From Organic Design wiki
use strict;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Net::POP3;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Sys::Hostname;
# Globals
our $client = LWP::UserAgent->new( cookie_jar => {} );
our %pops = (
'' => ['punk1729',''],
'' => ['','42']
our %wikis = (
'' => ['OrganicDesign','','Sonovapeer',''],
'' => ['Div0','','Sonovapeer','']
our %queue = (); # hash of list of list (domain/messages/fields)
our $peer = hostname; # Peer represents the host, so takes hostname.langext/role/instance/child...
$peer .= '.pl';
# get pop3-tasks and wiki-sync aspects running quanta-stylez from snipits
# that way they migrate to the nodal model much easier
# Set up output logging
sub logAdd {
my $entry = shift;
if ( open LOG, '>>', "$peer.log" ) {
print LOG localtime()." : $entry\n";
print localtime()." : $entry\n";
close LOG;
# Read in and execute a snipit
sub declare {
my $snipit = shift;
if ( open FH, '<', $snipit ) {
binmode FH;
sysread FH, my $code, 1000000;
close FH;
eval $code;
logAdd $@ if $@;
else { logAdd "Couldn't declare $snipit!" }
# Import wiki integration functions
declare '';
# should be some kind of class loop here
# Loop through all POP boxes (all items in this class)
while ( my($server, $info) = each %pops ) {
# Login in to this POP box
logAdd "$peer is retrieving messages from $server";
my $pop = Net::POP3->new( $server );
logAdd "Could not log in to $server!" unless $pop->login( @$info );
# Loop through all messages
my $list = $pop->list();
for my $id (keys %$list) {
# Get relevent message headers and content
my $msg = $pop->top($id, 1000);
# From
(my $from) = grep /^from:/i, @$msg;
$from =~ s/^.+?<(.+)>.*/$1/s;
# To
(my $to) = grep /^to:/i, @$msg;
$to =~ m/^.+?<(.+)@(.+)>.*/s;
$to = $1.'@'.$2;
# Page
my ($page, $domain) = ($1,$2);
$page =~ s/&&/&/g;
$page =~ s/&(..)/pack("c", hex($1))/eg;
$page =~ s/([^\w\-\.\@])/$1 eq "\n" ? "\n" : sprintf( "%%%2.2x", ord($1) )/eg;
# Subject
(my $subject) = grep /^subject:/i, @$msg;
$subject =~ s/^.+?:\s*(.*)(\r?\n)*/$1/;
# Delete message and queue by domain
logAdd "Message removed and task queued for $domain";
$msg = join '', @$msg;
$msg =~ s/^.+\r?\n\r?\n//sm;
$msg =~ s/\s+$//sm;
push @{$queue{$domain}}, [$from, $to, $subject, $page, $msg];
# Logout of this POP
while ( my ($domain, $tasks) = each %queue ) {
if ( exists $wikis{$domain} ) {
# Log in to associated wiki
my ($name, $wiki, $user, $pass) = @{$wikis{$domain}};
wikiLogin( $wiki, $user, $pass );
# Loop through all the tasks queued for this wiki
for my $task ( @$tasks ) {
my ($from, $to, $subject, $page, $msg) = @$task;
# Get the current content of the page
my $content = wikiRawPage( $wiki, $page );
$content = '' if $content eq '(There is currently no text in this page)';
$content = "----\n$content";
# Prepend the new message and sign
$subject = "(Email edit by $from) $subject";
my $ts = strftime "%H:%M, %e %b %Y (NZDT)", localtime;
$content = "$msg\n:[mailto:$from $from] $ts\n$content";
# Write the new content back to the wiki
wikiPageEdit( $wiki, $page, $content, $subject );
# Log out of wiki
wikiLogout( $wiki );
else { logAdd "No rules for $domain" }