From Organic Design wiki
use Net::SCP::Expect;
# Get initial IP from local wiki log
$::IP = '';
if (wikiRawPage($::wiki, $::wikilog) =~ /^.+to ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/sm) {
$::IP = $1;
logAdd "Last IP obtained from Network Log: $::IP";
sub command {
my $command = shift;
$command =~ /(.+?)(\((.+)\))?$/;
my ($title, $args) = ( $1, $2 );
my $article;
# pon/poff
if ($title eq 'ppp') { $article = `ifconfig` }
elsif ($title eq 'pon') { `pon`; $article = `tail -n 1 /var/log/syslog|grep pppd`; }
elsif ($title eq 'poff') { `poff`; $article = `tail -n 3 /var/log/syslog|grep pppd`; }
# syslog
elsif ($title eq 'syslog') { $article = `tail -n 50 /var/log/syslog` }
# peer log
elsif ($title eq 'peerlog') { $article = qx( tail -n 50 ../$peer.log ) }
# reboot
elsif ($title eq 'reboot') { $article = `shutdown -r now` }
# shutdown
elsif ($title eq 'shutdown') { $article = `halt` }
# ps
elsif ($title eq 'env') {
$^V =~ m/(.)(.)(.)/;
my $ver = ord($1).'.'.ord($2).'.'.ord($3);
$cmd =~ /^(.+?)\s+(.+)/;
$article = "Environment:\nOS:\t$^O\nPERL:\t$1 ($ver)\nDaemon:\t$2\n\n";
$article .= "Current instances of $::peer:\n";
$article .= qx( ps aux|grep "$::daemon\[:] $::peer" );
# fileSync
elsif ($title eq 'fileSync') { $article = 'Manually executing fileSync()...'; spawn 'fileSync'; }
# wikiSync
elsif ($title eq 'wikiSync') { $article = 'Manually executing wikiSync()...'; spawn 'wikiSync'; }
# wikiBackup
elsif ($title eq 'wikiBackup') {
$article = 'Manually executing wikiBackup()...';
spawn 'wikiBackup', 'od', 'wiki', lc $::peer if $::peer eq 'Bender';
spawn 'wikiBackup', 'closet', 'wiki', lc $::peer if $::peer eq 'Gir';
spawn 'wikiBackup', 'ea', 'meridian', lc $::peer if $::peer eq 'helios';
# peerBackup
elsif ($title eq 'peerBackup') { $article = 'Manually executing peerBackup()...'; spawn 'peerBackup'; }
# serverBackup
elsif ($title eq 'serverBackup') { $article = 'Manually executing serverBackup()...'; spawn 'serverBackup'; }
# scpBackups
elsif ($title eq 'scpBackups') {
$article = 'Manually executing scpBackups()...';
spawn 'scpBackups', 'od', '' if $::peer eq 'Bender';
spawn 'scpBackups', 'gir', '' if $::peer eq 'Gir';
spawn 'scpBackups', 'ma', '' if $::peer eq 'helios';
# swfCompile
elsif ($title eq 'swfCompile') { $article = swfCompile() }
# Restart
# - For some reason it fucks up if it doesn't wait for a minute
# - 2005-12-09 tried closing handles and server->shutdown(SHUT_RDWR) but made no difference
elsif ($title eq 'restart') { restart() }
elsif ($title eq 'stop') {
logAdd "$daemon is stopping";
else { logAdd $article = "Unknown command: $command" }
return $article;
# Restart the peer
sub restart {
logAdd "$daemon is restarting using: $::cmd";
exec "sleep 1; $::cmd";
# Kill all processes related to this peer
sub killChildren {
for ( split /\n/, qx( ps x|grep "$::daemon\[:] $::peer" ) ) {
if ( /^\s*([0-9]+).+?\d+:\d\d\s*(.+)/ and $1 != $$ ) {
qx( kill $1 );
logAdd "Kill $2 ($1)";
logAdd "Kill $0 ($$)";
# Backup wiki LocalFS cache
sub peerBackup {
my $file = '/var/www/wiki/peer.tgz';
qx(tar -czf $file ./);
my $size = int([stat $file]->[7]/104857.6+0.5)/10;
my $comment = "Peer Backup: $file ($size\MB)";
logAdd $comment;
wikiPageAppend($::wiki, $::wikilog, "\n*".localtime()." : $comment", $comment);
# Backup the server image
# - this backup can be unpacked over a minimal debian install, or even over our VPS's default redhat install
# - use [[[[Debian Conversion]]]] notes for unpacking process
sub serverBackup {
my $name = '/server-image-'.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime).'.t7z';
my $incl = '/bin /var /etc /srv /sbin /root /lost+found /lib /usr';
my $excl = '';
$excl .= " --exclude='$_'" for (
qx(rm -R $name);
qx(tar pcf - $incl $excl | 7za a -si -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 $name);
my $hash = $1 if qx(md5sum $name) =~ /^(\S+)/;
my $size = int([stat "$name"]->[7]/1048576+0.5);
my $comment = "Server image created: $name (size:$size\MB hash:$hash)";
logAdd $comment;
wikiPageAppend($::wiki, $::wikilog, "\n*".localtime()." : $comment", $comment);
# Backup wiki database
sub wikiBackup {
my $lpf = shift;
my $db = shift;
my $user = shift;
my $name = "$lpf-wiki-db-".strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime);
my $ext = '.t7z';
chdir '..';
mkdir $name;
if ($lpf eq 'od') {
qx(cp -R /var/www/od $name/od);
qx(rm -fr $name/od/wiki/tmp);
qx(rm -fr $name/od/wiki/bin/*);
qx(rm -fr $name/od/wiki/images/temp);
qx(rm -fr $name/od/wiki/images/math);
qx(rm -fr $name/od/wiki/images/thumb);
else { qx(cp -R /var/www/wiki/images $name/images) }
qx(cp -R /var/www/azzuro/wiki $name/azzuro) if $::peer eq 'helios';
qx(mysqldump $db -u $user --password='$::pwd1' > $name/$db.sql);
qx(rm $name$ext);
qx(tar pcf - $name | 7za a -md=32m -si -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 $name$ext);
qx(rm -R $name);
chmod($::peer eq 'helios' ? 0666 : 0600, "$name$ext");
my $hash = $1 if qx(md5sum $name$ext) =~ /^(\S+)/;
my $size = int([stat "$name$ext"]->[7]/104857.6+0.5)/10;
my $comment = "Wiki Backup: $name$ext (size:$size\MB hash:$hash)";
chdir 'peer';
logAdd $comment;
wikiPageAppend($::wiki, $::wikilog, "\n*".localtime()." : $comment", $comment);
# Transfer the days backup over SSH using SCP
sub scpBackups {
my $lpf = shift;
if ($#_>0) { spawn 'scpBackups', $lpf, $_ for @_ }
else {
my $domain = shift;
my $name = $lpf.'-wiki-db-'.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime).'.t7z';
my $lp = lc $::peer;
logAdd "scp ../$name $lp\@$domain:/home/$lp";
my $scp = new Net::SCP::Expect(
host => $domain,
user => $lp,
password => $::pwd1,
auto_yes => 1,
preserve => 1
$scp->scp("../$name", "/home/$lp");
my $comment = "$name transferred to $domain";
wikiPageAppend($::wiki, $::wikilog, "\n*".localtime()." : $comment", $comment);
logAdd "Exit.";
# Clear sandbox
sub clearSandbox {
wikiPageEdit( $::wiki, $_, '{{Template:SandboxMessage}}', "Clearing sandbox: [[$_]]" ) for @_;
# update IP with if changed
sub dynamicDNS {
my $routerIP = shift;
my $routerModel = shift;
my $domain = shift;
my @subDomains = @_;
while (1) {
# Get external IP from local router depending on make and model
my $lasti = $::IP;
my $i = '';
if ($routerModel eq 'Dynalink:RTA230') {
my $url = "http://admin:$::pwd2\@$routerIP/wancfg.cmd?action=view";
$i = $1 if $::client->get($url)->content =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/;
elsif ($routerModel eq 'LinkSys:WAG54G') {
my $url = "http://admin:$::pwd2\@$routerIP/Status_Router.asp";
$i = $1 if $::client->get($url)->content =~ /IP Address.+?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/sm;
elsif ($routerModel eq 'Dlink:DSL-G604T') {
my $url = "http://admin:$::pwd2\@$routerIP/cgi-bin/webcm";
my %form = (
getpage => '../html/status/deviceinfofile.htm',
'var:mycon' => 'connection0',
'var:conid' => 'encaps0'
$i = $1 if $::client->post($url,\%form)->content =~ /IP Address.+?IP Address.+?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/sm;
# Log if the IP has just become
if ( ($lasti ne '') && ($i eq '') ) { logAdd 'External IP address has changed to' }
# If IP changed, update DNS servers
if ( ($i ne '') && ($i ne $::IP) ) {
my $comment;
my $tries = 5;
while ($tries > 0) {
sleep 300 if $tries-- < 5;
$comment = "External IP has changed to $i";
my @succeeded = ();
my @failed = ();
for my $subDomain (@subDomains) {
my $url = $domain =~ /\.co\.nz$/
? "http://ADunkley:$::pwd3\$subDomain.$domain"
: "$subDomain&domain=$domain&password=$::pwd3";
$::client->get($url)->is_success ? push(@succeeded,"$subDomain.$domain") : push(@failed,"$subDomain.$domain");
if (($#failed >= 0) && ($tries == 0)) {
$comment .= ', DNS updates failed!';
"\n----\n$comment.\n\nThese domains failed:\n*".join("\n*",@failed)."\n:--~~"."~~\n",
"Sorry to bother you, but I need help updating some domains :-/"
$tries = 0 if $#failed < 0;
# update the IP log on the wiki
logAdd $comment;
wikiPageAppend($::wiki, $::wikilog, "\n*".localtime()." : $comment", $comment);
$::IP = $i;
sleep 10;