From Organic Design wiki
use SWF qw(:ALL);
use Image::Magick;
# Process a message from SWF interface-instance
# - requests can require rendering of layers from SVG source using PerlMagick
sub swfHandleRequest {
my $article = shift;
return $article;
# Compile a SWF interface for this peer
sub swfCompile {
my $output = '';
# Create new SWF movie instance
my $swf = new SWF::Movie();
$swf->setBackground( 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc );
$swf->setDimension( 1024, 768 );
# Import peer.as
my $file = 'peer.as';
my @stat = stat( $file );
$output = logAdd "Compiling \"$file\" ($stat[7] bytes)\n";
my $as = $swf->frame_action( 1 );
$as->load( $file );
# Frame 2: Nodal reduction (main)
my $as = $swf->frame_action( 2 );
$as->compile( 'space.reduce();' );
# Frame 3: Loop back to frame 2
my $as = $swf->frame_action(3);
# Output resultant SWF file (compress)
$swf->save( my $file = "$::peer.swf", 9 );
my @stat = stat( $file );
$output .= logAdd "\nSWF Instance compiled: $file ($stat[7] bytes)\n";
return $output;