From Organic Design wiki
Revision as of 19:08, 1 November 2006 by Bender (talk | contribs) (Caretaker: cat in Domain names, Format cat links, Format links)

  • uses WYSIWYG interface
  • they have a really cool image on their website:

and then check out this interesting post by their VP of sales comparing forums with wikis:

Team selling and leveraging your resources (The number one rule in sales!) Last week, a prospect asked me for a comparison between Forums and Wikis for creating a community. "Good question," I thought, "do we have any collateral on that?" A quick search of our corporate wiki didn't show anything promising. So I posted a wiki page called "Forums vs Wikis" with a few starting comments and the purpose of the page, knowing that our team of 30 constantly watches the "What's New" section of our wiki. Within four hours, five team members, including engineers, had contributed to the wiki page with numerous revisions. I had basically a final version that I simply exported as a Word doc, tweaked with final formatting, and emailed to the customer. Hmmm... the ability to dynamically leverage my internal resources and create immediate content for customer facing activities -- pretty cool. This plays into the whole "wisdom of crowds" and "power of the many" ideas too, in that I could have gone to one or two people in marketing and asked, but would it have been as good and as timely? Probably not.

-Kris Duggan | Vice President, Sales

Transparency. Here at Socialtext, we use SugarCRM and also publish comments and activities for our accounts into our sales wiki using "wiki web services". Watching the "What's New" page, you can quickly see what is happening across the entire team at the account level. A quick read at the end of the day or prior to a strategy session provides immediate context on our pipeline growth, opportunities for coaching, and overall level of activity across the team. I've never seen this level of openness available in a stand-alone CRM tool, and I think the combined solution is quite unique and powerful.