] != y[ - n]))
      x <- x[first]
      y <- y[first]
      number <- diff(c((1:n)[first], n + 1))
   else {
      if(length(number) != n)
         stop("number must have same length as x & y\n!")
      x <- x[number > 0]
      y <- y[number > 0]
      number <- number[number > 0]
   n <- length(x)
   if(!add) {
      axislabels <- match(c("xlab", "ylab"), names(list(...)))
         xlab <- list(...)[[axislabels[1]]]
      else xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))
         ylab <- list(...)[[axislabels[2]]]
      else ylab <- deparse(substitute(y))
      plot(x, y, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "n", ...)
   nequ1 <- number == 1
      points(x[nequ1], y[nequ1], pch = pch, csi = size * 1.25)
      points(x[!nequ1], y[!nequ1], pch = pch, csi = size * 0.80000000000000004
   i.multi <- (1:n)[number > 1]
   if(length(i.multi)) {
      ppin <- par()$pin
      pusr <- par()$usr
      xr <- (size * abs(pusr[2] - pusr[1]))/ppin[1]
      yr <- (size * abs(pusr[4] - pusr[3]))/ppin[2]
      i.rep <- rep(i.multi, number[number > 1])
      z <- NULL
      for(i in i.multi)
         z <- c(z, 1:number[i] + if(rotate) runif(1) else 0)
      deg <- (2 * pi * z)/number[i.rep]
      segments(x[i.rep], y[i.rep], x[i.rep] + xr * sin(deg), y[i.rep] + yr * 

} , comment = "14/02/1997") "pdfn" <- structure(function(x, ps2pdf = TRUE, cex = .5, adj = 1, side = 1, line = -1, ...) {

      1. Purpose: Print file name on a plot
      2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. Modified from:
      4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. Arguments: ps2pdf -- are we making a postscript name into a PDF name?
      6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      7. Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 24 Feb 2004, 14:55
 par(new = T)
 par(omi = rep(0,4), mai = rep(0,4), ...)
   x <- ppaste(substring(x, 1,nchar(x)-1), "df")
 mtext(x, side = side, line = line, cex = cex, adj = adj)

} , comment = "28/07/2004") "pid" <- structure(function()

      1. current PID
 system("echo $PPID",intern=T)

, comment = "24/05/2001") "" <- structure(function(lt = 99, datafun = get.leaf, choose = "lbam", fun = function(x) x, poly = T, poly.limits = list(NULL), poly.keep.x = list(NULL),

   poly.plot.limits = list(NULL), deg = 2, splin = F, wide.legend = 1, 
   high.legend = 1, expand.y = 0, print.statistics = T, x.limits = NULL, 
   y.limits = NULL, predict.x = NULL, confidence = 0.95, compare = NULL, 
   fit.robust = F, = F, plotit = T, plot.means = T, plot.points = F, 
   plot.single.sem = F, plot.groups.sem = T, legend.sem = T, legend.linespace
    = 1.25, errors = "aov", include = NULL, parallel = NULL, mkh = 0.08, 
   datestamp = T, prefix = "", prefix.y = "", legend.header = "", legend.note
    = "Limits shown are one SE\neither side of the mean", bars.pretext = 
   "2 SE", na.means = T, wts = NULL, style = list(lwd = 1, plotch = c(0, 1, 2,
   5, 3, 4, 16, 18, 6:15), cex.labels = 1, cex.title = 1.15, mai.xtra = c(0.25,
   0.5, 0.25, 0.5)), mtext.line = -1)


      1. Means, for each temperature in each list item, are calculated and plotted
      2. An overall SD is calculated for each set of list items,
      3. as identified in groups.
      4. Set na.means to F to omit plotting of means when data for a mean relies
      5. partly on NAs
      6. Examples
      7.,,poly=F, poly.limits=list(c(32.5,40)),
      8. splin=T,wide.legend=0.67)
      9.,,poly=c(T,F),deg=1, splin=F,wide.legend=0.67)
      10.,,poly=c(T,F),deg=2, splin=F,wide.legend=0.67)
      11.,,poly=T,deg=2, splin=F,wide.legend=0.67)
      1. aov.errors = T causes the within x mean square to be used for SEs etc.
      1. lt= : gives lt % to be printed on the y-axis label
      1. datafun: This function collects up the data, labelling information etc.,
      2. and delivers it in a standard form to
      1. fun: Transformation function for the y-axis. Usually identity or log.
      1. poly: T if a line or polynomial is required.
      1. poly.limits: used in connection with splin=T when a specific polynomial
      2. (usually a quadratic) is required over the part of the range specified
      3. by poly.limits, with a spline for the remainder.
      4. deg: degree for polynomial(s)
      1. Note: Parameters poly, poly.limits and deg are expanded, if necessary,
      2. into a vector or (for poly.limits) a list.
      3. wide.legend, high.legend: point at which to start printing first legend item
      4. Specify as a fraction of the x- or y-distance.
      5. expand.y: e.g. 25% will increase the upper y-limit to give 25% extra space
      6. for legend etc.
      1. print.statistics: whether to print out coeffs, ses etc of fitted polynomials
      2. plot.means, plot.points: means and/or points
      3. plot.single.sem, plot.groups.sem: strategy for calculating sem
      4. errors: strategy for calculation of error mean square.
      5. "aov" calculates the mean square from the "within x" sum of squares.
      6. Alternatives are (deviations from the fitted polynomial)
      7. and total (aov and combined).
      8. include: This is a vector of booleans; T where a list element is included.
   par(new = F)
   options(width = 180) <- function(x)
      pres <- !
   date.txt <- unix("date '+DATE: %d/%m/%y %H:%Mh'")
   docs <- paste(unix("pwd"), as.character(, date.txt, 
      collapse = "")
   if(!plotit) {
         plot.means <- F
         plot.points <- F
   plotch <- style$plotch
   lwd <- style$lwd
   cex.title <- style$cex.title
   cex.labels <- style$cex.labels
   mai.xtra <- style$mai.xtra
   if(!is.null(confidence) & !is.null(compare)) {
      cat("\nValues set both for ci's & for comparisons.", 
         "\nCode for both is not implemented at this point.", 
         "\nWill do comparisons only.\n")
      confidence <- NULL
   if(plot.points | plot.means | plotit)
      plot.some <- T
   else plot.some <- F
   xtra <- numeric(0)
   linetype.len <- 0
   oldpar <- par()
   par(mai = par()$mai + mai.xtra)
   u <- datafun(lt = lt, choice = choose)
   leg <- u$leg
   ltraw.list <- u$lt
   xval.list <- u$xval
   xlab <- u$xlab
   xaxlab <- u$xaxlab
   yaxlab <- u$yaxlab
   ylab <- u$ylab
   groups <- u$groups
   maint <- u$maint
      maint <- paste(maint"prefix", " LT~v~c.8~.", lt, "~h0~c1~.",  , " ",
         maint"main", sep = "")
   else maint <- paste(prefix, maint)
   mean.list <- lapply(xval.list, unique)    
      1. Set up structure that has the right shape
   num.list <- mean.list
   uniqx.list <- mean.list
   nlist <- length(xval.list)
   if(is.numeric(include)) {
      tmp <- rep(F, nlist)
      tmp[include] <- T
      include <- tmp
   else if(is.null(include))
      include <- rep(T, nlist)
   else if(length(include) < nlist)
      include <- c(include, rep(F, nlist - length(include)))
   include.parallel <- rep(F, nlist)
   if(!is.null(parallel)) {
      include.parallel[parallel] <- T
      xval.parallel <- list()
      pres.parallel <- list()
      lt.parallel <- list()
      n.parallel <- sum(include.parallel)
      num.parallel <- rep(0, n.parallel)
      wts.parallel <- rep(0, n.parallel)
      df.parallel <- rep(0, n.parallel)
      leg.parallel <- leg[include.parallel]
      groups <- as.list((1:nlist)[include])
   ngroups <- length(groups)
   if(nlist > 1 & length(deg) == 1)
      deg.pol <- rep(deg, nlist)
   else deg.pol <- deg
   if(nlist > 1 & length(poly) == 1)
      poly <- rep(poly, nlist)
   if(nlist > 1 & length(splin) == 1)
      splin <- rep(splin, nlist)
      poly.limits <- list(poly.limits)
      poly.keep.x <- list(poly.keep.x)
   if(nlist > 1 & length(poly.limits) == 1)
      poly.limits <- rep(poly.limits, nlist)
   if(nlist > 1 & length(poly.keep.x) == 1)
      poly.keep <- rep(poly.keep.x, nlist)
      poly.plot.limits <- list(poly.plot.limits)
   if(nlist > 1 & length(poly.plot.limits) == 1)
      poly.plot.limits <- rep(poly.plot.limits, nlist)
      if(nlist > 1 & length(wts) == 1)
         wts <- rep(wts, nlist)
   xlab <- u$xlab
   if(sum(include) > length(plotch))
      plotch <- c(plotch, letters)
   vm.aov <- array(, nlist)
   vm.other <- array(, nlist)
   df.other <- array(, nlist)
   numdf <- array(, nlist)
   nummin <- array(, nlist)
   nummax <- array(, nlist)
   lt.list <- ltraw.list
   for(i in 1:nlist)
      lt.listi <- fun(ltraw.listi)
   mat.range <- matrix(unlist(lapply(ltraw.list, range, na.rm = T)), nrow = 2)
   unlist.raw <- unlist(ltraw.list)
   yrange <- range(mat.range[, include], na.rm = T)
   log.y <- F
   if(all(fun(exp(1:4)) == 1:4)) {
      log.y <- T
      mat.range <- matrix(unlist(lapply(ltraw.list, function(x, na.rm = T)
      range(x[x > 0]), na.rm = T)), nrow = 2)
      yrange[1] <- min(mat.range, na.rm = T)
      yrange[1] <- min(unlist.raw[unlist.raw > 0], na.rm = T)
   if(is.null(y.limits)) {
      funrange <- fun(yrange)
      y.limits <- yrange
   else funrange <- fun(y.limits)
   funrange[2] <- funrange[2] + diff(funrange) * expand.y    
      1. Often set expand.y = 0.05 or 0.1, to allow room for legend
   if(is.null(yaxlab)) {
      ylabels <- pretty(y.limits)
      if(all(fun(exp(1:4)) == 1:4)) {
         splity <- sqrt(y.limits[1] * y.limits[2])
         ylabels2 <- pretty(c(splity, max(y.limits)), 4)
         ylabels1 <- pretty(c(min(y.limits), splity), 4)
         ylabels <- sort(unique(c(ylabels1, ylabels2)))
         if(ylabels[1] == 0)
            ylabels[1] <- mean(ylabels[1:2])
   else ylabels <- yaxlab
   ncharwid <- max(nchar(paste(ylabels)))
   ylabadd <- (ncharwid - 1.5) * 0.25
   ytitladd <- (1.25 * ncharwid - 2) * 0.125
   if(plot.some) {
         x.limits <- range(unlist(xval.list), na.rm = T)
      plot(x.limits, funrange, xlim = x.limits, type = "n", xlab = "", xaxt = 
         "n", ylab = "", yaxt = "n")
         xaxlab <- pretty(x.limits)
      axis(1, at = xaxlab)
      axis(2, at = fun(ylabels), labels = paste(ylabels), mgp = c(3 + ytitladd,
         1 + ylabadd, 0))
      chh <- par()$cxy[2]
      chw <- par()$cxy[1]
      uxy <- par()$usr
   outvals <- vector("list", sum(include))
   names(outvals) <- names(lt.list)[include]
   i.plot <- 0
   j.parallel <- 0
   for(i in 1:nlist)
      if(include[i]) {
         u.x <- NULL
         bt.y <- NULL
         i.plot <- i.plot + 1
         deg.i <- deg.pol[i]
         pres <- !
         temps <- xval.listi[pres]
         ltval <- lt.listi[pres]
            points(temps, ltval, pch = plotch[i.plot], mkh = 0.75 * mkh, lwd
                = lwd)
         vv <- tapply(ltval, list(temps), var)
         my <- tapply(ltval, list(temps), mean)
         tab.temps <- table(temps)
         utemps <- as.numeric(names(tab.temps))
         num <- as.numeric(tab.temps)
         num.listi <- num
         uniqx.listi <- utemps
         if(!na.means) {
   <- tapply(lt.listi, list(xval.listi), function(
            utemps.all <- unique(xval.listi)
   <- utemps.all[]
            if(length( > 0) {
               u.match <- match(, utemps, nomatch = 0)
               if(any(u.match > 0))
                  my[u.match] <- NA
            mean.listi <- my
            points(utemps, my, pch = plotch[i.plot], mkh = mkh, lwd = 2)
         nummin[i] <- min(num[!])
         nummax[i] <- max(num[!])
         sd <- sqrt(vv)
         sem <- sd/sqrt(num)
         df.aov.rss <- sum(num - 1)
         numdf[i] <- df.aov.rss
         ms.aov <- sum(vv * (num - 1), na.rm = T)/df.aov.rss
         vm.aov[i] <- ms.aov
         sd.aov <- sqrt(ms.aov)
         cat("\n", leg[i], "  ", date(), fill = T) <- data.frame(rbind(format(round(my, 2)), format(round(sem, 2)),
         row.names( <- c("Means are:", "sem's are:", "Nos.")
         names( <- paste(utemps)
         cat("sds are", format(round(sd, 2)))
         if(df.aov.rss > 0)
            cat("  pooled:", format(round(sd.aov, 3)), "  df =", df.aov.rss, 
               fill = T)
         if(log.y) {
            btmeans <- exp(my)
            btsem <- btmeans * sem
   <- data.frame(rbind(format(round(btmeans, 1)), format(round(
               btsem, 2))))
            row.names( <- c("BT means:", "Appr sem:")
            names( <- paste(utemps)
         cat("\n", fill = T)
         rtemps <- range(temps)
         utemps <- uniqx.listi
         poly.i <- poly[i]
            linetype.len <- 3.5
         splin.i <- splin[i]
         if(poly.i & length(utemps) <= deg.i) {
            if(length(utemps) > 1)
               cat("*** Insufficient points for polynomial  of degree", deg.i,
                  fill = T)
            poly.i <- F
         if(splin.i & length(utemps) < 4) {
            if(length(utemps) > 1)
                  "*** Insufficient points for spline -- at least 4 are required",
                  fill = T)
            splin.i <- F
         poly.lim <- poly.limitsi
         poly.keep <- poly.keep.xi
            poly.lim <- rtemps
         else if(any(, utemps))))
               "One or both endpoints for the polynomial fit do not match actual data values",
               fill = T)
         if(length(poly.lim) == 1 & is.null(poly.keep)) {
            cat("Only one limit has been given; cannot fit quadratic", fill = 
            poly.lim <- rep(poly.lim, 2)
         if(is.null(poly.keep)) {
            keep <- (utemps >= poly.lim[1] & utemps <= poly.lim[2])
            poly.keep <- utemps[keep]
         else keep <- as.logical(match(utemps, poly.keep, nomatch = F))
         nu <- (1:length(utemps))[keep]
         y.means <- my[nu]
         x.means <- utemps[nu]
         yfit <- my
         use.quad <- as.logical(match(temps, poly.keep, nomatch = F))
         x.quad <- temps[use.quad]
         y.quad <- ltval[use.quad]
         num.quad <- num[nu]
         df.quad <- sum(num.quad - 1)
         if(df.quad == 0)
            ms.quad <- 0
         else ms.quad <- sum(vv[nu] * (num.quad - 1), na.rm = T)/df.quad
         ems <- ms.quad
         df.t <- df.quad
         if(poly.i) {
            poly.legend <- "Polynomial"
               poly.legend <- "Polynomial (robust fit)"
               cat(poly.legend, "of degree", deg.i, "through points", 
                  poly.keep, fill = T)
            else cat(poly.legend, "of degree", deg.i, "from points", poly.lim[
                  1], "to", poly.lim[2], fill = T)
            uu <-, y.quad, num.quad, deg.i, ms.quad, df.quad, 
               errors, print.statistics = print.statistics, predict.x = 
               predict.x, fit.robust = fit.robust, wts = wts)
   <- uu$pred$
            df.t <- uu$
            xtra <- uu$xtra
            ems <- uu$ems
            vm.other[i] <- ems
            df.other[i] <- df.t
            df.t0 <- uu$pred$df
            ems0 <- uu$pred$ms
               if(df.t != df.t0)
                  cat("\n ******* df.t =", df.t, "   df.t0 =", df.t0, "\n")
            if(!is.null(ems0)) if(ems != ems0) {
                  cat("****** Warning ******\n")
                  cat("ems =", ems, "   ems0 =", ems0, "\n\n")
      1. vanilla ms; depends on errors
            b <- uu$b
            if(include.parallel[i]) {
               j.parallel <- j.parallel + 1
               xval.parallelj.parallel <- x.quad
               lt.parallelj.parallel <- y.quad
               num.parallel[j.parallel] <- sum(num[nu])
               wts.parallel[j.parallel] <- 1/ems
               df.parallel[j.parallel] <- df.t
            if(!is.null(predict.x)) {
               ypred <- uu$pred$fit
               u.x <- predict.x
               if(!is.null(confidence)) {
                  alpha <- 1 - confidence
                  c.txt <- paste(round(confidence * 100))
                  c.txt1 <- NULL
                  t.stat <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df.t)
               else if(!is.null(compare)) {
                  alpha <- 1 - compare
                  t.stat <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df.t)/sqrt(2)
                  c.txt <- format(round((2 * pt(t.stat, df.t) - 1) * 100, 1))
                  c.txt1 <- paste(round((1 - compare) * 100))
               ci.low <- ypred - * t.stat
               ci.high <- ypred + * t.stat
               if(log.y) {
                  bt.y <- exp(ypred)
                  bt.sem <- bt.y *
                  xx <- data.frame(rbind(format(round(bt.y, 1)), format(signif(
                     exp(ci.low), 3)), format(signif(exp(ci.high), 3)), format(
                     signif(bt.sem, 2))))
                  dimnames(xx) <- list(c("BT preds:", paste(c.txt, "pc low:", 
                     sep = ""), paste(c.txt, "pc high:", sep = ""), 
                     "Approx sem:"), paste(u.x))
                     cat("\nNon-overlap of ci's is equivalent to a test for", 
                        "\nno difference at the", paste(c.txt1, "pc", sep = ""
                        ), "level.\n")
               else {
                  cat("\nTemps   :", format(round(u.x, 1)), fill = T)
                  cat("Pred vals:", format(round(ypred, 1)), fill = T)
                  cat("Appr. sem:", format(round(, 2)), fill = T)
                  bt.y <- ypred
            sem[nu] <- sqrt(ems/num.quad)
            if(length(nu) < length(utemps) & errors == "aov") {
               ms.other <- sum(vv[ - nu] * (num[ - nu] - 1), na.rm = T)/sum(
                  num[ - nu] - 1)
               sem[ - nu] <- sqrt(ms.other/num[ - nu])
            errorbars(utemps, my, sem, 0.25 * chw)
         if(poly.i) {
               xpoints <- pretty(utemps[nu], 50)
            else xpoints <- pretty(poly.plot.limitsi, 50)
            yfit[nu] <- rep(b[1], length(nu))
            yhat <- rep(b[1], length(xpoints))
            if(deg.i > 0)
               for(k in 2:(deg.i + 1)) {
                  yfit[nu] <- yfit[nu] + b[k] * utemps[nu]^(k - 1)
                  yhat <- yhat + b[k] * xpoints^(k - 1)
         if(plot.some) {
            if(poly.i & !splin.i)
               lines(xpoints, yhat, lty = i.plot, lwd = lwd)
            if( {
               lines(spline(u.x, ci.low), lty = i.plot)
               lines(spline(u.x, ci.high), lty = i.plot)
         if(splin.i) {
      1. spline; perhaps polynomial through points between poly.limits
            if(diff(rtemps) > diff(range(utemps[nu]))) cat(
                  "Extend polynomial to the whole range of x-values as a spline curve.",
                  fill = T)
            if(length(utemps) >= 3) {
               uus <- spline(utemps, yfit)
               xpoints <- uus$x
               yhat <- uus$y
               if(length(xtra) > 3) {
                  xtrafit <- approx(uus$x, uus$y, xout = xtra)$y
                     xtrafit <- exp(xtrafit)
                  names(xtrafit) <- paste(xtra)
                  cat("\n Predictions from spline fit:\n")
                  print(round(xtrafit, 2))
                  lines(xpoints, yhat, lty = i.plot)
         if(!is.null(u.x) & !is.null(bt.y))
            outvalsi.plot <- cbind(u.x, bt.y)
      1. Parallel curve analysis, if requested
      2. At present, lines are the only option (no plots)
   if(!is.null(parallel)) {
      cat("\nParallel line or curve analysis", fill = T)
      cat("Factors are:", leg.parallel, fill = T) <- max(deg.pol[include.parallel])
      x.all <- unlist(xval.parallel)
      y.all <- unlist(lt.parallel)
      wts.all <- rep(wts.parallel, num.parallel)
      id.parallel <- rep(1:n.parallel, num.parallel)
      f.parallel <- factor(id.parallel, labels = leg.parallel)
      u.parallel <- lm(lt ~ C(stage, treatment) + temp, data = list(lt = y.all,
         temp = x.all, stage = f.parallel, wts = wts.all, =,
         weights = wts) <- lm(lt ~ temp, data = list(lt = y.all, temp = x.all, stage = 
         f.parallel, wts = wts.all, =, weights = wts)    
      print(summary(u.parallel, correl = F))
      print(anova(, u.parallel), test = "F")
   semin <- array(, ngroups)
   semax <- array(, ngroups)
   groupsd <- array(, nlist)
   for(k in 1:ngroups) {
      sublist <- groupsk    ### N.B. May have >1 list item per group
      leg.k <- paste(leg[sublist], collapse = "; ")
      if(!any(include[sublist])) {
         cat("** List nos.", sublist, "have been specified", 
            "\nOne or more of these is not in the include list", fill = T)
      nmin <- min(nummin[sublist])
      nmax <- max(nummax[sublist])
      sd.aov <- sqrt(sum(vm.aov[sublist] * numdf[sublist], na.rm = T)/sum(
      sd.other <- sqrt(sum(vm.other[sublist] * df.other[sublist], na.rm = T)/
      if(errors == "aov" & sum(numdf[sublist]) == 0 & poly.i) <- ""
      else <- errors
      sd.points <- switch(,
         aov = sd.aov, = ,
         total = sd.other)
      groupsd[k] <- sd.points
      if(length(sublist) > 1) {
         cat("\nGroup together lists", sublist, fill = T)
         cat("   Overall pooled sd =", format(round(sd.points, 3)), fill = T)
      semax[k] <- sd.points * sqrt(1/nmin)
      semin[k] <- sd.points * sqrt(1/nmax)
      cat("\n", leg.k, ":")
      if(nmax > nmin)
         cat("sem = Max:", format(round(semax[k], 3)), "    Min:", format(
            round(semin[k], 3)), fill = T)
      else cat("sem =", format(round(semax[k], 3)), fill = T)
   if(plot.some) {
         if(ngroups > 1) {
            se.tmp <- semax
            se.tmp[] <- 0.55 * chh
            se.last <- se.tmp[ngroups]
            se.two <- se.tmp + c(0, se.tmp[ - ngroups]) + 0.4 * chh
            if(length(legend.linespace) == 1) legend.linespace <- se.two/chh
      1. Can get spacing from parameter legend.linespace by making this a vector
      x.legend <- uxy[1] + diff(uxy[1:2]) * wide.legend + chw
      if(wide.legend == 1)
         x.legend <- uxy[2] - linetype.len * chw - max(nchar(leg)) * chw
      y.legend <- uxy[3] + diff(uxy[3:4]) * high.legend - chh
      if(high.legend == 1) {
         y.legend <- uxy[4] - 0.5 * chh
      if(high.legend == 0)
         y.legend <- uxy[1] + se.last + sum(se.two)
      xpos <- rep(x.legend, length(leg))
      ypos <- y.legend - cumsum(legend.linespace) * chh
   j0 <- 0
      for(k in 1:ngroups) { <- groupsd[k]
         sublist <- groupsk
         if(legend.sem) {
            j0 <- j0 + 1
            sem.max <- semax[k]
            sem.min <- semin[k]
            errorbars(xpos[j0] - 1.25 * chw, ypos[j0], sem.max, eps = chw/2)
            pretext.pos <- xpos[j0] - 2.5 * chw
            if(! & sem.min < 0.75 * sem.max) {
               errorbars(xpos[j0] - 3 * chw, ypos[j0], sem.min, eps = chw/2)
               pretext.pos <- xpos[j0] - 4.25 * chw
            if(j0 == 1)
               text(pretext.pos, ypos[j0], bars.pretext, adj = 1)
         for(jk in sublist) {
            mv <- mean.listjk
            num <- num.listjk
            sem <-
            uniqx <- uniqx.listjk
               errorbars(uniqx, mv, sem, eps = chw/2)
   note.pos <- ypos[j0] - 1 * chh
      note.pos <- note.pos - semax[length(semax)]
   if(nchar(legend.note) > 0)
      text(xpos[1], note.pos, legend.note, adj = 0, cex = 0.75)
   oldmgp <- par(mgp = c(2.75 + ytitladd, 0.5, 0))$oldmgp
   if(names(dev.cur()) == "postscript")
      mixed.mtext(texts = paste(prefix.y, "LT~v~c.8~.", lt, "~h0~c1~. ", ylab,
         sep = ""), side = 2, line = 2.5 + ytitladd, adj = 0.5, cex = 
   else mtext(text = paste(prefix.y, "LT", lt, " ", ylab, sep = ""), side = 2,
         line = 2.5 + ytitladd, adj = 0.5, cex = cex.labels)
   if(length(leg) < nlist) {
      cat("Insufficient legends", fill = T)
      leg <- c(leg, rep("", nlist - length(leg)))
   else if(length(leg) > nlist)
      cat("NB: There are superfluous legends", fill = T)
   if(length(leg) < nlist)
      cat("Insufficient legends", fill = T)
   j0 <- 0
   if(sum(include) > 1) {
      for(i in 1:nlist)
         if(include[i]) {
            j0 <- j0 + 1
            points(xpos[j0], ypos[j0], pch = plotch[j0], cex = 0.9, mkh = mkh)
               lines(c(xpos[j0] + 1.5 * chw, xpos[j0] + (linetype.len + 1.5) * 
                  chw), c(ypos[j0], ypos[j0]), lty = j0)
            if(names(dev.cur()) == "postscript")
               mixed.text(xpos[j0] + (linetype.len + 2) * chw, ypos[j0], leg[i
                  ], adj = 0, cex = 0.8)
            else text(xpos[j0] + (linetype.len + 2) * chw, ypos[j0], leg[i], 
                  adj = 0)
   if(is.null(xlab)) {
      xlab <- ""
      cat("No setting was provided for xlab\n")
   if(names(dev.cur()) == "postscript") {
      mixed.mtext(texts = paste(xlab, sep = ""), side = 1, line = 2.25, adj = 
         0.5, cex = cex.labels)
      if(maint != "")
         mixed.mtext(texts = maint, side = 3, line = 1.75, adj = 0.5, cex = 
   else {
      mtext(paste(xlab, sep = ""), 1, line = 2.25, cex = cex.labels)
      mtext(text = maint, side = 3, line = 1.75, adj = 0.5, cex = cex.title)
   oldcex <- par(cex = 0.4)
   r.txt <- unix("date +%d/%m/%y'  '%H:%M")
   l.txt <- paste(unix("pwd"), as.character(, collapse
       = "")    
      1. docs <- paste(unix("pwd"), as.character(,
      2. date.txt, collapse = "")
   if(datestamp) {
      mtext(r.txt, side = 1, adj = 1, outer = T, line = mtext.line)
      mtext(l.txt, side = 1, adj = 0, outer = T, line = mtext.line)
   options(width = 80)    # docs

} , comment = "08/10/1995") "plot.resid" <- structure(function(xx) {

 ## Purpose: Plots fitted values against the residuals for aovs, lms, etc
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments: xx is an aov, glm, lm type object 
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 26 Aug 2005, 16:14

with(xx, plot(fitted.values, residuals))

} , comment = "26/08/2005") "pool.adj" <- structure(function(x, r, n, phat, cm, cm.strategy = "adjust.later", cm.code = NULL,

          cm.allcodes = NULL, plimits = c(0.0025, 0.9995), plotit = "loess",
        link = "loglog", xfun = function(x) x, legend = "", = NULL, = NULL, = NULL, xtit = "Time", ytit = NULL,
        mkh = 0.025, extrap.low = 0.25, extrap.high = 0.25, span = 1,
        deg = 1, lo.lty = 2, lwd = 1, n.lo = 50, title.line = 0.25)


      1. pool.adj is called both by fitconf and by flyplot
      2. extrap.low (extrap.high) is fraction
      3. of range allowed for extrapolation below (above)
      4. These are halved if there are just two points
 if(!is.null(plotit)) {
   plotit[plotit == "loess"] <- "mono.loess"
   plotit[plotit == "mono"] <- "mono.loess"
   show.curve <- as.logical(match(c("mono.line", "mono.loess"), plotit, 
                                  nomatch = 0))
 else show.curve <- rep(F, 2)
 if(!is.null(phat)) {
   phat.strategy <- names(phat) <- T
   lt <- array(NA, length(phat)) <- names(phat)
   ab <- vector("list", length(phat))
 else {
   lt <- NULL
   ab <- NULL <- F
   phat.strategy <- ""
 plot.some <- any(show.curve)
 if(all(xfun(exp(1:8)) == 1:8)) {
   xfun.inv <- exp
   takelog <- T
 else {
   xfun.inv <- function(x)
   takelog <- F
 if(any(diff(x)) < 0)
   stop("** Monotone fitting requires that data is ordered by x-values **")
 x0 <- x
 r0 <- r
 n0 <- n
 p0 <- r0/n0
 if(any(diff(x) == 0)) {
   r <- tapply(r, x, sum)
   n <- tapply(n, x, sum)
   x <- as.numeric(names(r))
   if(any(x <= 0)) {
     x.0 <- x > 0
     x <- x[x.0]
     r <- r[x.0]
     n <- n[x.0]
 g <- link.function(link)
 nn <- length(n)
 p <- r/n
 if(is.null(cm)) {
   cat("\nNo control mortality was supplied.\n")
   cat("\nFor monotone estimation set cm = 0\n")
 if(cm.strategy == "adjust.later" & !is.null(phat))
   ptarg <- cm + ((1 - cm) * phat)/100
 id <- 1:nn
 repeat {
   i <- 2
   while(i <= nn && p[id[i]] >= p[id[i - 1]]) i <- i + 1
   if(i <= nn) {
     x[id[i - 1]] <- x[id[i]] <- (n[id[i - 1]] * x[id[i - 1]] + n[id[i]] * 
                                  x[id[i]])/(n[id[i - 1]] + n[id[i]])
     r[id[i - 1]] <- r[id[i]] <- r[id[i]] + r[id[i - 1]]
     n[id[i - 1]] <- n[id[i]] <- n[id[i]] + n[id[i - 1]]
     p[id[i - 1]] <- p[id[i]] <- r[id[i]]/n[id[i]]
     idi <- id[i]
     while(i <= nn && id[i] == idi) {
       id[i] <- id[i - 1]
       i <- i + 1
   else break
 n1 <- max((1:nn)[p == 0])
   id <- id[id >= n1]
 use <- unique(id)
 ux <- x[use]
 ux.tran <- xfun(ux)
   ptarg.interp <- ptarg
 r.use <- r[use]
 n.use <- n[use]
 p.use <- r.use/n.use
 if(cm.strategy == "abbott") {
   here.use <- p.use >= cm
   use <- use[here.use]
   ux <- ux[here.use]
   ux.tran <- xfun(ux)
   p.use <- (p.use[here.use] - cm)/(1 - cm)
 xx <- cbind(r[use], (n - r)[use])
 p.max <- max(p.use)
 p.min <- min(p.use)
 done.loess <- F
 show.line <- show.curve[1]
 show.loess <- show.curve[2]
 nx <- sum(p.use < 1)
 n01 <- sum(p.use > 0 & p.use < 1)
 phat.strategy[phat.strategy == "mono"] <- "loess"
 phat.strategy[phat.strategy == "mono.loess"] <- "loess"
 calc.loess <- any(as.logical(match("loess", phat.strategy, nomatch = 0)))
 if(length(ux) >= 4 & nx >= 3 & (show.loess | calc.loess) & n01 >= 2) {
   gp <- g(p.use)
   df.lo <- data.frame(y = p.use, x = ux.tran, n = n.use)
   u <- switch(link,
               identity = gam(y ~ lo(x, span = span, degree = deg), family = 
                 binomial("identity"), data = df.lo, weight = n), logsurv = ,
               log = gam(y ~ lo(x), family = binomial("log"), data = df.lo,
                 weight = n, span = span, degree = deg),
               logit = gam(y ~ lo(x, span = span, degree = deg),
                 family = binomial("logit"), data = df.lo, weight = n),
               sqrt = gam(y ~ lo(x, span = span, degree = deg),
                 family = binomial("sqrt"), data = df.lo, weight = n),
               inverse = gam(y ~ lo(x, span = span, degree = deg),
                 family = binomial("inverse"), data = df.lo, weight = n),
               probit = gam(y ~ lo(x, span = span, degree = deg),
                 family = binomial("probit"), data = df.lo, weight = n),
               cloglog = ,
               loglog = gam(y ~ lo(x, span = span, degree = deg),
                 family = binomial("cloglog"), data = df.lo, weight = n)) <- data.frame(x = pretty(ux.tran, n.lo))
   hat.u <- predict(u)
   u.lo <- loess(y ~ x, data = list(y = hat.u, x = ux.tran), span = span, 
                 deg = deg, span = span)    # If no. of points is 4 and span<1, 
      1. the fitted curve has a tendency to oscillate up and down
   hat.loess <- predict(u.lo, newdata =
   range.loess <- range(hat.loess, na.rm = T)
   done.loess <- T
 else done.loess <- F
 for(i in seq(along = phat)) {
   if(n01 < 2)
   pc <- ptarg[i]
   yhat <- g(pc) <- as.logical(match(c("line", "loess"), phat.strategy[i], nomatch
                              = 0))
   lt.line <-[1]
   lt.loess <-[2]
   pc.interp <- ptarg.interp[i]
   yhat.interp <- g(pc.interp)
   alt.line <- F
   if(!done.loess || yhat.interp < range.loess[1] || yhat.interp > 
     alt.line <- T
   mn.use <- 1:length(use)
   if(any(r.use < n.use))
     n.ones <- max(mn.use[r.use < n.use]) + 1
   else n.ones <- mn.use[1]
   take.above <- (r.use > n.use * pc) & (mn.use <= n.ones)
   take.low <- r.use <= n.use * pc
   if(lt.line | (alt.line & lt.loess))
     if(sum(take.above) >= 1) {
       mn.above <- mn.use[take.above]
       n.above <- min(c(max(mn.above), min(mn.above) + 2))
       n.low <- max(c(1, n.above - 3))
       if(n.low == 1)
         n.above <- min(c(max(mn.above), min(mn.above) + 3))
     else if(sum(take.low) >= 1) {
       mn.low <- mn.use[take.low]
       n.above <- max(mn.low)
       n.low <- max(c(mn.low[1], n.above - 3))
     else {
       lt.line <- F
       alt.line <- F
   if(lt.line | alt.line) { <- p.use[n.low:n.above] <- sum( < 1) <- g(
     g.interp <- g(pc.interp)
     n.span <- n.above - n.low + 1
     eps.low <- extrap.low * diff(range(
     eps.high <- extrap.high * diff(range(
     if(n.span == 2) {
       eps.low <- eps.low/2
       eps.high <- eps.high/2
     if(n.span >= 2 & > 1)
       show.line <- ((max( > pc.interp - eps.high & min( < 
                      pc.interp) | (min( < pc.interp + eps.low &
                                    max( > pc.interp))
     else {
       show.line <- F
       lt.line <- F
       alt.line <- F
   if(lt.line | (alt.line & lt.loess)) {
     rn <- xx[n.low:n.above,  ]
     xv <- xfun(ux[n.low:n.above])
     u <- switch(link,
                 identity = glm(y ~ x, family = binomial("identity"),
                   data = list(y = rn, x = xv)), logsurv = ,
                 log = glm(y ~ x, family = binomial("log"),
                   data = list(y = rn, x = xv)),
                 logit = glm(y ~ x, family = binomial("logit"),
                   data = list(y = rn, x = xv)),
                 sqrt = glm(y ~ x, family = binomial("sqrt"),
                   data = list(y = rn, x = xv)),
                 inverse = glm(y ~ x, family = binomial("inverse"),
                   data = list(y = rn, x = xv)),
                 probit = glm(y ~ x, family = binomial("probit"),
                   data = list(y = rn, x = xv)),
                 cloglog = ,
                 loglog = glm(y ~ x, family = binomial("cloglog"),
                   data = list(y = rn, x = xv)))
     if(!$coef[2]) & (lt.line | (alt.line & lt.loess)) & u$coef[2] >
        0) {
       lt[i] <- xfun.inv((yhat - u$coef[1])/u$coef[2])
       abi <- u$coef[1:2][i] <- "line"
     else {
       lt[i] <- NA
       ab <- NULL
   if(done.loess && lt.loess && min(hat.loess, na.rm = T) <= yhat && max(
                                     hat.loess, na.rm = T) >= yhat) {
     here.hat <- !
     lt[i] <- xfun.inv(approx(x = hat.loess[here.hat],
                              y =$x[ here.hat], xout = yhat.interp)$y)[i] <- "mono"
 if( & !is.null(phat)) {
   p.txt <- paste("LT", phat, "=", format(round(lt, 1)), sep = "")
   leg <- paste(legend, " [", paste(p.txt, collapse = "; "), "]", sep = "")
   names(lt) <-
 else leg <- legend
 if(plot.some) {
   if(!is.null( {
     x0 <- c(paste(x0),
     r0 <- c(r0,
     n0 <- c(n0,
      1. NB x0, r0, n0 do not appear below
   simplot(x = x0, resp = r0, tot = n0, fun = link, cm.strategy = 
           cm.strategy, cm = cm, cm.code = cm.code,
           cm.allcodes = cm.allcodes, xtit = xtit, ytit = ytit, mkh = mkh,
           xfun = xfun, main = leg, title.line = title.line,
           plimits = plimits, points.lwd = lwd)
   yp <- g(plimits)
   for(j in seq(along = ab))
     abline(abj, lty = i)
   if(done.loess) {
     here <- hat.loess >= yp[1] & hat.loess <= yp[2]
     lines($x[here], hat.loess[here], lty = lo.lty, lwd = lwd)

} , comment = "01/10/2004") "ppaste" <- structure(function(...) {

   paste(..., sep = "")

} , comment = "11/02/1998") "print.char.matrix" <- structure(function (x, file = "", = "cen", col.txt.align = "right",

           cell.align = "cen", hsep = "|", vsep = "-", csep = "+", row.names = TRUE, 
           col.names = FALSE, append = FALSE, top.border = TRUE, left.border = TRUE) 


      1. To print a data frame or matrix to a text file or screen
      2. and having names line up with stacked cells
      3. First, add row names as first column (might be removed later)
 rownames <- dimnames(x)1
 x <- cbind(rownames, x)
 dimnames(x)1 <- seq(nrow(x))
      1. Set up some padding functions:
 pad.left <- function(z, pads) {
      1. Pads spaces to left of text
   padding <- paste(rep(" ", pads), collapse = "")
   paste(padding, z, sep = "")
 pad.mid <- function(z, pads) {
      1. Centres text in available space
   padding.right <- paste(rep(" ", pads%/%2), collapse = "")
   padding.left <- paste(rep(" ", pads - pads%/%2), collapse = "")
   paste(padding.left, z, padding.right, sep = "")
 pad.right <- function(z, pads) {
      1. Pads spaces to right of text
   padding <- paste(rep(" ", pads), collapse = "")
   paste(z, padding, sep = "")
      1. (Padding happens on the opposite side to alignment)
 pad.types <- c("left", "mid", "right")
 names(pad.types) <- c("right", "cen", "left") <- pad.types[]
 pad.txt <- pad.types[col.txt.align]
 pad.cell <- pad.types[cell.align]
      1. Padding character columns
      2. Need columns with uniform number of characters
 pad.char.col.right <- function(y) {
      1. For aligning text to LHS of column
   col.width <- nchar(y)
   biggest <- max(col.width)
   smallest <- min(col.width)
   padding <- biggest - col.width
   out <- NULL
   for (i in seq(y)) out[i] <- pad.right(y[i], pads = padding[i])
 pad.char.col.left <- function(y) {
      1. For aligning text to RHS of column
   col.width <- nchar(y)
   biggest <- max(col.width)
   smallest <- min(col.width)
   padding <- biggest - col.width
   out <- NULL
   for (i in seq(y)) out[i] <- pad.left(y[i], pads = padding[i])
 pad.char.col.mid <- function(y) {
      1. For aligning text to centre of column
   col.width <- nchar(y)
   biggest <- max(col.width)
   smallest <- min(col.width)
   padding <- biggest - col.width
   out <- NULL
   for (i in seq(y)) out[i] <- pad.mid(y[i], pads = padding[i])
      1. which functions to use this time. <- get(paste("pad.",, sep = ""))
 pad.txt.fn <- get(paste("pad.char.col.", pad.txt, sep = ""))
 pad.cell.fn <- get(paste("pad.", pad.cell, sep = ""))
      1. Remove troublesome factors
 x <-
 fac.col <- names(x)[sapply(x, is.factor)]
 for (i in fac.col) x[, i] <- I(as.character(x[, i]))
 break.list <- list()
 for (i in seq(nrow(x))) {
   x.i <- unlist(x[i, ])
   rows.i <- sapply(strsplit(unlist(x[i, ]), "\n"), length)
   rows.i[rows.i < 1] <- 1
   break.listi <- rows.i
 break.row <- sapply(break.list, function(x) any(x > 1))
 names(break.row) <- seq(nrow(x))
 xx <- x
 if (any(break.row)) {
      1. add in extra row/s
   xx <- NULL
   reprow <- lapply(break.list, unique)
   for (k in seq(nrow(x))) {
     x.k <- unlist(x[k, ])
     x.k[x.k == ""] <- " "
     if (break.row[k]) {
       l.k <- strsplit(x.k, "\n")
       add.blanks <- max(break.listk) - break.listk
       names(l.k) <- names(add.blanks) <- seq(length(l.k))
       if (any(add.blanks > 0)) {
         for (kk in names(add.blanks[add.blanks > 0]))
           l.kkk <- c(l.kkk, rep(" ", add.blanks[kk]))
       l.k.df <-
       names(l.k.df) <- names(x)
       xx <- rbind(xx, as.matrix(l.k.df))
     else xx <- rbind(xx, x.k)
   row.names(xx) <- paste(rep(row.names(x), sapply(reprow, 
                                                   max)), unlist(reprow), sep = ".")
      1. Make an index for the rows to be printed
   rn <- row.names(xx)
   rnb <- strsplit(rn, "\\.")
   rpref <- codes(factor(sapply(rnb, function(z) z[1])))
 else rpref <- seq(nrow(x))
 x <-
      1. Character columns need different treatment from numeric columns
 char.cols <- sapply(x, is.character)
 if (any(char.cols)) 
   x[char.cols] <- sapply(x[char.cols], pad.txt.fn)
      1. Change numeric columns into character
 if (any(!char.cols)) 
   x[!char.cols] <- sapply(x[!char.cols], format)
      1. now all character columns each of which is uniform element width
      2. Lining up names with their columns
      3. Sometimes the names of columns are wider than the columns they name,
      4. sometimes vice versa.
 names.width <- nchar(names(x))
 if (!col.names) 
   names.width <- rep(0, length(names.width))
 cell.width <- sapply(x, function(y) max(nchar(as.character(y))))
      1. (the width of the characters in the cells as distinct
      2. from their names)
 name.pads <- cell.width - names.width
 cell.pads <- -name.pads
 name.pads[name.pads < 0] <- 0
 cell.pads[cell.pads < 0] <- 0
 pad.names <- name.pads > 0
 pad.cells <- cell.pads > 0
      1. Pad out the column names if necessary:
 if (any(pad.names)) {
   stretch.names <- names(x)[pad.names]
   for (i in stretch.names) {
     names(x)[names(x) == i] <-, name.pads[i])
      1. likewise for the cells and columns
 if (any(pad.cells)) {
   stretch.cells <- names(x)[pad.cells]
   for (j in stretch.cells) x[, j] <- pad.cell.fn(x[, j], 
      1. Remove row names if not required
 if (!row.names) 
   x <- x[-1]
      1. Put the column names on top of matrix
 if (col.names)  {
   mat2 <- rbind(names(x), as.matrix(x))
   if(row.names) # Don't remove first column name if there are no rownames
     mat2[1, 1] <- paste(rep(" ", cell.width[1]), collapse = "") # get rid of "rownames" from first column
 else mat2 <- as.matrix(x)
 mat.names.width <- nchar(mat2[1, ])
      1. character string to separate rows
 space.h <- ""
 for (k in seq(mat.names.width)) {
   space.h <- c(space.h, rep(vsep, mat.names.width[k]), 
 line.sep <- paste(c(ifelse(left.border, csep, ""), space.h), 
                   collapse = "")
 if (col.names) 
   rpref <- c(0, rpref, 0)
 else rpref <- c(rpref, 0)
      1. print to screen or file
 if (top.border) {
   write(line.sep, file = file, append = append)
   append <- TRUE
 for (i in 1:nrow(mat2)) {
   if (left.border) 
     write(paste(paste(c("", mat2[i, ]), collapse = hsep), 
                 hsep, sep = ""), file = file, append = append)
   else write(paste(paste(mat2[i, ], collapse = hsep), hsep, 
                    sep = ""), file = file, append = append)
   append <- TRUE
      1. print separator if row prefix is not same as next one
   if (rpref[i] != rpref[i + 1]) 
     write(line.sep, file = file, append = TRUE)

} , comment = "19/10/2006") "pseudo.f" <- structure(function(y, show.aov = F) {

  1. Calculates pseudo F-statistics from an anova of a glm object y
   x <- summary(y)
   bits <- unlist(dimnames(x)1)
   resid.df <- x[rev(bits)[1], "Resid. Df"]
   out.df <- NULL
   for(i in bits[-1]) {
      f.stat <- (x[i, "Deviance"]/x[i, "Df"])/(x[rev(bits)[1], "Resid. Dev"]/
      prf <- 1 - round(pf(f.stat, x[i, "Df"], resid.df), 3)
      out.df <- rbind(out.df, data.frame(Factor = i, "F value" = round(f.stat,
         4), Df1 = x[i, "Df"], Df2 = resid.df, Prob = prf))
   if(show.aov) {

} , comment = "30/04/2001") "qik.sum" <- structure(function(df, cols = 1:4, ordered = F) {

      1. Does a quick summary, first coercing specified cols to factors and making a matrix
      2. into a dataframe.
      1. Requires make.factors() also
   df <-
   summary(make.factors(df, cols, ordered = ordered))

} , comment = "13/08/1998") "relevel.default" <- structure(function(x, ref, ...) stop("relevel only for factors") , comment = "03/09/1999") "relevel.factor" <- structure(function(x, ref, ...) {

   lev <- levels(x)
   nlev <- length(lev)
      ref <- match(ref, lev)
      stop("ref must be an existing level")
   if(ref < 1 || ref > nlev)
      stop(paste("ref =", ref, "must be in 1 :", nlev))
   factor(x, levels = lev[c(ref, seq(along = lev)[ - ref])], labels = lev[c(
      ref, seq(along = lev)[ - ref])])

} , comment = "03/09/1999") "remove.shading" <- structure(function() {

  1. To get rid of shading on shingles above plots
   strip.background <- trellis.par.get("strip.background")
   strip.background$col <- 0
   trellis.par.set("strip.background", strip.background)
   strip.shingle <- trellis.par.get("strip.shingle")
   strip.shingle$col <- 0
   trellis.par.set("strip.shingle", strip.shingle)

} , comment = "09/07/2001") "rms" <- structure(function(x, na.rm = T, zero.rm = F) {

      x <- x[!]
      x <- x[abs(x) > 0]

} , comment = "30/11/1996") "robust.deviance" <- structure(function(phat, n, r, min.expected = 1) {

      1. phat : vector of fitted probabilities
      2. n : binomial totals
      3. r : binomial successes
      4. min.expected : groups combined so that minimum number expected
   eps <- 1.0000000000000001e-15
   if(any(n < 0))
      stop("can't have 0 or negative binomial sample size")
   rhat <- phat * n
   ord <- order(phat)
   ind <- match(1:length(n), ord)
   cum.rhat <- cumsum(rhat[ord])
   g1 <- cum.rhat < min.expected
   g1 <- c(T, g1)[1:length(n)]
   revcum.rhat <- rev(cumsum(rev((n - rhat)[ord])))
   g3 <- revcum.rhat < min.expected
   g3 <- c(g3, T)[-1]
   g2 <- !(g1 | g3)
   df <- sum(g2)    ### Really, sum(g2)+2-2; the endpoints are always F
   grp1 <- rep(NA, length(n))
   grp1[g1] <- 1
   grp1[g2] <- 2:(sum(g2) + 1)
   grp1[g3] <- sum(g2) + 2
   grp <- grp1[ind]
   r.grp <- tapply(r, grp, sum)
   n.grp <- tapply(n, grp, sum)
   phat.grp <- tapply(phat * n, grp, sum)/tapply(n, grp, sum)
   qhat.grp <- 1 - phat.grp
   pobs <- r.grp/n.grp
   qobs <- 1 - pobs
   D1 <- ifelse(pobs < eps, log((pobs/phat.grp)^r.grp), r.grp * log(pobs/
   D2 <- ifelse(qobs < eps, log((qobs/qhat.grp)^(n.grp - r.grp)), (n.grp - 
      r.grp) * log(qobs/qhat.grp))
   dev <- 2 * sum(D1 + D2)
   list(dev = dev, df = df)

} , comment = "26/06/1994") "s.tapply" <- structure(function(x, y, z, ...) {

  1. Counteracts tapply's propensity to return in sorted index order
  2. instead of the order in which they were
   tapply(x, y, z, ...)[(unique(y))]

} , comment = "30/04/2001") "" <- structure(function(neuobj, gem.pos = NULL) {

                                       # For saving a new function to the Gems database
 if(is.null(gem.pos)) gem.pos <- grep("Gems", search()) <- deparse(substitute(neuobj))
 assign(, neuobj, pos = gem.pos)
 save(list = ls(all = TRUE, pos = gem.pos), file = substring(search()[
                                              gem.pos], 6))

} , comment = "27/04/2001") "sem" <- structure(function(x, na.rm = F) {

      x <- x[!]
   if(length(x) == 0)
   else sqrt(var(x)/length(x))

} , comment = "09/09/1995") "set.screens" <- structure(function(across = 2, down = 3, left.margin = 10, top.margin = 20, height = 80,

   width = 90, ygap = -10, xgap = -1, overwrite = T, centre.x = T, centre.y = 
   T, byrow = T)


  1. Uses split.screen for setting up screens: alternative to par(mfrow/mfcol)
   uu <- ps.region/72 * 25.4    # Change points to mm
   x.all <- uu[3] - uu[1]
   y.all <- uu[4] - uu[2]    #
  1. Check if there is room for what has been set
   spare.x <- x.all - across * width - xgap * (across - 1)
   if(spare.x < 0)
      stop("\nInsufficient space:\nCheck left.margin, width and xgap")
   spare.y <- y.all - down * height - ygap * (down - 1)
   if(spare.y < 0) stop(
         "\nInsufficient space:\nCheck top.margin, height and ygap")    #
  1. Set up coordinates for the screens
   top <- top.margin + ifelse(centre.y, spare.y/(down + 1), 0)
   left <- left.margin + ifelse(centre.x, spare.x/(across + 1), 0)
   N <- across * down
   first.x.corners <- c(left - uu[1], left - uu[1] + width)/x.all
   first.y.corners <- c(uu[4] - top - height, uu[4] - top)/y.all    #browser()
   if(N == 1)
      pos.mat <- matrix(c(first.x.corner, first.y.corner), nr = 1)
   else {
      pos.mat <- NULL
      if(byrow) {
         for(j in 1:down) {
            y.corners.j <- first.y.corners - (ygap + height)/y.all * (j - 1)
            for(i in 1:across) {
               x.corners.i <- first.x.corners + ((width + xgap) * (i - 1))/
               pos.mat <- rbind(pos.mat, c(x.corners.i, y.corners.j))
      else {
         for(i in 1:across) {
            x.corners.i <- first.x.corners + ((width + xgap) * (i - 1))/x.all
            for(j in 1:down) {
               y.corners.j <- first.y.corners - (ygap + height)/y.all * (j - 1
               pos.mat <- rbind(pos.mat, c(x.corners.i, y.corners.j))
      split.screen(pos.mat, erase = !overwrite)

} , comment = "29/11/1997") "show.nas" <- structure(function(df) {

      1. identifies which columns of a dataframe have nas.
   sapply(df, function(x)

} , comment = "01/12/1997") "simplot" <- structure(function(x, resp, tot, fun, cm.strategy = "adjust.later", cm = 0, cm.code =

          NULL, cm.allcodes = NULL, xtit = "Time in Min", main = "", mkh = 0.025, 
          xfun = function(x) x, takelog = F, line = F, ab = c(NA, NA),
          clip = NULL, xlimits = c(0, 0), 
          xlabels = c(0, 0), offset = 0, title.line = 1, plimits = c(0.0025, 0.9995),
          ytit = NULL, new = F, lty = 1, plot.char = c(0, 1, 2, 5, 6:16),
          id = NULL, points.lwd = 1)


   mkh <- par()$cin[2]/3
   par(new = T)
 g <- link.function(fun)
 m <- length(x)
   id <- 1
 if(length(id) == 1)
   id <- rep(id, length(x))
   xfun <- log
 if(all(xfun(exp(1:8)) == (1:8))) takelog <- T    
      1. *****************************************************************
   cm.code <- 0
   cm.allcodes <- cm.code
 other.rows <- match(x, cm.allcodes, nomatch = 0) <- unique(cm.allcodes[other.rows])
 cmrows <- as.logical(other.rows)
 if(cm.strategy == "adjust.later" & !takelog)
   here.trt <- !cmrows | x == "0"
 else here.trt <- !cmrows
 x.trt <- as.numeric(x[here.trt])
 resp.trt <- resp[here.trt]
 tot.trt <- tot[here.trt]
 id.trt <- id[here.trt]
   xlimits <- range(x.trt)
 if(takelog) {
   if(any(x.trt + offset < 0)) {
         "*** Warning: The following x-values have been omitted because\n x"
     if(offset != 0)
       cat("+", offset)
     cat(" < 0:", fill = T)
     cat(format(x.trt[x.trt + offset < 0]), fill = T)
   if(any(x.trt + offset <= 0)) {
     x.logable <- x.trt + offset > 0
     resp.trt <- resp.trt[x.logable]
     tot.trt <- tot.trt[x.logable]
     x.trt <- x.trt[x.logable]
     id.trt <- id.trt[x.logable]
   if(xlimits[1] + offset <= 0)
     xlimits[1] <- min(x.trt[x.trt + offset > 0], na.rm = T)
 if(diff(range(xlabels)) == 0)
   xlabels <- pretty(xlimits)
   xlabels <- xlabels[xlabels > 0]
 cat(xlabels, "  ")    # xlabels specifies numeric labels
 p <- resp.trt/tot.trt
 prange <- range(p)
 if(prange[1] < 0 | prange[2] > 1) {
   cat("Error: Smallest p is", prange[1], fill = T)
   cat("     Largest p is", prange[2], fill = T)
 cm0 <- switch(cm.strategy,
               adjust.later = 0,
               abbott = cm)
 here <- p > cm0 & p < 1
 p.adj <- (p - cm0)/(1 - cm0)
 ylow <- g(plimits[1])
 yhigh <- g(plimits[2])
 eps <- (yhigh - ylow) * 0.01
 ylow <- ylow - eps
 yhigh <- yhigh + eps
 labp <- c(1, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99, 99.9)
 labp <- labp[labp/100 > plimits[1] & labp/100 < plimits[2]]
 aty <- g(labp/100)
 dist <- yhigh - ylow
 if(is.null(ytit)) {
   fun.text <- fun
   ytit <- paste("% Mortality,", fun.text, "scale")
 par(mkh = mkh) <- unique(id.trt) <- xfun(xlimits + offset)
 if(takelog) <- - c(0.115 * diff(, 0)
 x.cpos <-[1]
 if(sum(here) > 0) {
   plot(xfun(x.trt + offset)[here], g(p.adj[here]), xlim =, ylim
        = c(ylow, yhigh), xlab = "", ylab = ytit, axes = F, type = "n")
 else plot(xfun(xlimits + offset), c(ylow, yhigh), xlim =, xlab = 
           "", ylab = ytit, axes = F, type = "n")
 midhigh <- 0.5 * (yhigh + par()$usr[4])
 midlow <- 0.5 * (ylow + par()$usr[3])
 chw <- par()$cxy[1]
 chh <- par()$cxy[2]
 j <- 0
 for(i in {
   j <- j + 1
   here.i <- here & i == id.trt
   g.i <- g(p.adj[here.i])
   if(any(here.i) & any(g.i < ylow | g.i > yhigh)) {
     cat("\n*** One or more points is outside limits set by plimits.***\n"
     cat("\n*** plimits =", format(round(plimits, 4)), "***", "\n")
     cat("\n*** Points are:\n")
     if(any(g.i < ylow)) {
       cat(format(round(p.adj[g.i < ylow], 4)), "\n")
       g.i[g.i < ylow] <- ylow
     if(any(g.i > yhigh)) {
       cat(format(round(p.adj[g.i > yhigh], 4)), "\n")
       g.i[g.i > yhigh] <- yhigh
     points(xfun(x.trt + offset)[here.i], g(p.adj[here.i]), pch = 
            plot.char[j], mkh = mkh)
   x100 <- x.trt[p == 1 & i == id.trt]
   x0 <- x.trt[p == 0 & i == id.trt]
   x0.100 <- c(x0, x100)
   y0.100 <- c(rep(midlow, length(x0)), rep(midhigh, length(x100)))
   if(length(x0.100) > 0) {
     points(xfun(x0.100 + offset), y0.100, pch = ".", mkh = mkh)
     points(xfun(x0.100 + offset), y0.100, pch = plot.char[j], mkh = mkh)
 if((length( > 0) & cm.strategy == "adjust.later") { <- unique(
   for(cm.i in {
      1. <- x == cm.i ## Try character 8/9/04 <- as.character(cm.i)  == x <- resp[]/tot[] <-[ > 0] <-[ >= 0]## add in equality
  1. browser()
     if(sum(here) > 0)
       text(rep(x.cpos, length(, g(, rep(cm.i, length(
 if(line) {
   b <- ab[2]
   a <- ab[1]
     b <- -999
     clip <- xlimits
   if(b > 0)
     clipline(xfun(clip + offset), c(ylow, yhigh - chh/3), a, b)
 xmax <- max(x.trt)
 epsx <- 0.0125 * diff(par()$usr[1:2])
 epsy <- 0.0125 * diff(par()$usr[3:4])
 if(takelog) {
   x.cut1 <- x.cpos + epsx
   x.cut2 <- x.cpos + 2.5 * epsx
   here.pos <- xfun(xlabels + offset) > x.cut2 & xlabels <= xmax
 else here.pos <- xlabels <= xmax
 xpos <- xlabels[here.pos]
 if(length(xpos) <= 2)
   xpos <- xlabels[xlabels <= xmax]
      1. if(FALSE) {
      2. if(names(dev.cur()) == "postscript" & nchar(main) > 0)
      3. mixed.mtext(side = 3, line = title.line, texts = main, cex = par()$cex *
      4. 1.2, adj = 0.5)
      5. else
      6. }
 mtext(side = 3, line = title.line, text = main, cex = par()$cex * 1.2)
 title(xlab = xtit)
 axis(1, at = xfun(xpos + offset), labels = F)
 xusr1 <- par()$usr[1]
 axis(1, at = xfun(xpos + offset), labels = paste(xpos), mgp = c(2, 0.5, 0))
 if(takelog) {
   axis(1, at = c(par()$usr[1], x.cut1), labels = F, tck = 0, mgp = c(2, 
                                                                0.5, 0))
   axis(1, at = c(x.cut2, par()$usr[2]), labels = F, tck = 0, mgp = c(2, 
                                                                0.5, 0))
   lines(x.cut1 + c( - epsx, epsx), par()$usr[3] + 2 * c( - epsy, epsy), 
         xpd = T)
   lines(x.cut2 + c( - epsx, epsx), par()$usr[3] + 2 * c( - epsy, epsy), 
         xpd = T)
 else axis(1, at = par()$usr[1:2], labels = F, tck = 0, mgp = c(2, 0.5, 0))
 pr <- c(1, 5, 20, 50, 80, 99) <- c(0, 100)
 npr <- length(pr)
 if(all(g(pr/100) == pr/100))
   identity <- T
 else identity <- F
   pr <- c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100)
 else pr <- pr[g(pr/100) > ylow & g(pr/100) < yhigh]
 axis(2, at = g(pr/100), labels = paste(pr))
 if(identity) {
   midhigh <- g(1)
   axis(2, at = (0:20)/20, labels = F)
 if(!identity) {
   axis(2, at = c(ylow + 2 * epsy, yhigh - 2 * epsy), labels = F, tck = 0)
   for(k in 1:2) {
     y.end <- c(ylow, yhigh)[k]
     axis(2, at = c(y.end, par()$usr[2 + k]), labels = F, tck = 0)
   kk <- (1:2)[c(length(x0) > 0, length(x100) > 0)]
   for(k in kk) {
     y.mid <- c(midlow, midhigh)[k]
     axis(2, at = y.mid, tck = 0, labels = paste([k]))
     y.end <- c(ylow, yhigh)[k]
     k <- k + 1
     abline(h = y.end, lty = 3)
     lines(xusr1 + c( - epsx, epsx), c(y.end - 1.5 * epsy, y.end + 1.5 * 
                                       epsy), xpd = T)
   ## 1/5/06 fixed up long running error with this: ifelse(k == 2, 4, 0) * epsy +
     lines(xusr1 + c( - epsx, epsx), ifelse(k == 2, 4, 0) * epsy +
           c(y.end - 3.5 * epsy, y.end - 0.5 * epsy), lty = lty, xpd = T)
 else axis(2, at = par()$usr[3:4], labels = F, tck = 0)
 box(bty = "7")

} , comment = "01/05/2006") "stdev" <- structure(function(x, na.rm = F) {

      x <- x[!]
   if(length(x) == 0)
   else sqrt(var(x))

} , comment = "21/09/1998") "strip.trail" <- structure(function(x, trail = " ") {

      1. This function strips away trailing characters of specified value
      2. from character vectors: everything from the first occurrence of the trail
      3. character is removed
   begin.spaces <- find.first(x, trail)
   need.strip <- !
   x[need.strip] <- substring(x[need.strip], 1, begin.spaces[need.strip] - 1)

} , comment = "23/03/1997") "subsets" <- structure(function(n, r, v = 1:n) # works in S or R {

 ## Purpose: Gets permutations of vectors
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Modified from: Rnews (Vol 2 I think)
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments:
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Bill Venables , Creation date:  6 Jun 2000
 if(r <= 0) vector(mode(v), 0) else
 if(r >= n) v[1:n] else {
   rbind(cbind(v[1], Recall(n-1, r-1, v[-1])),
         Recall(n-1, r, v[-1]))

} , comment = "06/06/2000") "summarize" <- structure(function(data, y.cols = NULL, split.cols = NULL, rep.col = "Rep", file = "",

          append = FALSE, help = FALSE, bp.width = 30, between = FALSE, dec = 3,
          select = c("num", "mean", "sem", "min", "max", "boxplots"), 
          df.out = FALSE, pad = "mid", show.type = FALSE)


      1. Keep Stephen's beginning:
      2. Requires text.bp(), df.summary(), and
 summary.names <- c("N", "Missing", "Mean", "Median", "Trimmed Mean", 
                    "Std. Dev.", "SEM", "Min", "Max", "1st Quartile",
                    "3rd Quartile", "Sum", "Boxplots")
 summary.types <- c("num", "missing", "mean", "median", "trm", "stdev", 
                    "sem", "min", "max", "q1", "q3", "sum", "boxplots")
 help.df <- (data.frame(Select.this = summary.types, to.get.this = 
 if(help) {
   cat("\n In the argument \"select\"\n")
      1. Make character vectors of y.cols and split.cols if necessary:
   y.cols <- names(data)[y.cols]
 if(is.numeric(split.cols)) split.cols <- names(data)[split.cols]    #
      1. If between reps are needed, first find means for each rep
 if(between & show.type) {
   if(file == "")
     cat("\n\t16:12, 16 Nov 2006 (NZDT)16:12, 16 Nov 2006 (NZDT)~ BETWEEN REPLICATES 16:12, 16 Nov 2006 (NZDT)16:12, 16 Nov 2006 (NZDT)~\n\n")
   else write("\n\t16:12, 16 Nov 2006 (NZDT)16:12, 16 Nov 2006 (NZDT)~ BETWEEN REPLICATES 16:12, 16 Nov 2006 (NZDT)16:12, 16 Nov 2006 (NZDT)~\n\n", file = 
              file, append = append)
   append <- TRUE
   data <- df.summary(data = data, y.cols = y.cols,
                      split.cols = c(split.cols, rep.col), decimals = 6)
 else {
     if(file == "")
       cat("\n\t********* WITHIN REPLICATES *********\n\n")
     else write("\n\t********* WITHIN REPLICATES *********\n\n", file = file,
                append = append)
     append <- TRUE
 s.tapply <- function(x, y, z, ...)
   tapply(x, y, z, ...)[(unique(y))]
 q1 <- function(x)
   quantile(x, na.rm = TRUE)[2]
 q3 <- function(x)
   quantile(x, na.rm = TRUE)[4]
 no.missing <- function(x)
 len.rm <- function(x)
 round.stdev <- function(x, y = dec)
   round(stdev(x, na.rm = TRUE), y)
 round.mean <- function(x, y = dec)
   round(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), y)
 round.sem <- function(x, y = dec)
   round(sem(x, na.rm = TRUE), y)
 round.max <- function(x, y = dec)
   round(max(x, na.rm = TRUE), y)
 round.min <- function(x, y = dec)
   round(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), y)
 round.median <- function(x, y = dec)
   round(median(x, na.rm = TRUE), y)
 add.boxplot <- function(x, y.range = range.j, width = bp.width)
   text.bp(x, y.range, width)    #
      1. Functions are now set up:
      1. Make named vector of functions to be used:
 use.functions <- c("len.rm", "no.missing", "round.mean", "round.median", 
                    "trm", "round.stdev", "round.sem", "round.min", "round.max",
                    "q1", "q3", "sum", "add.boxplot")
 names(use.functions) <- summary.types
 names(summary.names) <- summary.types    #
      1. Use dataframes instead of matrices:
   data <- unfactor(
 else data <- unfactor(data)    ### avoid pesky factors
 data <- df.sort(data, rev(split.cols))    #
      1. Create index and adjust for single split columns if necessary:
 indx.df <- data.frame(data[, split.cols])
 names(indx.df) <- split.cols    ### Necessary for single split.cols
 indx <- NULL
 for(i in split.cols)
   indx <- paste(indx, get(i), sep = ":")
 out.df <- data.frame(indx.df[match(unique(indx), indx), split.cols])
 names(out.df) <- split.cols    ### Necessary for single split.cols
 dimnames(out.df) <- list(paste(1:nrow(out.df)), names(out.df))
 for(j in y.cols) {
   range.j <- range(data[, j], na.rm = TRUE)
   for(k in select)
     out.df[[summary.names[k]]] <- as.vector(s.tapply(data[, j], indx,
   if(df.out) {
     names(out.df) <- c(split.cols, paste(j, select, sep = "."))
   else {
      1. Get rid of weird row number names:
     dimnames(out.df)1 <- seq(nrow(out.df))
     out.df <- unfactor(out.df)
     numeric.cols <- !sapply(out.df, function(x)
     ## add in as.vector to cope with R-1.8.1 26/11/03 (and above)
     out.df[numeric.cols] <- as.vector(lapply(out.df[numeric.cols], as.numeric))
     underlines <- paste(rep("=", nchar(j)), collapse = "")
     if(file == "") {
       cat(paste("\n ", j, "\n", sep = ""))
       cat(paste(" ", underlines, "\n", sep = ""))
     else {
       write(paste("\n", j), file = file, append = append)
       append <- TRUE    # hereafter appending will always be wanted
       write(paste(" ", underlines, sep = ""), file = file, append = TRUE), file = file, append = append, pad = pad)

} , comment = "17/02/2004") "tab.file" <- structure(function(x, file, rounding = 3, ...) {

      1. To write a dataframe or matrix to a tab delimited file
   if(!is.null(rounding)) {
         x <- as.matrix(x)
      x <- round(x, rounding)
   write.table(x, file, sep = "\t", ...)

} , comment = "25/12/1997") "tab.mat" <- structure(function(mat) {

 rownames <- dimnames(mat)1
 colnames <- dimnames(mat)2
 cat(c("\t", paste(colnames, collapse = "\t")), "\n")
 for(i in 1:dim(mat)[1]) {
   cat(paste(c(rownames[i], mat[i,  ]), collapse = "\t"), "\n")

} , comment = "26/06/1995") "table.all" <- structure(function(x, own.seq = seq(0, 3, by = 0.5), minx = 0, maxx = NULL) {

      1. returns a table that indicates a zero if the value is absent
      2. 1a) if else when specifying own sequence
   if(!is.null(own.seq)) {
      same.intervals <- mean(diff(own.seq))
      if(all(diff(own.seq) == same.intervals)) {
         table(c(x, own.seq)) - 1
      else {
         stop("Sequence steps not all the same")
   else {
      1. 1b) when own sequence is NULL
      2. 2) if else when specifying a maximum for x
      if(!is.null(maxx)) {
         table(c(x, minx:maxx)) - 1
      else {
         table(c(x, minx:max(x, na.rm = T))) - 1

} , comment = "19/04/1997") "ternary" <- structure(function(X, pch = par("pch"), lcex = 1, add = FALSE,

                   ord = 1:3, space = 1, ...)


      1. Purpose: Draws ternary plots
      2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. Modified from: MASS Skye dataset
      4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. Arguments: space: how much space needed to allow for long apex names?
      6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      7. Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 7 Apr 2004, 10:01
 X <- as.matrix(X)
 if(any(X) < 0) stop("X must be non-negative")
 s <- drop(X %*% rep(1, ncol(X)))
 if(any(s <= 0)) stop("each row of X must have a positive sum")
 if(max(abs(s - 1)) > 1e-6) {
   warning("row(s) of X will be rescaled")
   X <- X / s
 X <- X[, ord]
 s3 <- sqrt(1/3)
     oldpty <- par("pty")
     on.exit(par(pty = oldpty))
     par(pty = "s")
     plot(c(-s3, s3) * space, c(0.5 - s3, 0.5 + s3) * space, type = "n",
          axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
     polygon(c(0, -s3, s3), c(1, 0, 0), density = 0)
     lab <- NULL
     if(!is.null(dn <- dimnames(X))) lab <- dn2
     if(length(lab) < 3) lab <- as.character(1:3)
     eps <- 0.05 * lcex
     text(c(0, s3 + eps * 0.7, -s3 - eps * 0.7),
          c(1 + eps, -0.1 * eps, - 0.1 * eps), lab, cex = lcex)
 points((X[, 2] - X[, 3]) * s3, X[, 1], pch = pch, ...)

} , comment = "15/04/2004") "text.bp" <- structure(function(x, y.range, width = 45, = "NA") {

      1. Does a "text boxplot" to use in summarize()
x <- x[!]
 if(length(x) < 1)
 x.quan <- (boxplot(x, plot = F)$stats[, 1])
 x.outliers <- boxplot(x, plot = F)$out
  1. browser()
   out.pos <- round(approx(seq(y.range[1], y.range[2], length = width), 1:
                           width, xout = x.outliers)$y)
 qps <- round(approx(seq(y.range[1], y.range[2], length = width), 1:width, 
                     xout = x.quan)$y)    #
      1. Have quantile positions...
      2. Make allowances for overlapping positions of quantiles
 qps.start <- qps
 if(prod(diff(qps[-3])) == 0) {
   if(qps[2] - qps[1] < 1)
     qps[2] <- qps[1] + 1
   if(qps[5] - qps[4] < 1)
     qps[4] <- qps[4] - 1
   if(qps[4] - qps[2] < 1) {
     if(qps[5] < width)
       qps[4:5] <- qps[4:5] + 1
     else qps[1:2] <- qps[1:2] - 1
bar.vec <- rep(" ", width)
bar.vec[qps[1]] <- "("
bar.vec[qps[2]] <- "["
bar.vec[qps[4]] <- "]"
bar.vec[qps[5]] <- ")"
if(qps[2] - qps[1] > 1)
   bar.vec[(qps[1] + 1):(qps[2] - 1)] <- "."
if(qps[4] - qps[2] > 1)
   bar.vec[(qps[2] + 1):(qps[4] - 1)] <- "-"
if(qps[5] - qps[4] > 1) bar.vec[(qps[4] + 1):(qps[5] - 1)] <- "."    #
      1. Add in outliers if present
  bar.vec[out.pos] <- "*"
bar.tex <- paste(bar.vec, collapse = "") <- paste(":", bar.tex, ":", sep = "")

} , comment = "18/06/2001") "text.lot" <- structure(function(outfile = "write.fn.src") {

                                       # creates source file to list all functions
 src.comm <- ppaste("source('", outfile, "')")    # to use src file
 oblist <- ls(pos = 1)
 new.function <- 0    # no of functions to write
 app <- FALSE
 today <- system("date +%d/%m/%Y", TRUE)
 for(i in oblist) {
   date.fn <- comment(get(i))
   if(is.function(get(i)) & (date.fn == today | date.fn == "") ) {
     source.line <- ppaste("write.function(", i, ")")
     write(source.line, file = outfile, append = app)
     new.function <- new.function + 1
     app <- TRUE
 cat(ppaste("Now you can write ", new.function, " function",
            ifelse(new.function > 1, "s", "")," using:\n", src.comm,

} , comment = "04/02/2003") "tidy" <- structure(function() {

      1. Purpose: Source file that adds dates to undated functions and keeps code.
      2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. Modified from: incorporates catalogue and few others
      4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. Arguments:
      6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      7. Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 17 Oct 2002, 11:06

source("/home/hrapgc/Rstuff/Gems/tidyup") } , comment = "17/10/2002") "" <- structure(function(ab, link = "cloglog", pc = 0.99996830000000003) {

      1. For calculating time to (by default) Probit9 mortality, or any other %
      1. Note: if the x-axis has used a transformation before fitting the line,
      2. the reverse transformation must be made to this output.
   f <- link.function(link)
   targ <- f(ab$cm + (1 - ab$cm) * pc)
   lt <- (targ - ab$intercept)/ab$slope

} , comment = "25/04/1997") "tuk.calc" <- structure(function(comp = 3, error.df = 50, se = 0.2029, interval = 0.94999999999999996,

   sed.logical = T)


   if(sed.logical) {
      qtukey(interval, comp, error.df) * (se/sqrt(2))
   else {
      qtukey(interval, comp, error.df) * se

} , comment = "24/12/1996") "tuk.groups" <- structure(function(xx, y, = TRUE, print.mat = FALSE, conf = 0.95,

          full.names = FALSE, print.grid = FALSE, print.sim.df = FALSE)


      1. Purpose: Get Tukey HSD groupings from an aov
      2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      3. Modified from: Various -- terminology is from palatability of plants
      4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      5. Arguments: Sometimes need to fudge last value (Why??)
      6. not entirely trustable -- use with caution
      7. can't handle factor levels containing a '-' character
      8. xx: an anova object
      9. y: which factor are we interested in?
      10. Is it OK to have a singular top value? (fudge?)
      11. full.names: long names will maker colnames too long
      12. print.mat: Do we want to see the matrix with astrixes?
      13. print.grid: Do we want the table printed with grids?
      14. print.sim.df: Print the dataframe with levels that
      15. do not have an HSD with some other?
      16. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      17. Author: Patrick Connolly, Creation date: 20 Aug 2003, 14:07
 xx.tuk <- TukeyHSD(xx, ordered = T, conf.level = conf)
 tuk.df <-
 tuk.df$HSD[tuk.df$lwr < 0 ] <- "*"
 ## Get order of most palatable host
 palatable <- names(sort(model.tables(xx, type = "means")$tablesy))
 plants <- rownames(tuk.df)
 plants.list <- strsplit(plants, "-")
 tuk.df$Plant1 <- unlist(lapply(plants.list, "[", 2))
 tuk.df$Plant2 <- unlist(lapply(plants.list, "[", 1))
 same.groups <- list()
 tuk.same <- tuk.df[tuk.df$lwr < 0 , ]
 tuk.diff <- tuk.df[tuk.df$lwr >= 0 , ]
 if(print.mat){ ## Print similarity matrix
   diff.mat <- matrix("", nrow = length(palatable), ncol = length(palatable))
   dimnames(diff.mat) <- list(palatable, palatable)
   for(i in palatable){
     for(j in palatable){
       if(i != j ){
         first <- match(i, tuk.df$Plant1)
         second <- match(j, tuk.df$Plant2)
         whichrow <- paste(j, i, sep = "-")
         diff.mat[i, j] <- tuk.df[whichrow, ]$HSD
   diag(diff.mat) <- "∑"
   diff.mat[] <- ""
   diff.df <-
     names(diff.df) <- LETTERS[seq(palatable)]
     print.char.matrix(, col.names = T)
   else print(
 for(i in palatable){
   same.i1 <- tuk.same[tuk.same$Plant1 == i, "Plant2"]
   same.i2 <- tuk.same[tuk.same$Plant2 == i, "Plant1"]
   same.groupsi$max <- same.groupsi$min <- match(i, palatable)
   if(length(same.i1) > 0)
     same.groupsi$max <- match(rev(same.i1)[1], palatable)
   if(length(same.i2) > 0)
     same.groupsi$min <- match(same.i2, palatable)
      1. Find corners in similarity matrix
 mins <- sapply(same.groups, function(x) x$min[1])
 maxs <- sapply(same.groups, function(x) x$max[1]) 
 low <- rep(seq(unique(mins)), table(mins))
 if(!{# might be inaccurate to stop singular top value
   if(rev(low)[1] != rev(low)[2]) 
     low[length(low)] <- low[length(low) - 1]
 high <- rep(seq(unique(maxs)), table(maxs)) # same length as palatable
 if(length(low) != length(high))
 group <- list()
 for(i in seq(palatable))
   group[[palatable[i]]] <- paste(sort(unique(letters[seq(low[i], high[i])])),
                                  collapse = "")
      1. return a named vector
 groups <- sapply(group, function(x) x)

} , comment = "18/03/2005") "unfactor" <- structure(function(x, cols = "every.factor.column", notify = F) {

  1. Converts factors back to numerics or character vectors
  2. A dataframe (or vector) of the same dimensions and names is returned
  3. Default is to change all factor columns
  4. Alternatively, specific columns can be specified
  5. notify: Notify that no factors need changing?
  6. Vectors have to be handled differently:
   onecol <- is.null(dim(x))
   if(is.null(dim(x))) {
      x <-
      cols <- 1
  1. Handling data frames:
      change.cols <- cols
   else {
      if(cols == "every.factor.column") {
         fact.cols <- check.fact(x)
         change.cols <- find.pos(T, fact.cols)    #
  1. (a numerical vector of column numbers that are to be changed)
      else change.cols <- find.pos(cols, names(x))
   if(length(change.cols) == 0 & notify)
      cat(paste("No factors to change in", as.character(substitute(x)), "\n"))
   else {
      options(warn = -1)
      on.exit(options(warn = 0))
      for(i in change.cols) {
         levels.i <- levels(xi)
         level.nos <- as.numeric(levels.i)
         numbers <- ifelse(any(, F, T)
            x[, i] <- as.numeric(I(as.character(x[, i])))
         else x[, i] <- I(as.character(x[, i]))
      x <- as.vector(unlist(x))

} , comment = "30/04/2001") "wipe" <- structure(function (x) {

 ## Purpose:  Removes the file in /tmp/ and sets source attribe to NULL
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Arguments:
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 ## Author: Zaphod Beeblebrox, Date:  2 Mar 2002, 17:09 <- deparse(substitute(x)) <- ppaste("attr(",, ", \"source\") <- NULL\n") <- ppaste("rm /tmp/hrapgc.",, ".R\n")
 try(system( <- ppaste("write.function(",, ")")
 cat("  If you want to keep the code, now run these commands:\n")
 cat(paste(,, sep = " ;"))

} , comment = "28/06/2002") "write.function" <- structure(function(x) {

      1. writes a function to file in the ./scr/ directory <- as.character(substitute(x))
 filedate <- comment(get(
 location <- system("pwd", TRUE) <- ppaste(location,"/.src/R.",
 write(paste("  Listing of:",, ncolumns = 1, file =
 write(paste("  Located in:", location), file =, ncolumns = 1, append = TRUE)
 write(paste("Last updated:", filedate, 
       file =, append = TRUE)
 dump(, file =, append = TRUE)

} , comment = "22/08/2002")