Category:I am that
- Dialogues of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
That in whom reside all beings and who resides in all beings, who is the giver of
grace to all, the Supreme Soul of the universe, the limitless being -- I am that.
- -- Amritbindu Upanishad
That which permeates all, which nothing transcends and which, like the universal
space around us, fills everything completely from within and without, that
Supreme non-dual Brahman -- that thou art.
- -- Sankaracharya
The seeker is he who is in search of himself.
Give up all questions except one: ‘Who am I?’ After all, the only fact you are sure
of is that you are. The ‘I am’ is certain. The ‘I am this’ is not. Struggle to
find out what you are in reality.
To know what you are, you must first investigate and know what you are not. Discover all that you are not -- body, feelings thoughts, time, space, this or that -- nothing, concrete or abstract, which you perceive can be you. The very act of perceiving shows that you are not what you perceive.
The clearer you understand on the level of mind you can be described in negative terms only, the quicker will you come to the end of your search and realise that you are the limitless being.
- -- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Pages in category "I am that"
The following 112 pages are in this category, out of 112 total.
- 1. The Sense of ‘I am’
- 2. Obsession with the body
- 3. The Living Present
- 4. Real World is Beyond the Mind
- 5. What is Born must Die
- 6. Meditation
- 7. The Mind
- 8. The Self Stands Beyond Mind
- 9. Responses of Memory
- 10. Witnessing
- 11. Awareness and Consciousness
- 12. The Person is not Reality
- 13. The Supreme, the Mind and the Body
- 14. Appearances and the Reality
- 15. The Jnani
- 16. Desirelessness, the Highest Bliss
- 17. The Ever-Present
- 18. To Know What you Are, Find What you Are Not
- 19. Reality lies in Objectivity
- 20. The Supreme is Beyond All
- 21. Who am I?
- 22. Life is Love and Love is Life
- 23. Discrimination leads to Detachment
- 24. God is the All-doer, the Jnani a Non-doer
- 25. Hold on to ‘I am’
- 26. Personality, an Obstacle
- 27. The Beginningless Begins Forever
- 28. All Suffering is Born of Desire
- 29. Living is Life’s only Purpose
- 30. You are Free NOW
- 31. Do not Undervalue Attention
- 32. Life is the Supreme Guru
- 33. Everything Happens by Itself
- 34. Mind is restlessness Itself
- 35. Greatest Guru is Your Inner Self
- 36. Killing Hurts the Killer, not the Killed
- 37. Beyond Pain and Pleasure there is Bliss
- 38. Spiritual Practice is Will Asserted and Re-asserted
- 39. By Itself Nothing has Existence
- 40. Only the Self is Real
- 41. Develop the Witness Attitude
- 42. Reality can not be Expressed
- 43. Ignorance can be Recognised, not Jnana
- 44. 'I am' is True, all else is Inference
- 45. What Comes and Goes has no Being
- 46. Awareness of Being is Bliss
- 47. Watch Your Mind
- 48. Awareness is Free
- 49. Mind Causes Insecurity
- 50. Self-awareness is the Witness
- 51. Be Indifferent to Pain and Pleasure
- 52. Being Happy, Making Happy is the Rhythm of Life
- 53. Desires Fulfilled, Breed More Desires
- 54. Body and Mind are Symptoms of Ignorance
- 55. Give up All and You Gain All
- 56. Consciousness Arising, World Arises
- 57. Beyond Mind there is no Suffering
- 58. Perfection, Destiny of All
- 59. Desire and Fear: Self-centred States
- 60. Live Facts, not Fancies
- 61. Matter is Consciousness Itself
- 62. In the Supreme the Witness Appears
- 63. Notion of Doership is Bondage
- 64. Whatever pleases you, Keeps you Back
- 65. A Quiet Mind is All You Need
- 66. All Search for Happiness is Misery
- 67. Experience is not the Real Thing
- 68. Seek the Source of Consciousness
- 69. Transiency is Proof of Unreality
- 70. God is the End of All Desire and Knowledge
- 71. In Self-awareness you Learn about Yourself
- 72. What is Pure, Unalloyed, Unattached is Real
- 73. Death of the Mind is Birth of Wisdom
- 74. Truth is Here and Now
- 75. In Peace and Silence you Grow
- 76. To Know that You do not Know, is True Knowledge
- 77. 'I' and 'Mine' are False Ideas
- 78. All Knowledge is Ignorance
- 79. Person, Witness and the Supreme
- 80. Awareness
- 81. Root Cause of Fear
- 82. Absolute Perfection is Here and Now
- 83. The True Guru
- 84. Your Goal is Your Guru
- 85. ‘I am’: The Foundation of all Experience
- 86. The Unknown is the Home of the Real
- 87. Keep the Mind Silent and You shall Discover
- 88. Knowledge by the Mind, is not True Knowledge
- 89. Progress in Spiritual Life
- 90. Surrender to Your Own Self
- 91. Pleasure and Happiness
- 92. Go Beyond the l-am-the-body Idea
- 93. Man is not the Doer
- 94. You are Beyond Space and Time
- 95. Accept Life as it Comes
- 96. Abandon Memories and Expectations
- 97. Mind and the World are not Separate
- 98. Freedom from Self-identification
- 99. The Perceived can not be the Perceiver
Media in category "I am that"
This category contains only the following file.
- Nisargadatta.jpg 180 × 216; 7 KB