Linux commands

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Revision as of 20:44, 2 July 2015 by Nad (talk | contribs) (See also: Using xargs)
Info.svg This is the start of a list of useful Linux shell commands (generally "one liners") we use a lot

Ubuntu package management

Searching for an installed package

Use dpkg and grep;

dpkg -l | grep java

will list all packages with java in the name

Searching for installable packages

apt-cache performs a variety of operations on APT´s package cache

apt-cache search java

lists all packages in the cache with java in the name that are installable


tar pipe

## From a local to remote machine
tar -zcvf - directory | ssh remote 'cd somewhere; tar -zxvf -'
## From remote machine to local machine
ssh remote 'cd somewhere; tar -zcvf - directory' | tar -zxf -
## remote tar and pipe to tgz
ssh remote 'cd somewhere; tar -zcf - directory' | cat - > directory.tar.gz

Example of sending a file to a remote server:

scp -P 2222 /my/local/file.txt

Example of retrieving a file from a remote server:

scp -P 2222 ./

Note using port forwarding for commonly accessed sites you can define non standard ports in your .ssh/config so you never need to explicitly state them above.

Recovering from an interrupted transfer

This ability is included natively in Linux and used to be very useful for splitting large backups up so they could fit onto small media such as floppy disks. But there's one time when it's very useful nowadays too which is when a large file transfer gets interupted and there's no option for continuation such as when using SCP.

When this happens, go onto the target machine, check how many bytes were transferred of the target file and rename it to "xaa". Then on the local machine, do the following command to split the source file into two parts, the first being of the size of the number of bytes that have already been transferred (in this example 1234567 bytes).

split -b 1234567 foo.tar.gz

The resulting files are called "xaa" and "xab", and the latter is the containing the remaining content that needs to be transferred to the target server. Once you've transferred it across, you can then join the two files (remember you renamed the first part to "xaa" so there's no need to transfer that) together using cat as follows, and then remove all the xa* files from noth source and target servers.

cat xa* > foo.tar.gz

Files & Devices

Get the size of a directory and its contents

du -sh /home/foo

Use this more specific version to find the size of a users Maildir folder:

du -sh /home/*/Maildir|sed 's|/home/||'|sed 's|/Maildir||'

Search for file content recursively

Here's an example looking for a phrase within a specific file type recursively through a directory structure, and printing the file names and line numbers of the resulting matches.

grep -rn "Foo" *.php

There are other tips at

Search for file content recursively and tar

## Find and tar
find . -name "*.R" -print0 | xargs -0 tar -cvf Rfiles.tar
## check contents
tar -tvf Rfiles.tar

## Find and tar.gz
find . -name "*.R" -print0 | xargs -0 tar -zcvf Rfiles.tar.gz
## check contents
tar -ztvf Rfiles.tar.gz

Search for file content recursively and long list

find . -name "*.R" -ls

Count occurrences of a word in a file or files

grep -roh "WORD" file*.txt | wc -

Search and replace content in files

You could also use find and sed, but I find that this little line of perl works nicely.

perl -pi -w -e 's/SEARCH/REPLACE/g;' *.php
  • -e means execute the following line of code.
  • -i means edit in-place
  • -w write warnings
  • -p loop

EXTS="7z t7z"

Mass renaming

mmv is a mass move/copy/renaming tool that uses standard wildcards to perform its functions. According to the manual the “;” wildcard is useful for matching files at any depth in the directory tree (ie it will go below the current directory, recursively).

mmv \*.JPG \#1.jpg

The first pattern matches anything with a “.JPG” and renames each file (the “#1” matches the first wildcard) to “.jpg”. Each time you use a \(wildcard) you can use a #x to get that wildcard. Where x is a positive number starting at 1. Copied off:

Compare two directory structures for differences

This is very handy if you need to know if two directory structures are the same or not including file content. It uses the diff command with the r switch to work recursively and the x switch to allow skipping of the .svn directories.

diff -qrx .svn DIR1 DIR2

Mount a .iso

See this HOWTO

Mount a USB stick

If you don't know the device name of the stick, plug it in and find it with the following:

dmesg |grep SCSI

Then mount the first partition,

mkdir -p ~/memstick
mount -t vfat -o rw,users /dev/sdX1 ~/memstick

Image manipulation

Resizing JPG's and changing quality setting

The first line shows how to reduce and image to 25% and quality to 50% adding "_resized" to the results filename. The second command uses Perl to apply this same command to all JPG's in the current directory.

convert foo.jpg -resize 25% -quality 50% foo_resized.jpg

perl -e 'for (glob "*.jpg") { $img = $_; s/(....)$/_resized$1/; qx "convert \'$img\' -resize 25% -quality 50% \'$_\'"; }'

Apply an opaque background of a specified colour to a directory of transparent PNG's

  • This command requires ImageMagick to be installed
  • It loops through all PNG's in the CWD and puts them in a directory called processed which must exist
perl -e 'qx "convert $_ -background #ff00ff -flatten foo/$_" for glob "*.png"'

Audio conversion

The following converts a .wav file to an mp3:

ffmpeg -i test.wav test.mp3

To do a whole directory you could do this:

perl -e 'qx "ffmpeg -i $_ $_.mp3" for glob "*.wav"'

Video manipulation

Use the following commands to extract a small snippet out of a video (the -ar switch is only needed for outputting to flv I think).

ffmpeg -i "foo.avi" -ss 00:10:10 -t 00:00:05 -ar 22050 "foo.flv"

See also

System monitoring

List the top 10 memory consuming processes

ps -auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | head -10

List the top 10 CPU consuming processes

ps -auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | head -10

Network commands

Restart the network after changing configuration

/etc/init.d/networking restart

List all the listening sockets and their ports and programs

netstat -lp

Get current default gateway

netstat -nr

The default gateway is on the last line, it should have the U and G flags set

Release DHCP lease

dhclient -r

Obtain a new DHCP lease


Scan a local subnet for active IP addresses

nmap -sP

Get the MAC address and hostname of an IP on the current subnet

arp -a


Download a copy of an entire site

This will download an entire site, if the site is already downloaded, then only newer files are transferred.

wget -m

Port forwarding

Port forwarding allows a remote client to gain access to a network so an intranet can be accessed.

ssh -fN -L[PORT]:appserver:[PORT] username@sshdserver

Then point your webbrowsers proxy server to appserver:[PORT] and access the intranet etc.

To subvert a firewalled environment where outgoing ssh is allowed.

$ ssh -D 9000 username@remotehost

Then point your web browser to a SOCKS proxy @ localhost:9000

Further it's possible to get ssh through a web proxy using corkscrew.

ssh -oProxyCommand='corkscrew local_web_proxy proxy_port %h %p' username@remotehost


Add and remove startup items

update-rc.d ITEM defaults
update-rc.d -f ITEM remove

See also