User talk:Nad

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 00:09, 27 September 2007 by Sven (talk | contribs) (New section: Trees and tranclusion)

Yo, my sidebar has completely disappeared will reset my browser to see if it persists, anyone been changing code to do with that? --Sven 08:18, 10 July 2007 (NZST)

Sidebar seems to be missing on safari and firefox --Sven 08:22, 10 July 2007 (NZST)
See changes, I've been working on it and then got tired and went to bed before it was finished. --Nad 10:10, 10 July 2007 (NZST)

I think i've alsmost got the blog comments working. The only thing is the #request variables don't get substituted.*Template:BlogComments

--Rob 23:25, 7 July 2007 (NZST)

Check this out, class properties transcluded as templates --Sven 23:07, 3 July 2007 (NZST)

This extension may be of interest, it is installed on the dpl site MW:Extension:StackFunctions --Sven 20:09, 30 June 2007 (NZST)

I think the radio problem I was having is fixed now by wrapping {{#form: ...}} around them. --Sven 11:18, 30 June 2007 (NZST)

What was the problem, they seemed fine to me - I don't see why an input should require a form around it except for the actual posting of ata which the sandbox example shouldn't need --Nad 11:24, 30 June 2007 (NZST)
Just that radio buttons only work inside forms --Sven 20:09, 30 June 2007 (NZST)

Was meaning to catch up this weekend but I've been feeling a ill. So i stayed in bed all weekend instead.--Firebreather 15:03, 24 June 2007 (NZST)

Bugger :-( catch ya another time - don't forget to drink plenty of water!

Yo, I would like to use the article to email facility so can you check what groups I need to be able to do this please. I want to email one person only User:Mik, and append another external address to it (plus mine to check it is working ok). --Sven 10:30, 13 June 2007 (NZST)

I've changed the allowed-to-email group to sysop so you should be able to send stuff now --Nad 11:47, 13 June 2007 (NZST)
Great, It works for me now --Sven 11:58, 13 June 2007 (NZST)

Aran, a while back I talked to you about building a bootable disk that only got on the internet, in breathless anticipation of peerix. well, anyway, found this and thought you would like to see it,, you can build Webconverger with the Debian Live tools and modifying the LIVE_BOOTAPPEND parameter to distribute with your own custom URL... --Phalseid 06:40, 13 June 2007 (NZST)

Yeah that's damn useful, especially since it's Debian too. Peerix wasn't designed for that because it doesn't include any of the fat xwindow layer, so wouldn't have been useful until we had our interface, but all that's on the back-burner now anyway :-( --Nad 10:04, 13 June 2007 (NZST)

Check this out from Google images, looks like they are wanting people to add value to their images game style --Sven 20:05, 12 June 2007 (NZST)

those evil "do no evil" bastards!

WX got hit by a spambot last night. what is interesting is the articles that got edited...only a few existed, but the rest were "OD" articles that i didn't have...just curious as to why it would pick out those names unless it was coded into the bot???? --Phalseid 00:21, 12 June 2007 (NZST)

Yeah peerix got hit too, who knows what their pseudo-AI is doing? I've installed the ConfirmEdit extension so the bots can't create logins so it shouldn't happen again --Nad 00:42, 12 June 2007 (NZST)
many thanks. --Phalseid 03:30, 12 June 2007 (NZST)

if i tag a category with the nuke template, will that take care of all the child articles? --Phalseid 10:48, 10 June 2007 (NZST)

I made MW:Extension:NukeDPL for that which allows you to select the items to nuke with a DPL query so you could select all items using the nuke template, or all items in a cat etc. For some strange reason it won't run on OD but does on the other wiki's and I haven't had time to figure it out yet. --Nad 11:26, 10 June 2007 (NZST)

I wrote a wikinews article based on that death I was telling you about. Then I found an article on Tim Selwins blog on the topic. --Sven 22:30, 8 June 2007 (NZST)

Got the email ok! Rob 16:12, 8 June 2007 (NZST)

ditto --Phalseid 16:51, 8 June 2007 (NZST)

Aran, if you leave the german lang code there I will fill it in but I need to see the messages in context (in the working form) to come up with the proper words for translation, otherwise the grammar would be wrong.--Milan 13:53, 8 June 2007 (NZST)

Just use the sen to email in "this article" on the left to see the form --Nad 14:09, 8 June 2007 (NZST)
sweet --Phalseid 15:28, 8 June 2007 (NZST)

Will be over around 10am --Sven 21:46, 7 June 2007 (NZST)

Fuckanelle that week went quick! --Nad 22:42, 7 June 2007 (NZST)

Looks like wikimedia is turning down your request for OD to be added to the interwiki map, you might like to swing by and argue :) here

Also, is there something wrong with the OD site? I can't see the recent changes swf in the top LHS anymore

Thanks for the fix on WikiChat.php --Firebreather 22:19, 6 June 2007 (NZST)

There's a lot wrong with OD! the changes in the corner are one of many functions that used XmlWiki and so won't be available again until all the current extension development is done. I can't be bothered discussing the OD: shortcut thing, but I added a comment re months of lost wiki changes in the host failure incident since it was only 5 hours of changes that were lost --Nad 22:38, 6 June 2007 (NZST)

Ok some links of interest;

Ironic that the best grid *collaboration* project is a locked down wiki where nobody can make a login or edit articles. I tried accessing an article and couldn't access it, fortunately I can use the search facility and read the content bit by bit...

--Sven 19:27, 29 May 2007 (NZST)

Yo, Can you add scheme to the allowable hack in; <php> include('extensions/GeSHiCodeTag.php'); $wgHooks['ParserBeforeStrip'][] = 'GeSHi'; function GeSHi(&$parser, &$text, &$strip_state) {

  if (preg_match('/\\{\\{(php|perl|c|actionscript|javascript|css)\\}\\}/i',$text,$m)) $text = "<$m[1]>\n$text\n</$m[1]>";
  return true;

} </php> please. I can't access the server from here to do it at the moment. I will use that for the moment for R highlighting untill I can get the R GeSHi higlighting rules (which didn't appear to be available on the R website) --Sven 14:27, 29 May 2007 (NZST)

Yo, Ive just added a working version of Extension:Fasta. Any editor I use struggles to format your way, expecially with comments, it is driving me nuts, will have to get configs going. --Sven 12:13, 22 May 2007 (NZST)

What kind of editors are you using, it's formatted completly normally - is it braces? tabs? or what?! get something decent like textpad or ultraedit...
Both in vi and emacs, they struggle to move any comments in with tabs, and tab distance is an issue --Sven 12:18, 22 May 2007 (NZST)

See Sandbox for a tracelog of errors occuring now the symantic database is being used --Sven 22:22, 18 May 2007 (NZST)

What did you change to get the symantec extension working? --Sven 22:30, 18 May 2007 (NZST)
You need to go to Special:SMWAdmin to update the db tables (see INSTALL), but I was backing up the db first --Nad 22:50, 18 May 2007 (NZST)

hey aran, couple of things...

  1. have been putting a few more lines in the elance and linkedin seas for work, so im trying to get some content on that end, feel free to adjust the text on or wherever...hopefully this will turn into a good avenue of exposure for the project.
No worries, I just added the MW: prefix so they link to the pages about them --Nad 18:30, 18 May 2007 (NZST)

as you can see, iv'e snagged it from a few of your pages. I don't intend to imply that this is "me". I hope to build a good reputation out in the elance field with the work that we all do together....the intrawiki transculsion would be nice here, obviously.

I'm going to set up interwiki transclusion soon, so we can trasnclude templates etc into any od/wikia from mediawiki or od. Also I'm upgrading the livelets transclude to be able to handle any URL not just wiki ones. --Nad 18:30, 18 May 2007 (NZST)
  1. status on the search accumulator....?
I'm a bit snowed under at the moment but I'm chipping away at it in Extension:SearchLog.php, I'm making it log all information from every search into a file, then will probably make a special-page giving the totals in a sortable table. I'll probably add a drop down to filter the totals to a specific month which would make it a fair bit more useful I think. --Nad 18:30, 18 May 2007 (NZST)


--Phalseid 16:40, 18 May 2007 (NZST)

Howdy, I have been having some trouble logging with $wgSiteNotice. If it is assigned at the beginning of Extension:Fasta, I have no problems, if I declare it as a global in the constructor method 'Fasta' , it executes, as the constuctor is executed when the class is declared. If I put it in any other method function $wgSiteNotice is not written to --Sven 00:17, 13 May 2007 (NZST)

I've been having similar trouble, nothing seems to echo either when executed from inside the parser, I think it will have to be logged to article or file when inside the parser. I can understand $wgSiteNotice not working from there - the notice is probably already built and rendered by then, but no echo is weird --Nad 08:54, 13 May 2007 (NZST)
Yeah i tried using echo aswell, file logging sounds like a good idea for the moment. --Sven 09:04, 13 May 2007 (NZST)

yo nad, how can we dynamically copy the news/main page over to --Phalseid 08:42, 11 May 2007 (NZST)

The usual way to do that kind of thing id with Scary Transclusion, but enabling that is a bit scary. I think a slight modification to livelets.php would do the trick, I'll have a look at it soon. --Nad 09:06, 11 May 2007 (NZST)

Theres three versions of treeview kicking around, Treeview3.php, MediaWiki treeview.php, and Extension:Treeview.php, I assume the first two can be deleted --Sven 19:01, 10 May 2007 (NZST)

When you deleted one, you made a comment that ones a redirect, Treeview3.php, Extension:Treeview.php (don't look like redirects), are they different versions? --Sven 19:45, 10 May 2007 (NZST)
Ok, I have fixed the links on MW as they were refering to Treeview3.php. there was some code differences with Extension:Treeview.php so I hope it was the right one --Sven 20:42, 10 May 2007 (NZST)
No it was the wrong one it should be linking to Extension:Treeview.php which I've changed it to now --Nad 20:50, 10 May 2007 (NZST)

Yo, in [[Talk:Extension:Example]] I put a question regarding the use of $wgExampleVersion and version in $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][]. Can you put the $wgExampleVersion variable as input to the associative array key 'Version'? --Sven 12:26, 10 May 2007 (NZST)

Is the latest version of Extension:Example installed on OD, I cannot get it to work on my local wiki here, get a blank page --Sven

oops, yip there was a bug in it, it's fixed and latest installed on OD --Nad 23:23, 7 May 2007 (NZST)

Yo, on mediaWiki I noticed this version control of an extension using transclusion, MW:Template:Google Maps Extension Latest, I wonder if there is a better way to do this where versioning using history information somehow to increment, a minor edit would increment the 0.0.0 to 0.0.1, and a major edit 0.0.0 to 0.1.0, and reverts decrement. Maybe it is not a good idea as some editors would be lazy and not use the minor edits check box. --Sven 22:03, 6 May 2007 (NZST)

Yo, Zenia will find this wikipeida article interesting on Vioxx, oh and I accidentally picked up their sissors, will get them back ASAP. --Sven 07:44, 5 May 2007 (NZST)

Yo, coming over tomorrow morning. I can't find what is causing the underlines in the lnks which have not yet been viewed, I expected it to have been this difference --Sven 23:09, 3 May 2007 (NZST)

On]] there is an extension that goes with dpl, Might be worth checking out --Sven 19:58, 2 May 2007 (NZST)

Could have some good code to check out, I wouldn't want to use it as part of our extension collection though as forks are a pain in the arse --Nad 22:25, 2 May 2007 (NZST)

Yo, Check out MW:Extension:Nuke, why use nuke.php when you can do it in the wiki? --Sven 11:49, 2 May 2007 (NZST)

We already have that installed, see special:nuke - it's not quite what we want as it only works for pages created by a certain ip, not an arbitrary list - also I tested that nukePage.php and it seems like it was about to nuke thousands of pages, but luckily it generated invalid SQL and bailed. --Nad 12:07, 2 May 2007 (NZST)
How come special:Nuke is not listed in the Special:Version? - There is also maintenance/deleteBatch.php for multiple pages --Sven 13:57, 2 May 2007 (NZST)
Dunno, just depends if they add to the credit hash in their code, it's listed as "mass delete" at the bottom of Special:Specialpages tho --Nad 14:28, 2 May 2007 (NZST)

Is the variable {{CURRENTUSER}} one that yourve defined on this wiki in LocalSettings.php? -looks like it --Sven 16:12, 1 May 2007 (NZST)

There some info on adding CURRENTUSER on 'Pedia --Sven 16:16, 1 May 2007 (NZST)
Yip it's added by Wikiskin.php. The 'pedia code you're referring to was added by me too --Nad 16:22, 1 May 2007 (NZST)
While were on the subject, the MW:Extension:Simple_Calendar extension example uses {{CURRENTUSER}} which is not generally available on mediaWiki --Sven 22:03, 1 May 2007 (NZST)
Good point, I added a note and link to MW:Extension:Variables which explains how to add it. --Nad 22:09, 1 May 2007 (NZST)
Also, MetaWikipedia:VariablesExtension documentation suggests putting it in a directory called Variables aswell. Could rename your extansion to AddVariables to avoid confusion --Sven 08:53, 2 May 2007 (NZST)
My one doesn't go in any directory, it's just example code explaining how to do it so the name doesn't really matter --Nad 09:50, 2 May 2007 (NZST)

Regarding DPL, there is active development in the versions, they are now up to V1.1.4

I get an sql error on my system trying to run dpl; <mysql> A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: (SQL query hidden) from within function "". MySQL returned error "1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'select rev_user_text from `revision` where `revision`.rev_page= (localhost)". </mysql> Seems to be to do with the (localhost) part, this should be an integer refering to the particular user. I wonder whether this is because of the mysql version I am using (V 4.0.21) --Sven 12:12, 1 May 2007 (NZST)

I doubt it's the MySQL version, more likely the dpl version - maybe try the dpl version we're running before changing mysql --Nad 12:35, 1 May 2007 (NZST)
I tried that first, used V1.1.0 and I still get the message --Sven 12:50, 1 May 2007 (NZST)
It was the version of mysql, it needs to be V4.1.x not 4.0.x --Sven 15:57, 1 May 2007 (NZST)

Yo, saw your download template, DPL have wiped my stuff and added a media:zip download. --Sven 08:47, 1 May 2007 (NZST)

Cool, that's much better than links which require the files to then be edited --Nad 09:10, 1 May 2007 (NZST)
You probably need to purge the files still, do they actually get deleted? --Sven 12:12, 1 May 2007 (NZST)

Theres also a couple of GeShi highlighters,

We are uing the first one with your hack --Sven 13:53, 30 April 2007 (NZST)

Yeah I checked out both, the second one didn't work straight out of the box and the first one did, so that's what we're using ;-)
Ive just got Paul Nolascos version going, its a bit non standard putting his script in extensions, rather than a sub directory geshi. I am not sure what effect putting

<php>include("extensions/GeSHiCodeTag.php"); </php> before $wgSiteName in LocalSettings.php, seems to work with the code at the end of the file for me. Will try adding your bit--Sven 15:18, 30 April 2007 (NZST)

It makes no difference whether its in a subdir or not, I've put all our geshi stuff in extensions/geshi --Nad 15:32, 30 April 2007 (NZST)

Yo, it appears that DynamicPageList2 is and older extension for wikinews;

--Sven 09:13, 30 April 2007 (NZST)

It says in special:version that we have 1.1.0, so that's ok I think --Nad 09:34, 30 April 2007 (NZST)
Yeah thats probably ok, I notice DynamicPageList is 1.1.1, have you checked out the extension Inputbox, how does this differ from your Simple forms? --Sven 13:20, 30 April 2007 (NZST)
Yip I looked at the existing ones before starting. Inputbox is designed to work with CreateAction and isn't really a general purpose forms solution. And CreateArticle doesn't do the actual creation process, it just goes to edit like a red link, but allows default content in the textarea. SimpleForms is an overall forms solution with ways of handling form construction, processing and results. --Nad 13:54, 30 April 2007 (NZST)

Also, I think either the metawikipedia:Interwiki map or our interwiki table is out of date, a few links were missing in MediaWiki Documentation --Sven 21:54, 27 April 2007 (NZST)

Hi Aran,

Congrats on getting the skin and other bits and pieces functional again, it's looking quite tidy around here :-) I was hoping you could check out this dpl stuff for me when you get a chance, the error is displayed under Milan/Contacts. I did end up catching that 19:45 ferry with two minutes to spare but it took a fair amount of determination, heh.

I will begin getting some templates and forms in there now, nice to see that the form can be tied into the template with that "noinclude" trick that you wrote down today, I was wondering about that. My first milestone with forms will be to get the functionality of a simple CRM happening and then to get csv imports from vtiger or sugarcrm.

I'll just start with rough'n'ready forms and templates and hope you and "sven" can smooth 'em out as you go :-)--Milan 23:01, 26 April 2007 (NZST)

Hi Aran,

I will be on the 15:30 ferry to devonport, see you then--Milan 09:30, 24 April 2007 (NZST)


Nad, The company I'm working for would be interested in hiring you to modify your Simply Security plugin to meet our needs. Please contact me. --Implexant 11:53, 11 July 2007 (NZST)

Nad, Still haven't heard from you yet. I did reply to your email with specifications. Let me know! --Implexant 08:10, 14 July 2007 (NZST)
I sent the following message a few days ago,
I plan on adding an #ifgroup parser-function for testing if a user belongs 
to a group at some stage because that requirement keeps cropping up. It's 
only a small job of under an hour, a small donation on our paypal form on 
organicdesign would be much appreciated and would allow me to make it high 

They've been doing some reorganizing of extensions on mediawiki and mw:Extension:Chat isn't showing up on the mediawiki Category:Extensions page any more. I have no I why as its in the category. Any ideas? --Firebreather 14:20, 12 July 2007 (NZST)

Ok, totally weird, its back again.

SWF, FreeMind & YouTube on WX

hey, any chance you can embed flash (e.g. google video or youtube content) into the wikia WX ssite? i saw you can do it by moding /includes/Sanitizer.php

     'embed' => array( ’style’, ‘id’, ‘type’, ’src’, ‘width’, ‘height’ )

also may need to add embed to $htmlpairs. thanks --Phalseid 00:39, 19 July 2007 (NZST)

I'm not sure about that setting, but modding includes is a no no, whatever needs doing, it should be able to be done from LocalSettings.php --Nad 09:40, 19 July 2007 (NZST)
sounds good, just would like to be able to embed flash objects again....--Phalseid 06:38, 20 July 2007 (NZST)
could you also add this quasi-extension to allow mindmaps from freemind? I have found it very useful, and would like it on WX and OD to work with sven on the WX business plan. Freemind howto
I've got a lot of stuff I need to get done today but I'll check it out as soon as I can --Nad 09:40, 19 July 2007 (NZST)

Using SimpleForms with DPL

Hi Nad,

I tried to follow your suggestion and created a GUI for DPL using SimpleForms. Have a look at [1]. I noticed some problems when I tried to use a wikitable within the body of a #form to arrange the fields in nicer way. Can you help? The preferred way would be to create a copy of [2] which demonstrates how to do it correctly. Or ist there a known bug which prevents the use of tables? I ran into strange layouts with double quotes at various places.

Second, I observed that the standard edit form of the dpldemo wiki is now cluttered with a row of empty boxes. As this appeared right after the installation of SimpleForms and the moo lib, the reason must come from there. Is there a way to get rid of them again?

Third, I could not get the Ajax calls working. It simply happens nothing althoug the path setting to the lib (I placed it under /dpldemo/javascript) should be set correctly in LocalSettings.php. Is there a debug switch or a simple test?

Thanks, Gero

I've had trouble with tables when trasncluded too, I think maybe you should change the pipes to {{!}} like on mediawiki and wikipedia where Template:! is just a pipe character - or currently html table syntax is required, I don't quite know how to change that currently. I don't have a clue how it might be stuffing up the edit page - maybe its conflicting with another extension...?
The Ajax itself is working fine, I've added the Ajax links example and Ajax form example to my use page on DPL:User:Nad and most of it is working but not quite (example 3 of ajax links doesn't work). I'll definately be keen to help sort this out though because I love DPL and would like SimpleForms to work nicely with it. --Nad 09:32, 27 July 2007 (NZST)
I found a problem this URL should be sending no-cache headers, but isn't. A recent upgrade of the software fixed the problem on my server, but you're running the latest version which includes the nocache code... I'll have to think about why it's not sending them...? --Nad 14:26, 27 July 2007 (NZST)
Thanks for your effort! Ajax is not really the problem because the DPL GUI currently uses a normal forms 'action'. But it was obviously mootools that cluttered the edit dialogue with icons and made loading the editor SLOW, so I disabled Ajax for the moment. Nevertheless (while Ajax was still on) I could find a small bug in the page you had created: It used "/wiki/index.php" instead of "/dpldemo/index.php".
What would be helpful is (a) checkboxes, (b) radiobuttons and (c) being able to use tables for formatting...
I will be on holiday for two weeks now, so there is no hurry.
Algorithmix 21:47, 27 July 2007 (NZST)
You can do checkboxes and all other normal form elements, see SimpleForms cheatsheet and tables with html syntax. I'll have a look at the path problem soon. Have a good holiday ;-) --Nad 23:43, 27 July 2007 (NZST)


Aran- seems that wikilets are not working on WX? what is the best way to compare data side by side, do you think? --Phalseid 18:51, 10 August 2007 (NZST)

You mean livelets? I'd forgotten to include mootools which it uses for ajax - fixed now. I don't know why you need those lists to be transcluded live though, just a normal transclude would probably be fine... --Nad 19:47, 10 August 2007 (NZST)
thanks! needed it live because andrew and i might be working on it simultaneously to figure out how to port stuff over to vtiger. about the transclude, im confused about the seems to want the ":" after the "{{" that normal behavior? not how it works on default MW, as far as i could see... --Phalseid 01:29, 11 August 2007 (NZST)
Livelets are not live, no work has been done on livelets as I've had to focus only on paid work, they are still only working as a secondary request after page load but do not update when content is changed. They use colon because it's a parser function, not a template. --Nad 09:32, 11 August 2007 (NZST)
and why did you/we change to conversations to be at the bottom instead of top...trying to be compliant there too, eh? ;) i think it is worth a news item.... --Phalseid 01:31, 11 August 2007 (NZST)
I started putting talk items at the bottom separated by headings to start conforming to same way as mediawiki/wikipedia, but it doesn't really matter. --Nad 09:32, 11 August 2007 (NZST)

Political wiki project --Phalseid 08:49, 12 August 2007 (NZST)

Check this user page out. He has some nice simple templates similar to ours. --Sven 09:06, 12 September 2007 (NZST)

Looking through the offset 10-20 items of the News article, I noticed some funny rendered output in News 10-20. Any ideas what it is? --Sven 14:01, 13 September 2007 (NZST)

Yeah that's the price we pay for removing the expensive regexp query and replacing it with a uses=news. Since some other non-news articles use news they end up in there too. --Nad 14:07, 13 September 2007 (NZST)

Looks like there is a small bug on line 219 of Extension:SimpleForms.php, $argv['onClick'] .= "f = $('{$this->id}');$template, the $template shouldn't be there. --Sven 11:33, 24 September 2007 (NZST)


I've moved this conversation to MW:Extension talk:EmailToWiki#Emails not showing up in wiki


I'll be on 5:30 ferry --Rob 16:41, 26 September 2007 (NZST)

hokitoki see you 'bout 5:40 ;-)


aran, just fyi: im looking at setting up a commercial level hosting platform here in colorado that will be powered by a new windfarm that is going in a few miles from here. i would love to have your technical input into our discussion. Thanks! --Phalseid 05:17, 27 September 2007 (NZST)

Trees and tranclusion

As trees {{#tree: openlevels=1| {{: A BULLET LIST}} }} are made up of bullet lists, a good idea would to manage the bullet lists themselves in categorized articles then embed the transcluded bullet lists into the any required tree code. This way the lists can be used as bullet lists, or as trees in articles --Sven 12:09, 27 September 2007 (NZST)