From Organic Design wiki
Legacy.svg Legacy: This article describes a concept that has been superseded in the course of ongoing development on the Organic Design wiki. Please do not develop this any further or base work on this concept, this is only useful for a historic record of work done. You may find a link to the currently used concept or function in this article, if not you can contact the author to find out what has taken the place of this legacy item.
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use MIME::Base64;

sub server {

	%::streams = ();
	$::port = shift or 80;
	$0 = "$::daemon: $::peer (http$::port)";
	my $subname = $::subname;

	# Initialise server listening on our port
	do { unless ( $::server = new IO::Socket::INET
			Listen => 1,
			LocalPort => $::port,
			Proto => 'tcp',
			ReuseAddr => 1 ) {
				logAdd "Failed to bind to Port$::port, waiting 10 seconds...";
		} until ( $::server );
	$::select = new IO::Select $::server;
	logAdd "Listening on port $::port";

	# HTML interface environment
	$::template = readFile 'peer.html';
	$::template =~ s/<!-- daemon -->/$::title ($::daemon)/g;
	$::template =~ s/<!-- peer -->/$::peer/g;
	$::deny = readFile "$::peer.401";
	my $views = '';
	$views .= "*[[$_]]\n" for ( 'Update', 'Filter', 'Events', 'Edit' );
	$::template =~ s/<!-- views -->/ wikiParse($views) /e;
	my $nav = "*[[$peer|Gir Home]]\n*[$peer User:$peer]\n";
	$nav .= "*[[$_]]\n" for (
		"env/cmd|Environment Info",
		"peerlog/cmd|Peer Log",
		"restart/cmd|Restart $::peer",
		"stop/cmd|Stop $::peer",
		"reboot/cmd|Restart this server",
		"fileSync/cmd|Manual fileSync",
		"wikiSync/cmd|Manual wikiSync",
		"swfCompile/cmd|Manual swfCompile",
		"serverBackup/cmd|Backup server now",
		"wikiBackup/cmd|Backup wiki now",
		"peerBackup/cmd|Backup peer now",
		"scpBackups/cmd|SCP Backup now",
	$::template =~ s/<!-- navigation -->/ wikiParse($nav) /e;

	# Simple HTTP server loop
	while(1) {
		for my $handle ( $::select->can_read(1) ) {
			my $stream = fileno $handle;
			$::subname = "$subname/stream$stream";

			# Handle is the server, set up a new stream
			if ( $handle == $::server ) {
				my $newhandle = $::server->accept;
				$stream = fileno $newhandle;
				$::select->add( $newhandle );
				$::streams{$stream}{buffer} = '';
				$::streams{$stream}{handle} = $newhandle;
				logAdd "New connection: Stream$stream", 'main/new';

			# Handle is an existing stream with data to read
			# NOTE: we should disconnect after certain size limit
			# - Process (and remove) all complete messages from this peer's buffer
			elsif ( sysread $handle, my $input, 10000 ) {
				$::streams{$stream}{buffer} .= $input;
				if ( $::streams{$stream}{buffer} =~ s/^(.*\r?\n\r?\n\x00?)//s ) {
					processMessage( $stream, $_ ) for split /\r?\n\r?\n\x00?/, $1;

			# Handle is an existing stream with no more data to read
			else {
				$::select->remove( $handle );
				delete $::streams{$stream};
				logAdd "Stream$stream disconnected.";


# Process an incoming HTTP message
sub processMessage {
	my ( $stream, $msg ) = @_;
	my $handle = $::streams{$stream}{handle};
	my $headers = '';
	my $http = '200 OK';
	my $respond = 1;
	my $date = strftime "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime;
	my $article = $::deny;

	# Extract info from the HTTP GET request
	my ( $title, $ct, $ver ) =
		$msg =~ /GET\s+\/+(.*?)(\/(.+))?\s+(HTTP\/[0-9.]+)/ ? ( $1, $3, $4 ) : ( $peer, '', 'HTTP/1.1' );

	# If request authenticates service it, else return 401
	if ( $ct =~ /^cmd/ ? ( $msg =~ /Authorization: Basic (\w+)/ and decode_base64($1) eq "$::peer:$::pwd1" ) : 1 ) {

		# Process a command
		if ( $ct =~ /^cmd(.*)/ ) {
			logAdd "Executing $title command.";
			$article = '<pre>'.command($title).'</pre>';
			$ct = '' if $1 ne '/raw';

		# Process request from other peer or peer-related process
		# - doesn't return an HTTP response
		elsif ( $ct =~ /^peer\/(.*)/ ) {
			my $type = $1;
			logAdd "PEER command \"$title\" received from an instance of \"$type\"";

			# peerd-child is doing initial connection, keep handle in global scope
			# - peerd could talk back here over this stream, but doesn't currently
			if ( $title eq 'connect' and $type eq 'peerd' ) {
				$::peerdHandle = $handle;

			# Forward any commands from XmlWiki to peerd unchanged
			elsif ( $type eq 'notify-peer.php' ) {
				print $::peerdHandle "$title/$type\x00" if defined $::peerdHandle;

			# SWF initiating connection, ask peerd to connect back on a new stream for a session
			elsif ( $title eq 'connect' and $type eq 'interface' ) {
				# Send stream-id of swf, so we know which one is wanted by the connection back from peerd
				print $::peerdHandle "connect-request/stream$stream\x00" if defined $::peerdHandle;
				# Remove the handle from this ( context, but don't close it
				# - also keep our local %stream info to give to session-handler
				$::select->remove( $handle );

			# peerd is connecting back from session request, so we can now spawn the session-handler
			elsif ( $title eq 'session' and $type =~ /^peerd\/stream([0-9]+)/ ) {
				# Spawn a new session-handler child and pass the peerd and peer.swf stream-handles
				spawn 'sessionHandler', $handle, $::streams{$1}{handle};
				# We can remove the interface from %streams now too
				delete $::streams{$1};

			# These peer requests don't want HTTP returned currently
			$respond = 0;

		# Process request for raw SWF
		elsif ( $ct eq 'application/x-shockwave-flash' ) {
			$headers .= "Content-Disposition: inline;filename=$::peer.swf\r\n";
			logAdd "SWF movie \"$title\" requested";
			$article = readFile $title;

		# Process request for SWF embedded in HTML
		elsif ( $ct eq 'swf' ) {
			my $width = 640;
			my $height = 480;
			my $file = "/$::peer.swf/application/x-shockwave-flash";
			$article = "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\"
	width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" id=\"$file\" align=\"\"
	type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"$file\">
	<param name=\"movie\" value=\"$file\">
	<param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\">
	<param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"cccccc\">
	<embed src=\"$file\" quality=\"high\" bgcolor=\"cccccc\"
		width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" align=\"\"
		name=\"$file\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\"
		pluginspage=\"\" />
			$ct = '';

		# If still non processed, treat request as local filename to return
		else {
			logAdd "$title($ct) requested";
			$article = readFile $title;

		# Render article
		unless ( $ct ) {
			$ct = 'text/html';
			my $tmp = $::template;
			$tmp =~ s/<!-- title -->/$title/g;
			$tmp =~ s/<!-- content -->/ wikiParse $article /e;
			$article = $tmp;
	else { $http = "401 Authorization Required\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"private\"" }

	# Send response back to requestor
	if ( $respond ) {
		$headers = "$ver $http\r\nDate: $date\r\nServer: $::daemon\r\n$headers";
		$headers .= "Content-Type: $ct\r\n";
		$headers .= "Connection: close\r\n";
		$headers .= "Content-Length: ".(length $article)."\r\n";
		print $handle "$headers\r\n$article";