Configure SVN

From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 02:20, 30 May 2009 by Nad (talk | contribs) (Setting up the SVN repository)
Procedure.svg Configure SVN
Organic Design procedure

Setting up the SVN repository

The necessary packages should already have been installed as part of the organicdesign-server package, but if not, you'll need to apt-get install subversion libapache2-svn. Then the first step is to create the repositories as in the following example.

mkdir /svn
svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /svn/extensions
svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /svn/tools

Next create a subversion group and add your developers to it:

groupadd subversion

addgroup earl subversion
addgroup tabatha subversion

chown -R www-data:subversion /svn/*
chmod -R 770 /svn/* 

Configuring client access

The first issue with client access over SSH is that we use a non-standard port, but there is no svn switch to set this, so we need to create a specific tunnel in the subversion configuration for our server with the correct port set. Add the following to the tunnels section of ~/.subversion/config file using your servers SSH port.

od = /usr/bin/ssh -p 12345

You will now be able to check out a repository or branch using the following syntax (the USER@ portion is only required if you are connecting from root or another users shell session).

mkdir /my/local/tools
svn co svn+od:// /my/local/tools

Note that you will be required to enter your SSH password for every transaction with the svn repository, so the following steps are required to get rid of this annoying problem.

